The first PDO MIDI

Gigantic Fleet

It’s pretty good IMO.

Cool :slight_smile: it’s pretty good indeed

Not bad at all. There is one bit where the lead isn’t loud enough though (its at about 1:00). I’ll have a play with it in WinGroove and see if I can sort out that prob.


Perhaps you’d like to let the guy know who made it where the problem is? His email address is:

EDIT: There’s some more information here if it’s any help.

Hey I can’t hear it.It plays n stops plays n stops…


Do you have Winamp, Gehn?

If so, right click on the link and choose “Save Target As” and save to the desktop. You can then open Winamp and open the file up from there.

I can’t believe how spot on that is.

Pretty good. You’d be surprised how long I’ve been waiting for some PDO midis. I hope he does dragonmare theme and the 2nd level boss one next.

wow, that’s great! if more MIDIs were like that I’d have tonnes downloaded on me comp…