The Favourite Character Topic

Azel & Gash because they always had an impact when they were on stage. Much more than the impressionable Edge.

Also, Captain Evren gets the “Holy &%$*, She’s Gone Ballistic!” honorary award. Not bad for someone whose face we never seen. :stuck_out_tongue:

My favorite character(s):

The Ancients - without them, the Panzer Dragoon universe would not be as interesting as it is. Add that in with the fact that the Ancients are still a mystery to the players, even at this point - which just adds to the many questions that remain unanswered. Therefore, they get my vote.

i liked kyle. simple hunter out in the wasteland who was handed a mission that was far larger than his scope, but did it anyway. i think ending image of lagi sleeping next to campfire while kyle is looking at him conveyed a lot about what he was thinking.

abadd was insane, which made him cool :slight_smile:

and saga wouldn’t have been nearly as good with the common villain, which is why craymen was so good.

I’d go with Paet, definitely. But, I’m always a sucker for the one character in the game/movie/book who isn’t dead serious all the damn time.

The Blue Dragon

He is a dragon.
He can fly.
He blows stuff up.
He helps people(by blowing up other people).[/quote]

Same reasons plus in PDS he can morph into thousands of forms and use berserks that are weapons of mass destruction.

ORTA.: because she’s hot!

Zastava: I just thought he was a really cool character. I saw him as the PD world’s Hannibal Lector, although he seemed a bit more human IMO.

Orta: I liked her story, and I liked the way the ending has been left open for her to carve her own destiny.

I’ve always thought that Kyle was an interesting character, simply because although we take on his role for the entirity of PD1 he remains almost a complete mystery to us. He doesn’t speak a single line of dialogue in the game*, adding to the absolutely mysterious nature of the first two Panzer stories; we don’t even find out his name until later on.

From a purely aesthetic point of view too, I’ve always thought that Kyle looked slightly cooler than the other male dragon riders - Lundi looks really young (I seem to remember he’s meant to be about 12), and Edge has a really “questionable” hairstyle…

(*although one of the voices saying “A battleship?” “Is it one of ours?” is arguably Kyle’s.)

I really liked Gash, i liked the way his relationship developed with Edge and Lagi, and
made me sad at the ending where he is waiting in the valley… with his hopes crushed…

Favorite Characters:

Lagi: Dragons amuse me. Actually, if it wasn’t for Lagi (and a friend of mine) I would never have begun playing Panzer Dragoon in the first place.

Azel: … There is no reason to like her. She’s just… Cool…

Orta: DON’T HIT ME! Orta reminds me of me in a way… Confused, confused, confused, confused. And she doesn’t know her dad. There’s that connection…

Edge: I would explain cracks knuckles but then I’d have to kill you.

Edge: I would explain cracks knuckles but then I’d have to kill you.[/quote]

Well, I’m scared and confused.

Those are the emotions I am targeting for. smiles