The Expected Enemy

I was kinda dissapointed The Expected Enemy (aka the Guardian Dragon) didn’t reappear in Orta. It would have been an epic battle, and if they remade the music the soundtrack would be buyworthy. I gotta say that its possibly the best boss battle music from any game I’ve played. Anyone share my sentiments?

I was just upset that it wasn’t on the Memorial Soundtrack. Since Zwei soundtracks are pretty unavailable, it’s hard to get ahold of an authentic CD that has that on it.

But yes, I think that’s the best boss music from any game. With the possible exception of ‘Dragon God’ from Chrono Cross. Kinda a toss-up there, IMO.

kills self as he realizes which forum he posted this in

moves the topic before Atolmazel slits his throat

Ehem… yes it is a fantastic piece of music. I think the reason the Guardian dragon didn’t reappear in Orta was because it was truely dead after Edge fought it in Saga. Remember how Gash says that some beasts can not truely die until their purposes are fulfilled? Since Shelcoof was completely taken out in PDS, the Guardian Dragon would have no purpose left so I think it is safe to assume that it gone for good.

I agree too, it is one of the best music piecies I have ever heard. Also one of my favorite boss fights of both of the games.

Although I do have a copy of the song, there are some other music piciese I am still looking for. Like the music box one from Saga. I like that one.

Was this it?
I remember that there were several; that could have been one of them.

Since I can, I’m gonna chime in and give my vote for Best Boss Music to Dream Force Master from NiGHTS.

And what’s the deal with the song not being in Saga’s soundtrack
I mean it was a remix(extended) version.
does anyone recall or has it???

[quote=“He Who Is The Sky”]And what’s the deal with the song not being in Saga’s soundtrack
I mean it was a remix(extended) version.
does anyone recall or has it???[/quote]

I think this is the extended version:

I don’t get the difference. Does it just loop a bit or does it actually put new bits in? I’ll download it when I get home…

It has an extended New part…nothing major but it was there…and when I first heard it I was in awe that Team Andromeda took the time out to resample the music and then to add a twist…in Orta I was hoping to fight this beast again…as Gash said," there are somethings that could not be killed" this was obiviously one of them…and well deserved :slight_smile:

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

[quote=“He Who Is The Sky”]And what’s the deal with the song not being in Saga’s soundtrack
I mean it was a remix(extended) version.
does anyone recall or has it???[/quote]

I think this is the extended version:

WOW Thanks man

And thanks again Solo…you have been a huge help thus far

So it was the extended version then. I am a little unsure of the differences myself.

That track was from the Zwei OST though which is surprising. Maybe the track was extended for the OST and then used in-game for Panzer Dragoon Saga?

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]So it was the extended version then. I am a little unsure of the differences myself.

That track was from the Zwei OST though which is surprising. Maybe the track was extended for the OST and then used in-game for Panzer Dragoon Saga?[/quote]

I’d buy that…they did work on Saga at the same time as Zwei(roughly)

Ahhh, that would explain stuff.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Was this it?
I remember that there were several; that could have been one of them.[/quote]

Yes, that is the one, but I am looking for it as a music box version.


[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Was this it?
I remember that there were several; that could have been one of them.[/quote]

Yes, that is the one, but I am looking for it as a music box version.[/quote]

I don’t think it exists on any of the albums, but someone here might be able to rip it directly from the game for you.

:’( - Poor Insect looking dragon…

Anyways - I never heard the Zwei Expected Enemy… So i take it it is different to the one on the OST? at first I used to call the Guardian Dragon the cauliflower boss:P dont ask…
2. Hey Solo, you think you could find any more music in the form of MP3’s for me? me useless at it…even though I scan everywhere for it…if it on this site I’ll kill my self! I love the PD2/PDS music, it just rocks. Cheers!

A good site for Saturn soundtracks is:

It has the Azel Complete Album as well as some music from Panzer Dragoon Zwei (although not the OST from what I can see).