I must admit, I never finished Morrowind, nor liked it all that much. The game world certainly was large and impressive, with heaps to do and explore, but it felt quite ‘dead’ to me. The combat system just didn’t feel right, and talking to the NPCs seemed more like querying a database than talking to a real person.
After reading an article on the Elder Scrolls IV, it sounds like Bethesda is planning on fixing most of the problems in Morrowind. It uses a more action oriented battle system, but with stats and stuff in the background which determine how successful your attacks are. They’ve also devised a new map system and a complex AI system for every NPC in the game. Apparently all the NPCs are now fully voice acted; although I remain skeptical about how good this will be… here’s hoping it won’t be really repetitive like in Fable. However, if they manage to pull all this off successfully, then it could turn out to be something rather special…
It’s not that I think Morrowind is the worst RPG ever, it’s just that it didn’t appeal enough to motivate me to keep playing. I know everyone plays RPGs more different reasons, and for me the characters need to be interesting and non repetitive, like in games like Panzer Dragoon Saga or KOTOR. Or if not, then there needs to be a fun combat system to make up for that (Shining Force). Morrowind seemed to be lacking in those two areas, as far as I can see, although I can’t comment on the overall story because as I said before, I never finished it (maybe one day I will, though).
That’s not to say that I thought every part of Morrowind was utter crap, because it wasn’t. It’s amazing that the developers were able to create such a huge world, and the game had some powerful music, as well as heaps of customization.
I don’t like the utter realism of the guy’s face believe it or not.I’ve been checking news about this game but I told myself I wouldn’t buy/play before I picked up Morrowind.And at the time I don’t know if I will…
You know, when I bought a copy of Morrowind for my brother, he almost failed his business degree. Maybe I should keep him away from the next game. Far away.
Like many people, he loved being free to explore the huge, almost boundless world Morrowind provided.
Morrowind wasn’t perfect, but it took a huge leap in the right direction nevertheless. I can only hope that more games follow in its footsteps (I also can’t help but wonder what Bethesda has planned for Fallout 3).