The difference betweena Khourieat and a Coolia

Uru (not just me but according to Jubah’s words you just quoted) are the ruins.The ruins beeing the Ancient Age’s constructions.

The town was were Jubah was born I believe.Since he wasn’t born in the Ancient Age…when he says ruins he doens’t mean the town ruins but the Ancient architectural creations.

As far as I can remember, the English PDS script uses “Uru” to refer to the region that the lake is in, the lake itself and also the ruins in the lake; characters usually call them the “ruins of Uru”, but sometimes that’s shortened to just “Uru”. However, the mini-encyclopedia on Team Andromeda’s old website seems to imply that Uru is just the lake itself; (Babelfish Engrish ahead):


The enormous lake which is Higasibata of the remote region. The water where this much purity is high the place where it has gotten together being the world, because it is little, is called “the place where the water of the world gets together” from the hunters. Before 20 years above there was a town even here, but being swallowed in the water which increases now it has sunk. In addition, it is said that there is a ruins of enormous old century in this Ur furthermore inner part, but in the attack characteristic living thing there is no record that rare those which arrive are. Also this water probably occurs perhaps from that ruins.

… it’s probably easier to see where the “Ul” translation came from in this case.

Is there no communication at ALL?Geez…

At least that was basically the only different spelling in the game… oh and some of the Memory Orbs in Sestren were reworded slightly, although I suspect that could have been a case of improving the old translations.

Uru/Ul aside, Panzer Dragoon Orta consisted of a damn good translation IMO.

The localization sux0rz!!!11!!!eleven!!!1! :anjou_love:

Apologies for dredging up what seems to be a settled matter, but I was pottering about the Encyclopaedia section in my copy of Orta and chanced across a little tidbit of text which further ratifies that a Khourieat is, indeed, no more than an alternate name for a Coolia - In the entry under “Lagi”, the accompanying text mentions that “Lagi was originally born a mutant Coolia”. Hence, by lagi being both a “mutant Khourieat” and “mutant Coolia”, we make the logical connection that the Khourieat and the Coolia are one and the same.


How do you pronounce such a peculiar term as “Khourieat”? I’ve personally always thought of it as “K-awe-ee-at”, but scrutinising the term there could be expressions as diverse as “Koo-ur-i-eet” or “K’hoo-ree-yat”. What would you believe to be authentic? :anjou_happy:

Fortunately, Lundi’s Panzerese voice-over pronounces the word at the start of the Panzer Dragoon Zwei opening sequence; “The blue-white light, which the mutated Khourieat emits”. If I remember correctly, it comes out sounding like “Koo-reea”. I’m not entirely sure why a “t” was added onto the end of that spelling…

Japanese can’t pronounce a single “t” at the end of a word, it will always sound like “to” or “ts(u)”.
“Coolia” is pretty much the way to pronounce the japanese name. If you want to pronounce a japanese “u” you could place your lips without any tension like saying the english word “sir” and then say the english “oo” like in “cool” (without tension, don’t make your lips look like you are drinking with a straw)