The Best of the Playstation 2

So rather than buying a new console or gaming PC, I’ve decided to live in the past for a while and catch up on some games from the last generation that I missed. Being primary an Xbox user (when it came to consoles), I missed out on a fair few titles that were released only for the PS2.

So far, the only game I’ve actually finished for PS2 is Ico. I’m part way through Shadow of the Colossus at the moment.

Any game suggestions would be welcomed. I like games with good stories. This tends to be a rare thing in gaming, but I’ll try any game where I can become immersed in the world and lore of the game world. I also like games that consist of a bit of strategy, rather than mindless grinding. But, if a game is fun, I’ll try it.

So, what are the best, must play games on the Playstation 2?

I’m thinking of giving Okami a try, and perhaps Soul Calibur III since I’ve played through the other two SC games and enjoyed them. The Suikoden series sounds interesting, but is it any good ‘in practice’?

Dragon Quest VIII, Persona 4, Disgaea and other Atlus games, Okami certainly, Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil 4 (inferior port but still a good game), one of the Final Fantasy games, whichever was the best, Suikoden III, Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence, Kingdom Hearts, Zone of the Enders 2, Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, and others, I guess.

Gradius V , Persona IV , Yakuza I and II , God of War 1 and II (first is much better) , DMC (don’t waste your time with the sequels) , Grandia III , Dragon Quest 8 , FF 12

If for some reason you have yet to play Rez, then Rez (alternatively, the definitive Rez HD on Live Arcade).
And if you have played Rez, go play some more to remind yourself of how wonderful it is.

Alright, now, if you’re a shmup fan Gradius V, R-Type Final, and Castle Shikigami 2 are all recommended titles. Gradius is full of the balls-to-the-wall lunacy and imaginative design of a Treasure title, R-Type is so chock-full of aircraft that you are guaranteed to find something that you love using to blow the ever-loving hell out of your enemies with, and Castle Shikigami has a translation that is so far beyond unbelievably bad that it ranks among the most hilarious experiences ever.

I’d also say Shadow of the Colossus, but it seems you have that covered.

I started playing through this some time ago, but for various reasons, never finished it. I guess I’m slow when it comes to playing through games.

Al3x - would you recommend playing through Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 before the third?

Thanks for the suggestions, guys, I’ll be checking out some of these titles.

The first is my personal favorite but I didn’t care much for MGS2. MGS3 isn’t a direct sequel, set years before even the first Solid game, so you can skip 2 altogether if you’re so inclined. Gameplay wise and visually it’s very good but the storyline really ruined it for me. The first is no less absurd at times, but it has a different level of quality to it.

If you find the first too outdated however, feel free and head directly to the third, though I’m sure it won’t be an issue for you like it is for others. Just make sure it’s the improved Subsistence version which comes complete with a new camera control system.

If we include PS1 games like MGS then there’s tons more to suggest.

Since you said you like games with good stories, I’ll warn you that I give Sons of Liberty the distinction of having the absolute worst story I have ever seen. Out of ANY medium.
Plus, the third-person camera that MGS3 Subsistence introduced pretty much obsoletes the top-down perspective used by its predecessors.

If they’re must play games, I’d be happy to hear PS1 game suggestions. I have a modded PS2, so can run games from any territory as well.

Devil May Cry is fun. It can feel like mindless shooting and dodging in part, but it certainly takes some skill to master the timing. It’s not a casual game. The fixed camera angles can be frustrating at times, but it’s definitely action packed. Keeps you on your toes. Your thumbs will be red.

Other than some of the great suggestions here, I would also recommend Soul Reaver 2 (being a huge Raziel fan). The games are known to have a few puzzles and it’s quite story-driven. I rather like the whole lore of Nosgoth and the Pillars, fate versus free will, etc. And if you’re a big geek like me, you’ll enjoy the bonus material including behind the scenes voice sessions as well as outtakes.

You may also look into the original Onimusha. I can’t claim to know much of the sequels, but I enjoyed the first one.

I have Final Fantasy XII, but I have not completed it. I like it so far, though I’m only about 2 hours into it. =P Though it’s had mixed reviews, I really like FFX. I like that Tidus wasn’t your stereotypical anti-hero. He actually seems like a believable character, albeit somewhat whiney. He plays a more realistic role, as someone would genuinely react in his situation. Also, the ability to switch characters in your party mid-battle is brilliant.

I really, really want to play Okami. I need to just freaking buy it. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it.

Xenogears, Grandia, Symphony of the Night, Vagrant Story, Alundra, Parasite Eve (1), Final Fantasy Tactics. All these are still worth it, imo.

Most of these don’t have next-gen sequels or similar titles that surpass them.

Grandia is a must, since you may wanna play what we “should” have gotten on the Saturn back in the day, yet the release stayed in Japan until much later where it was ported to the Station and released internationally. It doesn’t hurt that it’s great.

I suppose you could get Dawn of Sorrow on the DS instead of Symphony of the Night, but the latter is kind of the original and the largest metroidvania yet, before they felt they had to add strange new gameplay hooks to entice players, which doesn’t always work.

Xenogears is Square’s best effort of the era despite some shortcomings. It feels very unfinished in places for sure, but the overall product is still good, and in my opinion has similar mystique to the Panzer Dragoon world at times. The Gears in question are weapons unearthed with excavations of the powerful nations after all.

Parasite Eve’s story is kind of like Deep Fear except actually done very well, involving biological stuff with a dose of the supernatural, while the gameplay’s kind of a survival horror JRPG, with conventions from both genres, though mostly the latter.

Final Fantasy Tactics, the original. Well, it’s my favorite tactics game and has my favorite story but I suppose if the story doesn’t hook you then there are other tactics games to go for just as well, but due to its nature it doesn’t really feel outdated anyway. It plays similarly to Tactics Ogre titles with a Final Fantasy skin for the item names, the fauna, etc. The story felt pretty epic at the time, despite the shoddy translation. There’s a PSP re-release to consider. It replaces many cut scenes with CG anime that is not always successful, but the new translation’s told to be much better.

Vagrant Story’s gameplay is kind of an evolution of the system in Parasite Eve. It’s more varied and has a combo system and other elements. The pace however is not similar at all, so if you dislike one, you should still try the other. The story is of course completely different and at times feels like a fantasy Metal Gear Solid, though it often goes to JRPG shenanigans that are no less engaging. I think this is one of Square’s best efforts also, though the gameplay later focuses too much on block puzzles which kind of stops the game from feeling like a true classic. The art style is a dark and gritty evolution of the art style used in Final Fantasy Tactics. I love it in both games, but it’s more prominent in this.

Alundra, well, it’s the PlayStation’s Zelda. It’s 2D so it shouldn’t feel too outdated itself.


Parasite Eve’s story is kind of like Deep Fear except actually done very well, involving biological stuff with a dose of the supernatural, while the gameplay’s kind of a survival horror JRPG, with conventions from both genres, though mostly the latter.[/quote]

I love Parasite Eve.

And if you plan on heading back to PS1, I would highly recommend Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee and Abe’s Exoddus. Those two games are what made me want to go to art school.

My top ‘must play’ PS2 games I’d definitely recommend to you Solo are:

Rouge Galaxy- wonderful story, art direction, music and characters, fun battle system, never got boring for me as the environments feel large on a grand scale and just beautiful to look at.

Final Fantasy 10- my favorite FF, great character development charming epic story

Beyond Good and Evil-This is hands down one of my favorite PS2 games. The world is rich and diverse. Lots of animal life. The game is overall short and sweet, just as it should be.

Ys: The Ark of Naphistim-A great action RPG with great music, fun battle system. It’s what you’d expect from the Ys series if you’ve played the other games in the series.


Since you said you like games with good stories, I’ll warn you that I give Sons of Liberty the distinction of having the absolute worst story I have ever seen. Out of ANY medium.
Plus, the third-person camera that MGS3 Subsistence introduced pretty much obsoletes the top-down perspective used by its predecessors.[/quote]

Couldn’t agree more , the story , much like the game in MGS II is a joke. Shame as wile you’re on the tanker , the game is brilliant , it all goes down hill from then onwards

Katamari Damacy
We <3 Katamari

These aren’t really immersive, story-heavy games but they are TONS OF FUN! And full of weirdness.

Also there was a “Metal Slug Anthology” released for the PS2 which is great if you like run & gun games.

Katamari :anjou_love:

God of War 1 and 2.

For the love of all that is holy, God of War 1 and 2.

Of what’s been suggested that I’ve also played:

God of War… awesome production, and very solid gameplay. Like so many other action beat-em-ups, it’s a victim of the fact of having played Ninja Gaiden though… it gets very chore-ish for me. Still a lot to recommend it, basically mandatory to at least try if you like the genre.

I was more into the original DMC, but then I hadn’t played NG yet… somehow I think it’d be a lot harder to play retroactively now, but I do consider Devil May Cry a legitimate classic. But it’s also legitimately a cheap punk ass game.

I like Okami a lot, didn’t finish it yet, though I more or less intend to… somewhat Zelda-by-the-numbers-ish - certainly not a bad thing in and of itself, and it’s expertly crafted all round - so while it is very fresh in many ways, the underlying experience seems mostly what one expects from a Japanese ARPG.

Otherwise… Sky Odyssey is still my fave PS2 game. (SotC a very close second now) It is still a flight sim in the end, and so only for those who’d like that sort of thing.

I was really impressed by Champions of Norrath actually, an acquaintance raved about it so much I picked it up on a whim when I noticed some copies last year. I think it’s hands down the most visually impressive PS2 game, and the combat response is nicer than most pure action games. I kinda wish I’d had the chance to really play online, but it almost seems better tuned as a single player game anyway. The story wont set your world on fire or anything, obviously, but it’s well presented. Basically it’s a beat-em-up dungeon crawler, just like their Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance games, but superior in every way, far more improved in fact than I’d ever imagined it could be.

Shadow of the Colossus complete. I found a few games in the cupboard which I’d forgotten about, so I’m working my way through Shinobi and Headhunter at the moment before moving on to the suggestions listed here.

So far, the most popular suggestions seem to be:

Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence
God of War 1 and 2
Dragon Quest VIII
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy X
Devil May Cry
Gradius V
Persona IV
Parasite Eve
Katamari series

This gives me a good subset of games to choose from.

From what I’ve seen of this series, it appears to be fairly story driven. Should I go back and play Blood Omen and Soul Reaver first?

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

From what I’ve seen of this series, it appears to be fairly story driven. Should I go back and play Blood Omen and Soul Reaver first?[/quote]

I’ve actually not played Blood Omen (shame, shame, I know), but you can find it on Amazon… I would run through Soul Reaver, yes. Kinda helps you appreciate the complexity of things, though they offer in game timelines and many allusions to cause and effect in the history of the story and mythology.