The All See Eye on Zwei?s tents

Whats do you think it means?

Which eye would that be?

Replay Zwei?s episode 2 and take a close look at the tents at the begining of the level.

Looks like an all see eye.
It’s the hunter (?) tents, coolia riders sprout from them…

I don’t know about the eye… Just a random tribal design maybe?

Then again, all the tents have the same one (but, it was easier for TA to produce)…

It’s the hunter (?) tents, coolia riders sprout from them…

I don’t know about the eye… Just a random tribal design maybe?

Then again, all the tents have the same one (but, it was easier for TA to produce)…[/quote]

This is Panzer Dragoon, a game with one of the most intricate storys of the game industry.

I don?t think that an All See Eye on the top of a tent with a PYRAMID shape is just a coincidence or something whos there just because it was easier for Andromeda to do.

Most tents have that shape by their nature…

Also, it’s not exactly this eye:

The design is quite different, as the eye doesn’t complete the pyramid like it does here. And even if it was, in the Panzer world it most certainly couldn’t have the same meaning.

It just looks like “an” eye for now. Calling it “the” eye already is a little far fetched for me.

I also didn’t say they chose the eye because it was easier, I said it could repeat because it was easier. That doesn’t mean there’s no significance. More icons could certainly clue us in on what these things are for, so it’s sad they all are the exact same thing actually.

That is all.

It’s the eye of “the dragon”.

Or… one of the Zwei artists liked illuminati stuff and figured he could drive a few people crazy?

Those were TENTS!?

That being said, I never really thought about what they were. I just shot them anyway.

Ever wondered how Sestren kept an eye on Lagi? Well, now you know. :wink:

Perhaps the eye was designed to scare away enemies? It’s like a large monster eye.

So why did Lundi shoot these tents anyway? I say keep the trigger happy 14 year boys of the Panzer world locked up, not roaming loose on dragons! Perhaps Arcie as well by the sounds of things!

He didn’t if you didn’t :wink:

Same for the neutral coolia riders they spawn.

I don’t remember other neutral “enemies” you could lock onto, hmm.

I have a theory.

The All See Eye means: " A universal symbol representing spiritual sight, inner vision,** higher knowledge**, insight into occult mysteries."

Well, we learn in Saga that Sestren could know everything that happened in the world, she was even capable of recording talks from people.

The All See Eye might be the symbol of Sestren, and entity who know everything, who has HIGHER KNOWLADGE and knows the OCCULT MYSTERIES.

Maybe somene found Sestren?s symbol during one of the excavations and transported that symbol to other thing, like the tents, without actually knowing what it really meant.

“And even if it was, in the Panzer world it most certainly couldn’t have the same meaning.”

We are the Divine Visitor, so there is some connections between our world and PD world, so it doesn?t surprise me if TA used some symbols from our world into PD world with the exact same meaning.

Who knows, you could be onto something there Windrider.

There are other parallels between our world and the Panzer world, so perhaps this eye represents the Panzer world’s “version” of some symbolic eye in the real world.