Story of Orta and Lagi's mission


Orta means dawn in Panzerese. It’s have significance in the Panzer world itself. Moreover, I only don’t refer to revival of the Panzer series but word’s metaphoric mean too: hope/light. I think that’s the reason because of Azel give her daughter that name.
I already answered to the other statements in my previous post thought.[/quote]

You don’t believe Azel created Orta for a reason other than her newfound love for Edge? That may be, and yet there may be another reason. The Seekers thought they could use Orta for a start. Makes you wonder why and for what exactly.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Perhaps she will choose not to fulfill her’s, if she has one. Personally I think Azel was just talking about her drone abilities in general having the power to change the world, not a specific purpose. Orta did use her powers - or rather Lagi’s - to save the world from the dragonmares and Abadd.[/quote]

I still think Azel created her with a purpose in mind, though I’m willing to believe she was created out of love for Edge. I guess we’ll know when the next RPG arrives.

I already said that’s the main reason but I don’t exclude some other additional reasons. Orta has already desmostrated she has power to change things. She’s the hope Panzer world needs now. Empire, Seekers and Abadd wanted that power in order to fulfil their mission/desires. Orta means the tip of a sword too. That’s related well with my whole point of view.

I just don’t like the idea of one individual having so much power. Orta is portrayed as though she is heading in that direction.

I dont think Orta will directly have a huge amount of power, i feel that in the panzer world dragons have power…

However if Orta does have a sinister purpose then who know how much change she could bring to the world. It would be ironic though that Orta who was born of love unlike Azel who was designed with a purpose in mind would end up having a powerfull purpose.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]The Orta and Lagi bond was completely different from the others…

Something was missing…[/quote]

What was missing? I seemed simular to the other riders to me.

“I cant help but feel the story was a bit pointless. In Orta it is the first time that Lagi doesnt have a mission(as far as I can tell), he was completely driven by fondness for Orta”

You call that pointless?

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
What was missing? I seemed similar to the other riders to me.[/quote]

Orta talked wiht the dragon more; and the fact that she’s a girl changes it all…

Uh oh, watch out, Gehn! Last thing we need is a crowd of angry feminists!

“Who says girls can’t ride dragons and blow things up?!”

Orta talking to the dragon added to the bond, it didn’t take anything away. I still can’t see the logic in what you’re saying. And the fact that she’s a girl isn’t really the point… it’s still a bond between a dragon and a rider, one of the most important themes of the Panzer Dragoon series.

Brandt you miss what im trying to say when I said that it was pointless. I do not mean that the game was pointless or that the meeting of Orta and Lagi were pointless I mean that in terms of the panzer universe their mission seems pointless in comparrison to the last games. In all the other games Lagi must destroy a tower, this is a clear mission and the result has a dramatic change to the world. In contrast Orta has no main purpose and although there is certainly a big change at the end with a new dragon, there is no direct change to the world.

The snow scene where the dragon was hurt was nothing special IMO, do you honestly think exactly the same thing wouldnt have happened with the other riders? Infact I think that Edge would have let Lagi rest a bit rather than pushing him on.

Orta’s bond with Lagi is a much more uncertain one than the other rider’s, there is no real interaction between them. The other riders shared a common goal with the dragon and it needed them, Lagi did not need Orta. The original reason Lagi protects her is for Edge, not for Orta and there is no indication that this ever changes through the game. Lagi reveals nothing of his own past to Orta although he is probably capable of doing so. I am not trying to say that Orta and Lagi do not have a bond, it is obvious that Orta feels strongly for the dragon however there is no real substance to the bond. This may be because we know little about Orta(except her parentage) and cannot really connect with her as a character.

It’s very hard to explain but sometimes the Lundi/Lagi relation almost made me cry whereas the orta/Lagi one didn’t…

P.S. : This isn’t suppost to be logical :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]“Who says girls can’t ride dragons and blow things up?!”

Me!They can blow but they can ride…

…a horse doesn’t ride…


There are many things that Orta effects in the world… taking down the Imperials (along with the aid of the Wormriders), stopping Abadd, disabling the cradle, and destroying the unborn dragonmares. Ultimately Orta stopped the Empire from creating more dragonmares, freeing the world from a future age of terror (the intro says the Empire swept across the continent, wiping out all those who resisited). So, Orta did change much in the world… she stopped another Ancient Age (humanity controlling vast amounts of biotechnology) from becoming a reality which was perhaps an even greater achievement than destroying a Tower (although what the three Towers in the Saturn trilogy would have done should they have remained active remains unknown).

I can also see what vyper is saying here. I can’t deny that orta did a whole crap of stuff like you said there, but i think the main thing that separates orta’s mission with the other dragonriders is just that they are not connected with each other, with PDO getting the shorter end of the stick.

The empire wasn’t creating dragonmares in the other games, and it seemed as if the Empire was finaly wrecked at the end of Saga.

Wormriders? Nuff said…

The Orta vs. Abadd plot wasnt as climactic as compared with other Panzer Dragoon deathmatches

I’m not saying that Orta’s plot is completely irrelevant. It’s actually quite OK; i agree with you Solo, orta did make a big difference. Compared with the original trilogy though…

That’s all explained in Pandora’s Box. Most of the Empire’s fleet was wiped out which is why the majority of the ships look different in Panzer Dragoon Orta. The ships originally belonged to a different Empire.

The Ancients are dead, Sestren is dead, the future of the world is now in the hands of humanity. That was the ultimate point of Saga, and I’d hate to see Sestren brought back from the dead or some other childish plot device. Smilebit respected the fans of the Saturn trilogy when it came to the story but not undoing any of the events in the past games… they were all expanded on. The Towers and the Ancient’s legacy ended with Panzer Dragoon Saga… it’s time to move on. The Empire is the next biggest threat to the world after the Ancients. Mastering the powers of the Ancients could (in theory) make them become the new Ancients, so Orta’s mission to stop them was very important and relevant (although no Saga of course).

I agree: we need a new three part epic storyline, totally unrelated to the first trilogy of course. :wink: Perhaps servants of the ancients will forge their own destiny, or perhaps we haven’t seen all of these sentient beings the ancients created and enslaved. Regular mutants may band together to threaten the world. I feel that something new needs to enter the fray.

I don’t think of the modern Empire as a new Empire, but an old one with a new culture, groups of people, and better ships. It is the same Empire, only evolved (I think it may transform into something more noble). I can envision an Imperial civil war (PD Orta set that up as a future possibility, almost deliberately I might add…)

It may be cause I’m addicted to Shenmue 2 lately but I think a PD chapter with gameplay elements like Shenmue would be awesome!!

You would work to pay your things and stuff…

You could go to the bar, get a drink and play a PD-ish “money game” with some old hunter.
