Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Revealed … -Revealed/

I’m really looking forward to this;I mean, ILM is working with Lucas Arts!On paper the new technologies used for the game seem extra extra sweet.Will this be the game that finally does justice to the Jedi/Sith’s powers?

Episode III the video game was disappointing. Could this give me the Jedi kick I’ve been craving since Jedi Knight 2?

if its anything like that next gen jedi conept video, then this will be HOT

I hope they get it right. I’ve played a couple of Star Wars games before at friends houses and they’ve all been shit and I’ve never seen a SW game thats got really positive acclaim. Battlefront 2 is really good though.

In conclusion I don’t know why I want the game to do well, I just do. I don’t even like the films that much. … ov&pl=game … ov&pl=game

I urge everyone who still hasn’t to wacth these two clips which talk about two of the revolutionary technologies present in the game.Euphoria and DMM.

I like that sound of needing a powerful physics card to play videogames in the future.

I don’t. XD I’m running a P3 800mhz here.

I certainly hope the game doesn’t try to be too “badass” or a Star Wars game for the GTA crowd though. I like being a light sider in my Star Wars games. XD (Granted, there was mention of that option being there, but that might get my employer on my ass)

I don’t like the sound of “physics cards” being needed either. Developers have yet to start exploiting the multiple core CPUs and now they’ll start asking people to buy more additional processors? Physics in my opinion don’t require so specialised calculations and features as graphics do therefor I just see this as a marketing scheme by companies like Ageia or whoever it is that made the first PPUs.

Especially when some of the first games to use such things were the likes of GRAW which simply made explosions more impressive rather than affect gameplay in any way. Not to mention they probably held back on the non-PPU enabled systems since the effects in that case were much worse than in other titles that don’t make use of a PPU at all.

Soon enough four-core CPUs will be the standard (two-core are almost established by now), so simply have developers use the GPU for graphics (duh), the sound card for sound (again, duh), three of the four CPU cores for whatever necessary and the fourth core for physics.

Maybe it’s harder, I don’t know, but given a little time I’m sure that standard solutions will become apparent and every developer will be able to have the basic know how of how to implement such things to their game. Multi-core development is quite new at this time anyway.

Well I’m not really an specialist on this matter so I don’t really know if a physics card is needed.But what I meant was I like the ideaa that they are finally paying more attention to physics.Something that can improve gameplay a lot.Not just coolness factor.

This trailer is awesome.I just hope the core gameplay is solid.

[quote=“Jimkemon”]I’ve never seen a SW game thats got really positive acclaim.

Really!? You’ve never heard of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic? One of the highest-ranking RPGs on Gamerankings and similar sites… actually, one of the higher-ranked games of all-time, collectively… Hell, I cannot STAND watching any of the Star Wars movies, and yet I really enjoy KOTOR.

Anyway, Force Unleashed looks to be shaping up very well. Again, I’m not much for the SW universe, so when a developer can make a related product that actually interests me, I’d say they deserve some praise!


Not excited.

I like the trailer very much and hated at the same time. I mean, so many story spoilers!!! Surely that isn’t simply the beginning of the game!

Really!? You’ve never heard of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic? One of the highest-ranking RPGs on Gamerankings and similar sites… actually, one of the higher-ranked games of all-time, collectively… Hell, I cannot STAND watching any of the Star Wars movies, and yet I really enjoy KOTOR.

Anyway, Force Unleashed looks to be shaping up very well. Again, I’m not much for the SW universe, so when a developer can make a related product that actually interests me, I’d say they deserve some praise![/quote]

Don’t forget about the X-wing and Tie Fighter games and Jedi Knight games.

I might get the DS version at some point if I feel the need and it gets good reviews. It looks interesting but not mind-blowing.

I think it is a shame that LucasArts now makes Star Wars games exclusively now. I would much rather see another Monkey Island or Grim Fandango game.

I think it is a shame that LucasArts now makes Star Wars games exclusively now. I would much rather see another Monkey Island or Grim Fandango game.[/quote]

BAh, that’s what Double Fine is for. I hope Brutal Legend turns out as well as Psychonauts (I’ve no reason to doubt it).

Well, the idea with a physics card is that it already has the algorithms for physics on it, in the same way that you no longer have to program a GPU to perform tri-linear upscaling, you just tell the GPU to do it and it will.

It is essentially just a tool to make the programmer’s life easier and achieve more complex physics operations with more efficiency, however… it will end up just becoming another part of your PC that you have to constantly upgrade.

The words “Cannot be arsed” spring to mind?