Soul Calibur

The Legend Will Never Die :anjou_love:

well its obviously not dead for me cos i’m playing it instead of revising for my exams x.x

Anyways such an early DC game but one of the best - i prefer it to SC2 in fact.
So who has played tis game? And more importantly, who is good at it >=)

Maybe i can find an expert around here =P

I LOVE Soul Calibur, it is easily the best Dreamcast game there is. I greatly prefer it to Soul Calibur II anytime as well.

I consider myself pretty good at the game. But then again I only play against the same 3 or 4 people usually. Just a couple of days ago my friend and I set the fight count to 5 in VS. battle and at the end of the night realized we had played 19 battles straight. The end result being 18-1 in my favor. :anjou_happy:

I am notorious within my group of friends to use Cervantes, Cervantes, and pretty much only Cervantes. I tend to use a character until he/she is beaten. In this case Cervantes hadn’t been beaten for about a month of playing. He was dethroned so to speak that long night by Xianghua.

I like to play a lot of Team Battle as well, the four characters I usually use are (in this order):


If it is a full eight man battle I throw in Yoshimitsu, Sophitia, Lizardman, Rock, not necessarily in that order however.

I am pretty dissapointed that SC3 will be a PS2 exclusive. But then again I think the new character designs aren’t really that well done. I like the Egyptian Scythe wielding character, but the other two girls look really out of place. One hold an umbrella while fighting with a small sword similiar to Xianghua’s (correct me if i’m wrong), and the other fights with a sharpened oversized hoola-hoop basically.

No other fighting game will ever match up to the quality and depth of Soul Calibur in my opinion.

Soul Calibur was a great game, the second DC game that I bought after Sonic Adventure in fact. I actually like the sequel a little bit better though. I seems like a slightly more polished version of the original. Why did you guys prefer the original?

In SC1, I usually play as Sophitia, Kilik, or Nightmare.

Wow it was my second game as well, also after Sonic Adventure.

I liked the original better for a couple reasons. First while the second had a overall like you said Solo polished fighting system, the first one seemed to flow better. The second one seemed as if each move was jerky and independant of each other even if it was in the middle of a combo. The first one seemed as if each move flowed into the next more fluidly and naturally. This is obviously character specific but i’m just saying overall.

The art style in the second one also seemed a lot lighter and kind of happier than the first. Most of the stages are cast in the sun with energetic music. The first one had darker stages, and a more epic score. The one that immedietly comes to mind is the stage with the burning ships behind it. (Could be either Maxi’s of Mitsurugi’s). That’s the style I prefer.

The inclusion of console specific characters didn’t work out to well, and why the heck did they put Necrid in the game??

I had Soul Calibur and played it enough to get reasonably familiar with all the characters (unlocked everything in single player, basically). I really thought it was overrated, though - I’d always prefer to play Virtua Fighter or the early Streetfighter II games. I didn’t like the fact that to do well at the game you either had to be a lucky button masher or to memorise large input strings.

I saw relative newbies do really well in VF by just timing the few attacks they figured out well, and you need to know the basics in SF, but after that it’s really about practice and developing your own style.

Anyway, from what I remember of SC I liked the nunchuk guy in theory (being a RL nunchuk fan) but he was a bit too Eddy-like for my blood. I think I played most as the guy with the staff.

Same here, I specialise in Kilik^_^
My other friends use Nightmare and Cervantes, I could play it with them all day!

I also agree that number 1 semed to flow better. Graphicly number 2 looked alot more realistic, and so did the character movement, but SC1 seemed to be more bright, and after playing both of them you notice that SC1 is faster (great if two skilled players are fighting)

Yeah… people like Link really do not help the (cool) storyine

Really? Whenever I play i always think of the opposite. SC is about timing you moves really. You have to guard against attacks and anticipate horizontal and vertical moves and counter. I do not see it as a button bashing game at all - In fact once you play SC for a while you will be able to beat button bashers very easily. The think i noticed when i played VF2 recently was its slowness. SC’s speed combined with its 8 way movement technique made the fighting feel so free, but yet very controlled :slight_smile:

I played it for some time when I used to hang out with a friend of mine who owns a Dreamcast (that’s where I actually played Rez for the first time too).

I know why everyone plays as Kilik : because he’s the easiest to control! :stuck_out_tongue:
When I played it for the first time I also picked Kilik.

I like the game in terms of gameplay but there was something about the ambient : scenarios+music that I dind’t like.

I agree, whenever you play a button masher in SC you can pretty much just block everything and gaurd impact nearly all their moves allowing you to get in a hold or a nice sequence.

Th other thing I likes about SC is that juggling didn’t take such a center stage as it does in Tekken and to an extent the VF series. While it was certainly possible it wasn’t as easy to pull off.

My friend always plays Kilik as well, I have come to despise that character! While his verticals are easy to sidestep so you can get close and do a grab, his horizontals are so punishing and fast I can’t stand it!

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]I know why everyone plays as Kilik : because he’s the easiest to control! :stuck_out_tongue:
When I played it for the first time I also picked Kilik.[/quote]

I picked him cos he looks cool =P

haha, i have come to despise Cervantes, with his annoying spinny thing you do on people wen their on the ground x.x

Killik’s reach is what I love though, and ability to create ring outs out of nothing

Ah, Soul Calibur, my all time favorite fighting game :anjou_love:

My favorite characters are Nightmare and Cervantes. Cervantes is probably my best character, although my friends always complain when I go him (My dash-teleport-impale combo gets them every time :anjou_happy:) so I usually play as Nightmare, who can actually string together impressively long combos for a “slow” character if you know how to use his stances.

One of my favorite things about Soul Calibur (that I don’t think has been mentioned already) is how inuitive the controls feel. Once you’ve got a feel for the way a character controls, you can usually work out how to do a lot of their move instinctively.

One of my favorite things about Soul Calibur (that I don’t think has been mentioned already) is how inuitive the controls feel. Once you’ve got a feel for the way a character controls, you can usually work out how to do a lot of their move instinctively.[/quote]

That is very true, if a move is a low sweeping upwards one usually the button combonation reflects that.

It’s funny that you use almost the same combo for Cervantes as I do, I used to start out with the move that sends him flying across the screen, turn around and as they are getting up do a vertical attack to send them high in the air so I can teleport and knock them down.

Everyone that I play with has gotten accustomed to that already so I just now do the charge up move and only the dash to close the distance fast and I throw in a Y+A grab.

Scott, Kilik is one sweet looking character, especially in the intro! Which is another reason I like the original better than the sequel, you had this sweet intro that you could even customize. I loved putting Astaroth in the field where Sophitia was supposed to be.

Yeah when i’m in the air is the only time i can’t block that =(

hehe yeah, I put Lizardman there =P

mmmm, Sooru Karibaa. A grand sequel to Soul Edge…shame Soul Calibur’s sequel was less stellar.

My reasons for preferring SC to SCII, for one it feels alot like SC 1.5 to me, some typical Namco laziness shows like the demonstrations being perfectly identical for the characters that make the cut from SC.
Another problem that I have with is that well… in some departments they took a step back really. They take a leaf from DoA by increasing the average breast size & wobbliness… if anything they should’ve borrowed the idea of multilayered stages. XD But yeah, it is a clear sign of mass marketing it towards hormone fueled male teenagers.
Also… I don’t know how, but they messed up facial animation in my opinion, their jaws move in the oddest directions…and whereas Astaroth’s mask moved quite realistically in the first, in SCII he communicates by twitching his eyebrows. And some characters look really off under certain lighting effects…all trouble that you didn’t have in it’s prequel.

That’s not how you make a sequel if you ask me. XD

And my starting character was Mitsurugi, I just love those ronin characters. XD
Over time I have become very efficient with Ivy, Yoshimitsu, Taki and quite a few others though. (This is mostly because my sister and I have the habit, both in SCI & II to have random character team battles, so we have no choice but to try and become efficient with everyone. XD)

Also graphically, I thought all the characters in SC II looked like shiny plastic dolls…


Really? Whenever I play i always think of the opposite. SC is about timing you moves really. You have to guard against attacks and anticipate horizontal and vertical moves and counter. I do not see it as a button bashing game at all - In fact once you play SC for a while you will be able to beat button bashers very easily. The think i noticed when i played VF2 recently was its slowness. SC’s speed combined with its 8 way movement technique made the fighting feel so free, but yet very controlled ^_^[/quote]

You missed the second half of my comment, there :slight_smile: I didn’t mean button bashers would do well against experienced players. I meant lucky button bashers would beat unlucky new players, and to raise your level you had to memorise complicated moves.

Whereas in VF a newcomer can beat an experienced player just by acting intelligently, and having good judgement and reflexes. The advanced moves are a) relatively easy to remember, if not to perform, b) very much a secondary skill when it comes to mastering he game. The difference between VF and SC for me is that VF is about what I’d consider ‘real’ skill rather than rote learning.

I also felt much more detached from SC… probably due to some combination of the unconvincing weapons/splishy sound effects/completely unbelievable reactions to damage/general emphasis on spectacle.

ah i understand what you mean now

But if anything I would say SC requires less “move learning” than most games - definately VF

Most of the moves in SC is one button and one direction, or occasionally 2 buttons at the same time and a direction
All thats needed then is to get used to what does what and anticipate other characters moves (eg. wether to block high or low)

with VF2 i remember having a sheet written down with long combo throw moves =S
(i wonder where that is - i always used to beat my dad with that :anjou_happy: )

And I love the speed of SC! I remember when i played tekken i found is very slow compared to VF2. Now when i play VF2 its like at a snails pace compared to SC! (and the sound effects are funny XD)

I like to play team player too :anjou_happy: My team players are:
Link (gamecube)

I’m not a particularly active player of beat-'em-ups whatever franchise they belong to, and whilst I’ve played the Playstation One’s Soul Edge and the Dreamcast’s Soul Calibur, I haven’t experienced Soul Calibur II beyond taking a glance at the blurb on the back of the case during a Retro-hunting excursion to GameStation. Soul Calibur was indeed an absolutely superb game, melding graphical beauty with involving gameplay and good longlivety (the missions mode was an absolutely inspired addition!), but I must admit to not having picked it up off my shelf in years.

When I did play it, though, my preferred character was Hwang Sun Yung, one of the semi-secret characters - mainly because of his gloriously beardy treble-kick combo! I’d start every single round with this move, and send my opponent flying and chisel off a decent proportion of his health bar before the computer could even register he’d pressed the joypad. :anjou_happy:

SO i have got soul calibur 2 and i paly with Taki, i don’t know if i’m good but nobody can defeat me (on several matchs of course).