[quote=“Abadd”]Geoffrey says that he’d rather have the land of fairies that I describe, and that’s just, as I mention earlier, naive. I would personally take the real world . Learn how it works and try to fix it within realistic limits. Hoping for magic to happen in the world will get nothing done. Wishing and hoping does nothing. You want to see things like Shining Force 3 make stateside? Let Sega concentrate on becoming profitable and growing as a company, then once they have the revenue to be able to support things like that, start to make some noise. Demanding that Sega make games that will likely not satisfy anyone but yourself will get nobody anywhere.
(Just as a side note - I am vehemently anti-war, have been against the war since day one, and am regularly active in politics. Having friends who are overseas in Iraq, it is a bit offensive to think that having been denied parts of Shining Force 3 is equatable to the injustices that have occurred in Iraq is simply absurd. Perhaps you were being hyperbolic, but come on now.)[/quote]
It all has the same root cause whether we want to admit it or not.
(My father was a peacekeepr in Northern Ireland, saw the war in the Falklands, and was a mercanery in Africa after which he returned a racist after the horrors he saw – like I said life is too short to make excuses. I don’t believe in it. The human condition is relevant to everything).
So is it really ok to import slave labor from China and India if it means cheaper products? People will discourage equal rights and non-subsistance level pay as long as it is more profitable for them. Whole governments are guilty of this. Even you cannot turn a blind eye to how deeply flawed it all is. I just can’t. I don’t care how people justify it. This will be the end of us all.
Realistically, what we see now will rise to boiling point sooner or later. We live in a world of suitcase nukes now, proving that something is fundamentally wrong.
Wishing and hoping? No. That’s not me anymore. Empowering the powerless takes a special brand of stubbornness that is the stuff most peoples’ nightmares are made of. It takes willpower. Most don’t have it. What is in control now is a cycle that few can break.
It’s not an absurd way of thinking when it all comes back to the same roots. If it only ever all boiled down to money, then the UK wouldn’t have a free health care system. Would you like to be left dying on a street somewhere just because you happened to be born into a poor family who couldn’t afford treatment only to have someone standing over your shaking body telling you that life is what we make of it? The illusion of meritocracy is not good enough to legitimise poverty.
It’s the same logic. Profits first. The future is actually coming close to a sci-fi story now. I hate to sound like Kadamose. It’s just that a genetically engineered super class of people is only a few decades away – the embodiment of a flawed mindset. Christ, if we want to think in extremes, then you could even argue that Hitler was right. The weak should die by the hands of the strong so that the strong can become stronger? Purify the species? It’s the same train of thought. More more more.
He who lives by the sword, dies by it. We can’t condone “greed” on one hand while condemning it on the other (if people want to believe that Iraq was all about oil when it was in fact a war to stabilise the Middle East so that the states could just buy the oil from a stable as opposed to unstable region of the world).
Peoples’ approach to many things in life is just flawed. This doesn’t even have to apply to SF3, but all businesses. Greed spurs their growth (investing little for greater returns) and it’s also their downfall without a sense of identity to guide it. I’m not naive enough to think that money isn’t the incentive, but that does not change even when companies are on top of everything. They are just in a position to take more risks.
I look back to when Nintendo dominated Japan and the states. How many RPGs did you see translated for the NES/SNES? Not many. They had a notoriously bad anti-RPG stance that even cost them Japan when the Ultra 64 was launched, and it was mostly thanks to the greedy corporate side of the company.
That is not what we should want. This isn’t me obssessing over one thing. The real world is going to hell my friend, and it’s taking everyone with it. Suitcase nukes don’t mix well with fatalism.