Something to get the duke's blood boiling

here some news about a Sega site that they created ages ago…

What’s betting that ShF 3 becomes a part of this? they already did the game as a download a few years back now they have cottened on to make money out of it. Too bad we’ll never see this in the west.

Eh? How’s this supposed to make anyone angry? So Sega is making some of its back-catalogue available to play online for a fee. Is this a crime?

Also, suddenly making the baseless unfounded leap between “16-Bit titles” to Shining Force III (which I think you’d have som edifficultly playing on a browser anyway) is also unwarranted, and, to be frank, stupid too. Stop trying to create an artifical hullaballoo out of absolutely nothing.

Nintendo are doing a similar thing with Revolution, putting their back catalogue up for download. The problem is, my favourite SNES games, with few exceptions, were all by a third party; namely Rare. DKC 1-3 and Killer Instinct. I never did get to play Killer Instinct 2 (Fulgore looked awesome in it, too). Maybe there is still hope for it.

KI2 was fun. It was called KIGold on the 64 for some reason though…here anyways. I might get a revolution just for the fact that I can get KI, the mario parties, warioware, and (hopefully) uniracers :anjou_happy:

My fondest memory of KI.

Friend: “Dude, quit playing Fulgore, he sucks ass. Play Spinal or something.”



FK Cyber Dash, Mk autodouble, QP Manual autodouble, FK Eye Laser Linker, Mk autodouble, QP Manual, QP plasmaslice, Ultra Sequence, Triple Laser Storm.


Me: “No.”

I wish Rare would make another KI game. I need to buy a controller for computer, I have the rom but playing with a keyboard sucks, as I thought it would. Or I could just rent it from the library and then say I lost it and just pay the fine… I wonder how much that fine is…

[quote=“Robert Frazer”]Eh? How’s this supposed to make anyone angry? So Sega is making some of its back-catalogue available to play online for a fee. Is this a crime?

Also, suddenly making the baseless unfounded leap between “16-Bit titles” to Shining Force III (which I think you’d have som edifficultly playing on a browser anyway) is also unwarranted, and, to be frank, stupid too. Stop trying to create an artifical hullaballoo out of absolutely nothing.[/quote]

Oh shut up you fool,knowing Sega SHINING FORCE 3 will be made available for download as they’ve done it BEFORE. Obviously this site is also aimed at Japanese players and we all know Sega’s Western ones are the least of their piorities when trying to please their fan base.

I don’t see why Sega couldn’t do this with the other regions since they have been more popular over here.