So everything is organic

DNA? What about some viruses, then? Some viruses only have RNA and no DNA. Does that mean they’re not alive? And could not a robot be developed with artificial DNA? And does that mean that it’s impossible for life to come about without DNA? How are you so sure?

And what’s the difference bewteen “created” with a purpose, and “always” had a purpose? Not all species of animals always existed. Most organisms find a purpose, and try to survive. It’s not like there are purposes just lying around, waiting to be snatched up.

It’s questions like this that need to be answered when defining scientific terms.

I’m not talking evolution here.I’m talking generations.Each generation has a purpose.

If a drone (just like in PD) could be created it would be alive since it has genetical info.

By purpose i mean simple things like : be born, eat,breed,die.

i never understood why you called me that, but i’m an easy going guy so i never bothered to ask :smiley:

… what does it mean? :frowning:


if you guys are going to talk DNA and RNA, lets talk about virtual on!

otherwise, i’m getting back on topic :slight_smile:

so al3xand3r seems to think that the ruins are… inanimate and he may very well be correct. lance seems to think that the float engines are just machines and he may also be correct… but consider the following:

everything that we have been shown of the ancients’ legacy IS derived or IS LIKELY derived from the same technology; the technology of bio-engineering. lets look at an object commonly believed to be inanimate that is present in each of the games. the gun; a simple tool right? or perhaps another pure-type creature. it bears the same “white armor” look as the rest of the creations, it is capable of discharging some type of energy projectile in a similar manner to many pure-types, actually… the only thing disimilar is that it doesn’t act on its own. a pure-type sans the thought organs?

now to me, the float engines were like the root of the creature tech tree. we’ve seen many many creatures fly without wings or other conventional means. while the name may point otherwise, couldn’t float engines be an organ within most creatures? the empire straps a boat to the underside of one and away they go. look at the yondo worms in altered genos; i just find it hard to believe that you could rupture some part of their abdomen and have gears and pistons spill out :slight_smile: and if a mutated type can still fly, that must mean that the blueprints for that organ are present in the genetic code- it would breed out after a generation if it were a machine that was put into the creature. unless… the mutated types eat their parents and re-use the organs o_O

sorry if i mis-represented you, lance. i just thought you said something to that effect.

Well suposedly the Dragon Gun in Zwei could morph in parallel with the dragon so it would make some sense…

(thedium is just a phonetical word similar to tedio.I thought thedium could be the english translation of tedio :stuck_out_tongue: tedio means boredom…)

EDIT: (indeed I was correct.The english translation is tedium tho without the h.")

oh :smiley:

i hope i don’t seem tedious :frowning:

actually, megatherium is a an extinct species of animal from my dreams :slight_smile:

Hmm… not exactly; all I was pointing out is that ruins have a very large mechanical component to them - they seem to house large amounts of metallic mechanisms within their walls - whereas pure-types appear to be entirely organic creations.

what were the heavily mechanical components you spoke of when referring to the float engines? i think i just misunderstood what you meant.

i thought float engines were like very basic whiteshelled objects of varying size and shape. the large thing above an imperial battleship (such as the first boss of PD) is a float engine right? and smaller ones are visible on fighters and other imperial ships?

Yep, they’re float engines: if you look at the float engines of some ships (the PD1 Episode 1 boss springs to mind), you can see metallic mechanisms through the gaps in the white armour. These same mechanisms can be glimpsed through gaps in the white walls of ruins, and when Orta enters the core of the PDO Episode 6 ruin she flies right into all that mechanical technology. Unlike all of this though, the pure-types themselves seem to be biological rather than bio-mechanical creatures.

[quote=“Lance Way”]

Because those “whales” are huge amorphous deformed beasts that don’t really look anything like whales; I’m guessing they’re just called that because they’re large water-dwelling creatures, as by all accounts they seem to be just another kind of mutated monster. Uru is populated by mutated monsters, after all; Lumids, Neo-Stryders, Dracoylths, Kolbas, etc.[/quote]

Strap tooth whales are whales with curved “tusks” and are unusual in head shape, as well as the Nar Whale, Baiji and the Right whales. Kinoshita whales just look like normal whales but with the head resembling somewhat like a Hammerhead Shark.
A part of me believes that they are just normal beasts like the fish and the birds you see in other areas of the game. Although the normal beasts are a rarety, a creature like a whale would have no problem living in the ocean for Survival.

Honestly, I dont think that Coolias are descended to the dragons. Heck, you find fossilized Coolia dung (How they determined that to a specific species…) that is many millions of years old. Given that time, it would seem that they lived along the side of dragons, if not, then the Ancient age is much older than I anticapted. Perhaps the Coolia was once a pure type beast but was easliy tamed and slowly turned back to its orginal state as it was explained in Orta?
Just a simple idea anywas…

I probably was being a bit harsh on the whales - there are even more bizarre looking things in our own oceans, after all. The biggest reason to believe that these Kinoshita Whales aren’t just mutated monsters would be their name, though: and the other creatures in the PD world that fit in as mutated monsters but which have normal-sounding names, like Yondo Worms and Sand Mites, are just meant to be monsters themselves. That’s why I suspect that these whales are meant to be thought of as only another kind of mutated monster, but I agree that’s far from conclusive.

I noticed the Coolia dung thing myself, but I suspect it’s just a slip-up; PDO confirms that the Ancient Age only took place about ten thousand years ago, and if Coolias have mutated from the Ancients’ creations in the meantime it wouldn’t really be possible.

There was no official info on that Coolia Dung.Edge’s thoughts on something aren’t necessarily true…

Yeah, the descriptions from the item list did seem to be from Edge’s own perspective. If this description was meant to only come from his own knowledge though, it would seem a bit odd that he thought of it as “Fossilized Coolia feces from millions of years ago” at all… there’s always the explanation that someone told him that was what it was in the past, though.