Silent Hill 5 and Playing Pass-the-Franchise-Licence

Hey, if you don’t have high standards to start with, mediocrity is all you’re going to get - and perhaps not even that. I want perfection; if nothing can meet that requirement, then it’s not worth my time. Period.

As for your comment on “Hollywood diatribe” - don’t watch Hollywood films, maybe? America isn’t the only place on the planet that makes films.[/quote]

I enjoy Asian films and the old ‘Buddha be praised’ Kung-Fu movies, but those are only there for a good laugh. As I said before, it doesn’t matter what nationality you are, or what country the film is made in, human acting is a fucking joke and will forever remain so. But, if you don’t take movies seriously and just want to have a good laugh, movies like Starship Troopers (I don’t care what people think about the show - I liked it) are a treat.

But, to be quite honest, there has NEVER been a show that has made me cry or feel any empathy for its characters – and that’s very important for the illusion. However, I’ve seen ALOT of anime that has made me cry like a baby, and that’s saying something.

But anime is crafted by humans, based on human movement and voiced by humans, so what’s the difference?

The difference is:

  • genuine body language

  • genuine emotion (mainly because you can’t see the eyes and movements of the real person portraying the character)

  • the fact that it takes REAL ARTISTIC TALENT to craft an animation - unlike movies.

  • No recycling of the same old actors - over and over and over.

Why do you think Jim Henson preferred working with puppets instead of real actors? It’s because, in the right hands, they can become more human than us - animation is no different.

I believe I can relate to the fundamental principle of appreciation there, Anime is extremely refined at this point. But I liken it to the mediums of Opera and Ballet, it is precisely the elimination of complexity that generates a focus on what complexity remains. The “body language” is more genuine to you because it has very defined rules, feminine submission has no confusion, masculine confidence - or lack of - is always clear. (just for example…)

Actual people are very very complex, and they are never aware enough of even themselves to always be communicating precisely what they should be. It may be easier to allow emotional reaction to a depiction that is patently artificial, where even the complexities are carefully and deliberately spelled out. There’s no chance of betrayal there…