I’m just curious to see what everyone’s game room looks like. Do you go all out and surround yourself with the things you love: posters, figures, consoles, gaming merchandise? Or is your game room more practical and simplistic? Would anyone like to show their gaming setup?
I’ll start with me. My game room has always been about atmosphere. Every inch of my gaming room is covered in a collage of gaming series I’m passionate about.
A few highlights would be: a Nights into Dreams cardboard display I got at a used gaming store for free, A Phazon Suit Samus statue I got for free (because the arm cannon got damaged in shipping, normally worth over $1000!), a Shenmue cardboard display I got at Sears years ago and my Metal Sonic statue.
Here’s mine. It’s literally just my bedroom because I’m disabled and I live with my dad. Also, I have censored some commissioned pieces of art to protect your eyeballs.
Same here. I have my games kind of spread out through the house. My main machine is my new dell g7 laptop hooked up to a docking station to two external displays. One 24’’ 144hz monitor and a cheaper 22’’ 60 hz. My Genesis and SNES mini’s are on the 50’’ TV in our living room as my kids play those a lot. I have my 360 which I plan to replace soon with a Series X downstairs by my office desk and laptop hooked up to a smaller TV along with my raspberry pi with retropie and my old Wii. I have long since sold off all my other old systems and I have access to the games that I want via the classics consoles, PC, or emulation in the Saturn’s case. I had started purging my old collection of stuff before I had kids, but the last 10 years as kids has definitely sped up my streamline process. I find that my laptop handles 95% of my gaming needs and keep minimal disk/cartridge games anymore. I have even ripped all my DVD and Blu-Ray movies to my NAS for streaming as those disks will eventually suffer bit loss due to age. I am a bit of a digital horder, but I think that is a more future proof way to keep what I really care about.
Thankfully my kids or should that read my Partners kids are 28 and 30 and so have no worries with kids around the house and messing around with my consoles LO: