Should I buy

I really don’t think KOToR and Fable are that similar, although they do have more in common than Fable and Morrowind. They both have that sort of closed-in feel as far as exploration goes. I’d say Fable has more areas, but KOTOR’s areas are quite a bit bigger. Hard to make a comparison on that.

Of course, combat is totally and completely different. Fable’s combat is similar to that of Prince of Persia (though not as good) or Zelda with a more in-depth magic system. And you already know what KOTOR is like.

As far as story goes, KOTOR’s is so much better than Fable’s it’s almost ridiculous. For one thing, KOTOR just plain has a better story to tell. Also, in KOTOR the story changes to some extent due to your actions and alignment, whereas in Fable the story is exactly the same nomatter what except for the thirty-second ending.

KOTOR’s good/evil system is also far better than Fable’s. In Fable, going through the main quest will make you good by default (you’ll be killing tons of Bandits/monsters/undead), and really the only way to get evil is to massacre every trader you see as well as the occasional village. There are one or two options you’ll get along the way that can net you some evil points, but it’s nowhere near enough to cancel out the constant stream of goodness. This was really brought home to me when my pure evil character reached a certain fairly long quest. By the end of it, he was almost neutral. It just seemed silly. Regardless of whether you’re good or evil, you can always flip your alignment fairly easily. Also, as I said, your alignment does not affect the story at all aside from the short ending.

So, uh, I guess my point is that the two aren’t really all that comparable. Jeez. That was long. I’m really not that anti-Fable. I think I’m just ranting 'cause I don’t want to do my Physics homework. sigh Better get to it.

The story of the first game is actually pretty weak and one could say isn’t even the main focus of the game. The beauty of Baldur’s Gate was the ability to explore the entire Sword Coast with your trusted companions, as well as raid some monster-and-trap-infested dungeons in search of treasure.

Baldur’s Gate 2 summarises the story of the original game in its introduction sequence, so the plot isn’t lost on new players. The party-based combat requires more tactical thinking than KOTOR, too, because you can acquire the services of up to five companions instead of two.

Although you can go pretty much wherever you want in Baldur’s Gate there’s only one real path through the game’s story. Baldur’s Gate 2 has good and evil routes through the game, but your still confined to one basic path. The endless amounts of side-quests (which can be dealt with in a manner you see it), and areas you can explore in your own time outside of the main plot is where the true freedom lies.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

The story of the first game is actually pretty weak and one could say isn’t even the main focus of the game. The beauty of Baldur’s Gate was the ability to explore the entire Sword Coast with your trusted companions, as well as raid some monster-and-trap-infested dungeons in search of treasure.

Baldur’s Gate 2 summarises the story of the original game in its introduction sequence, so the plot isn’t lost on new players.[/quote]

Yep, I haven’t played BG1 at all and I didn’t find BG2 difficult to pick up and play. The only problem I had with the game was this one:

I think I bought BG2 about two years ago, and despite how much I was enjoying it, I never seem able to get back into it because I’m always detoured by the new games I buy. I’m going to make a point of finishing it off sometime soon though, as it’s definitely an excellent RPG.

Bought Fable this afternoon!

Due to a problem in my room’s TV set (the colors are too bright) I only played a bit of it but from what i played it was quite involving.

Ill go to my sister’s room to see if I can use her TV…

I don’t care;even if the game ended where I’m at I would still find it a great game.I liek the ambient of this game very much.I ahven’t played much but I know now why people finish it so quickly.

I’ve just been playing Fable, as it arrived this afternoon (a day early). I’d have to say I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the five hours I’ve spent in the game so far. The controls and combat system are extremely fluid, the art style feels fresh, and the music is extremely well suited to the fiery tale atmosphere of game.

The framerate drops a bit in one of the towns, which is disappointing, but for everywhere else it’s near perfect.

I can’t say much about the storyline as I’m not that far into it. I’ve been messing around lots, and taking it slow, talking to most NPCs, etc. The way that the story is told like in between chapters like an old legend is great though. Most of the voice acting seems pretty decent so far (although repetitive in the way it’s placed out), and the humour is excellent.

The areas (so far) seem too small, given the epic feel of the game. I was hoping to be able to go off into the distance and explore, but the current areas seem more like tunnels…

Fable’s gameplay hasn’t been what I was expected it to be so far, but not necessarily in a bad way. The game seems more like The Legend of Zelda crossed with the Sims, but set in a breathtaking fantasy world. The game does a great job at making you feel like you’re inside of your own fable, if that makes sense, but rather than using lots of standard RPG elements it uses gameplay mechanics from those two games.

I have a fair way to go yet, so I’ll say no more. Maybe I’ll write a review of it once I finish the game.

Well I’m not playing it right now juat because my room’s TV has issues and since my mom’s watching TV right now on the living room.

It might just be me but I think the game is really something else no matter what people say.I haven’t had so much fun for quite sometime.

I’m shocked some people classify it as a “strong rental” rather than a great game which it is.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”] It might just be me but I think the game is really something else no matter what people say.I haven’t had so much fun for quite sometime.


That is how I feel too. And I think that is what is really important to a game, how much entertaining it is to you.

Mmm… Fable…

Yes, this game is pretty much the cream of this years Xbox releases (so far ^~) that I’ve played. I wouldn’t class it as being special or average, but it’s definitly solidly inbetween. It’ll be interesting to compare it to other RPGs once I’ve finished it. I’m 18 hours into it, so so much for it being 7 hours long as some people think.

Just outta curiosity, Shadow, how far into the plot are you?

I haven’t bought Fable yet. Call me a miser but I’m waiting for the game to drop in price. If all gamers were like me games publishers wouldn’t make any money. >:)

Seriously though, I have a huge backlog of games to play already (and some for my newly acquired PS2) and less and less time to play them.

Traitor =(

Uh… I’m meant to be going to… crap… what’s the name of the place? Something-wood… begins with H x.x I can’t remember. =( You’ll probably know what I mean.

Cool, what games did you end up getting for it?

Let’s face the facts, Geoffrey is too busy playing his beloved Final Fantasy X-2 to enjoy the likes of Fable :wink:

I wouldn’t call Geoof a traitor.But I would call him shapeshifter…

…yes,yes…most defintely.

Anyways I have a free TV for me to use.Quickly I must play Fable!

uses Guild seal

Apart from all those eye-catching Sega games available for the Playstation 2, there are a few other games I’ve been keeping my eye on.

I really don’t think any of us should give our loyalty to anyone, much less a single console, because ultimately, the only thing games developers/publishers are loyal to are their own wallets. So why should we even begin to care about them? Even Sega couldn’t care less about its true fans.

When I first played Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance, I almost couldn’t believe that gamers would rather play a game that involves almost nothing but hacking and slashing your way through endless waves of monsters than Planescape: Torment which is infinitely deeper by comparison.

The fate of the games industry doesn’t rest in Sony’s hands now so much as it rests tilted in the palms of casual mainstream gamers who regard games as nothing more than a form of entertainment. Hardcore gamers really have no place in the games industry anymore.

“eye-catching Sega games” is an oxymoron.

Totally agree with the rest of your post though.

And Bluefoot, I’m about to leave for Hook Cost, not Hsomethingwoods o.O Dunno where I got that from (I bet “Hook Coast” is wrong too…).

Oops, I forogt all about this thread. I was too busy playing Fable :slight_smile:

I know that allot of people were upset with it, and I have to admit that, at first I was dissapointed with how “fenced off” all the areas are, but I really got into it after about 4 hours of play and I have now been going for around 20 hours and I still haven’t finished it (mainly because i’ve been having so much fun just messing around in town). I really think that it’s a great game, because even if the main story is too short and predictable, like some people say, I think that what the reviewer in the Xbox Magasine I get (which gave it 9/10) sums it up perfectly: “the whole point is that you make your own story”.

While the game world isn’t all that big, either, there’s plenty to do in there, including a load of side quest and secrets, such as the demon doors that give you tasks to preform before they open for you. I also love the graphical style and the music, which are both superb and really made the game feel unique.

As for Baldur’s Gate, i’m still thinking about getting it. I might wait 'till I get some more money, after all, Largs is a small town where most people know less than nothing about games (everyone has a playstation here. Everyone.) so it’s probably not going anywhere any time soon, being an older, non-playstation game.

Geoff:Everyone’s with dark pessimistic ideas about the gaming industry.In the end there are always great games and poor games and the one sin the middle.This will be like this for a long time…

And personally I’m not attached to Sega in anyway but the thing is but in an industry where you are asked to spend 60€ on a new product each time you tend to like the idea of preconcept.

PS:About Fable : The more I play it the more I’m suprised at the reviews it got.This game is freakin great!I’ve been playing for about 15 hours and I still have loads of things to do and I still get excited every time.Btw for those who care I’m currently at the place past the Ancient Cullis Gate.