Shining Force EXA

Sega apparently announced sequel to Shing Force Neo.

I still haven’t played the “first” game yet.

I’m not sure what they mean by “an RPG instead of a S.RPG”. I guess it was probably meant to read as “an Action RPG instead of a S.RPG”.

I haven’t heard about this from any other sites, so I’ll wait for more info (if it comes).


Just bring Camelot back on board already. Have them port SF III to a portable console in 2D if necessary, then we can have the whole trilogy in English and Sega can have their “precious” profits.


I’m sure those idiots at are overjoyed by the fact that supporting SF Neo didn’t bring them Shining Force IV.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

I’m not sure what they mean by “an RPG instead of a S.RPG”. I guess it was probably meant to read as “an Action RPG instead of a S.RPG”.[/quote]

Seeing as how they mentioned Neo that wouldn’t make much sense in that context…

Recently I went back and played through Shining Force III Scenario I, and read the translations of Scenarios 2 and 3. I think that had the latter scenarios been translated and released back in the day, I’d hold SF3 in higher regard than PDS. So nice one, Sega.

Speaking of the SFIII translation, Disc 2 is almost completed! We should be seeing a patch here pretty soon.

Oh dear, is it bash Sega season again already?

“How dare you not make games exactly the way I want them! I quit! And I’ll buy… oh heck I’ll buy Sega games anyway! But I won’t like it!”

[quote=“Pedro The Hutt”]Oh dear, is it bash Sega season again already?

“How dare you not make games exactly the way I want them! I quit! And I’ll buy… oh heck I’ll buy Sega games anyway! But I won’t like it!”[/quote]

True to a point, though what gets a lot of people is use of Force inthe titles and that leads fans (which I’m not really) to go in uproar when we gets Neo and it plays nothing like your classic Force game
Think that a lot of the problem if it was just called Shinning Neo they wouldn’t be such a outcry , I bet . I know it sounds Trivial but thats the way it goes.

To say the truth though I don’t think fans will be happy untill Camelot are back onthe case and I don’t think thats ever going to happen, and why the focus on just Shinning games, be nice to see a new RPG or a update to the landerStalker series or Wonderboy (loved that series) ect

This isn’t the simulation RPG Famitsu was talking about in their rumour section,its a different SHINING FORCE game. This is more like a NEO plus like SF2 zero series.

Who says we’re buying the games we don’t like?

I think it’s hilarious that Shining Force Neo sold half of what they were hoping for, so they decide to go make another one just like it.

I don’t buy games I don’t like.

How do you know you don’t like them in the first place?

How many of you actually played SFNeo?Bash it but not because it’s a bad game.You can bash it for not beeing what SF games used to be (as far as genre is concerned)…

That’s the part that really irritates me - I haven’t come across anyone who has actually played Neo that has detested it as much as the “real fans” that haven’t.
The vitriol poured on SFN purely due to a single word in its title strikes me as childish and blinkered - I’ve got no problems at all with somebody telling me they hate the game because they think it plays like crap.

Renting them. Reading about them. Listening to other people’s views. Etc.

My point simply was, that even though many might complain about Sega, in the end you’ll still buy their stuff. >.>;; And even then you shouldn’t blame Sega for trying something new, unless you want every franchise to be like FIFA, incredibly stale.

Like he said though, they don’t buy the games they complain about. I doubt any of the SF fans here bought Neo. And just look for SFNeo reviews to see that it’s a generic, and “good” at best hack and slash that has nothing new about it so your points don’t stand in this particular case. If you think that people complain for no reason without doing any research whatsoever then I believe you are wrong.

The SF franschise was anything but stale too. Keeping the same basic gameplay doesn’t mean you can’t do new things with it as to act like it’s a good change of direction to turn a series known for its depth and strategy into a generic hack and slash.

And the point of playing it themselves is silly. Do you never decide if a game will be good for you before actually playing it? Do you try everything? Rent every single game? Don’t you ever simply see what the majority of reviews say, what other people say about a game, and all that?

Maybe a simple mediocre hack and slash doesn’t deserve “hate” and perhaps some people might have even enjoyed it (though its sales probably say otherwise). That doesn’t mean fans can’t be extremely disapointed when their beloved series has changed fundamentally in style but also in level of quality. Nobody’s calling this a must have title for the system it’s on anymore, even the people who like it…

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Like he said though, they don’t buy the games they complain about. I doubt any of the SF fans here bought Neo.

raises hand

I’ve been a big SF fan since 1994, and I bought and enjoyed Neo.

It isn’t great, and I’ve never claimed it as such, but I refuse to get my knickers in a twist over a single word in the title.

You know, the people who hate it have probably expended more time and effort talking about Neo than I have spent time playing it - if you hate it that much, why waste your time talking about it?

I didn’t see anyone do it that much in this case. Geoff expressed his opinion in a manner that was very much on topic in my opinion. Then one or two people perhaps agreed and what not. Then others started taunting them with that kind of talk as if it’s bad they express their opinion. It’s not.

What annoyed fans the most about SF Neo is that it was obviously Sega’s attempt at usurping the older games made by Camelot, and it failed miserably.

SF Neo was trying to replace the older games, and that’s what really aggrovated fans, and rightfully so.

Let’s see what karma has in store for Neverland. If there’s any justice in the world, they will go bust. I don’t care about people losing their jobs, blah blah blah. This is a matter of integrity, and Neverland obviously have no respect for the source material.

After all, people would be disappointed if Half Life 3 turned out to be a real time strategy game or something other than an FPS.

Well, I get your point, but you shouldn’t generalise the change of genre so much, we all know how PDS turned out :wink: