Shining Force Cross

And sure, you eventually buy other games in the future that’s juist a given. But it does happen, because sometimes there aren’t other games of particular interest until later on in the systems life cycle, or the person just wants one game that bad. But, people do in fact buy a system for one game.

I totally agree Team Andromeda! :anjou_happy:[/quote]

Yeah, that’s exactly my point.

Your interest in the console might be perked by one game in particular, but it’s rare for it to be the only game you get for that console (therefore, having only bought the console for the use of playing that game only).

Rare, but apparently happens as said before with Orta and Xbox.

Watched the first video, does look kinda cool. One of the comments said it reminded them of PSO, kinda does…a PSO, Powerstone type of mish mash in my mind.
But yeah, can’t see any relevance to SF at all.

So far I have established from this TL; DR topic is that

A) The game looks cool, probably will be a pretty allright game and enjoyable at the very least.

B) We are all pissed off/upset/hateful/angry that SEGA have called it Shining Force.

Conclusion: Buy the game because you think it looks enjoyable, rather than the name and the pain will vanish!

But Alex’s avatar may remain unchanged. :frowning: