Sestren Activation Complete- Begin Energy Absorption Phase … 034022.php

The Ancients’ world domination has begun!

Cripes! :anjou_wow:

I told you they were 12…

dun dun duuuuunnnn

Eek! Tower! :anjou_wow:

I wonder if these will be a good method of producing energy from a renewable resource, however.

I don’t get it… :anjou_embarassed:

sigh :anjou_sigh:

gets on dragon

sees Scott get on Dragon, starts researching bio-engineering

starts researching Seige mode for tanks

Oops, wrong game.

starts distributing leaflets for the Seeker movement

[quote=“Ancient Weapon”]

I don’t get it… :anjou_embarassed:[/quote]

Just ask yourself what I could possibly be talking about and you’ll find the answer on your own.


I don’t get it… :anjou_embarassed:

Just ask yourself what I could possibly be talking about and you’ll find the answer on your own.[/quote]

they = there


Both could apply.

Ah right, I kinda get it now.

just to help the confused :wink: