Server change

At some point in the next few days I will be moving this site and all hosted sites on to a new web server. There will be an outage period where the site will not be accessible and this may last for up to several days. I will backup the forums last and restore them first for minimum down time.

My apologies in advance for any inconvenience caused by this.

You da MAN! Do what you gotta do, and as always thanks for the hospitality. :anjou_happy:

The forums, main site, and hosted sites are back online. I’ll be sending out new connection details to hosted site owners soon. Thanks for putting up with this, guys.

I can browse the site without proxy in China~~~~~

m(_ _)m

I can browse the site without proxy in China~~~~~

m(_ _)m[/quote]

Interesting… I don’t know what this new webhost does differently, but it looks like something good has already come out of the move. Great news.