Sega's brand new PS3 game

Sega has just opened a minisite for a game called FIFTH PHANTOM SAGA or FPS for short. It’s headed for the PS3 and is being developed by Sonic Team.

What??A FPS from Sonic Team?Now that’s interesting.

Certainly intriguing… yet why does that Phantom creature remind me of the Arbiter from Halo II? 8D

It looks as if we might enjoy some fairly innovative gameplay mechanics from this title as well, if the creature is able to be manipulated or the powers between it and the player combined in some manner. This is a game to train an eye on, anyway.

Is FPS an FPS?

The screenshots show it obviously is one… It wasn’t a randomly selected title, heh…

It doesn’t look that great to be honest. Some nice bump mapped textures and such but the levels I can see look pretty flat and empty aside from some of the textures… Anyway I guess it’s still early.

Heh… Fanboyism at its finest. Sega is going to release an (externally developed) FPS for Xbox 360, but nobody cares. But Sonic Team puts up a couple of screenshots of a game with no details, and suddenly everyone’s excited.

Personally, I have no doubt that the game will be great, but what makes you guys so positive? Wasn’t it just in several other threads you guys were complaining about Sonic Heroes, Shadow, PSOBB, etc? So, what justifies your interest in this title? I’m curious.

Personally I dind’t complain about any of those games (so I don’t fell you’re talking to me) but the truth is none of them called me.I never was a PSO/Sonic fan.

But Sonic Team are responsible for some of the best titles ever, namely Burning Rangers and Nights.And since they are attemtping something different from usual I’m interested in seeing where this leads them.

And btw what FPS for the X360 are you talking about?

Sure, Gehn, that’s fine. I respect that. Even though Burning Rangers and NiGHTS were over 6 years ago…

As for the Xbox 360 game, I’m talking about Condemned.

I hope your not beeing sarcastic or anything paladin.6 years is a long time but the probability of good ideas beeing made by someone with good background is bigger than other cases.I don’t know if the game will be good but I’m curious to know more about it.

No, I’m being honest on both accounts (about you and about the 6 years).

Sure, the team has put out what many people consider classics in the past… but what about the content between then and now? That’s what I’m asking (not specifically to you, but just in general). I mean, I’m sure Sega loves the support it gets from its fans. Don’t get me wrong. Sega must know that it wouldn’t be where it is now if it wasn’t for the support of its fans.

But, every Sonic Team title that has come out, particularly in the last couple of years, most people on these boards have second guessed, or outright slammed. What gives?

(Okay, Gehn… I’m going to sleep. Got a long day tomorrow.)

[quote=“Abadd”]No, I’m being honest on both accounts (about you and about the 6 years).

Sure, the team has put out what many people consider classics in the past… but what about the content between then and now? That’s what I’m asking (not specifically to you, but just in general). I mean, I’m sure Sega loves the support it gets from its fans. Don’t get me wrong. Sega must know that it wouldn’t be where it is now if it wasn’t for the support of its fans.

But, every Sonic Team title that has come out, particularly in the last couple of years, most people on these boards have second guessed, or outright slammed. What gives?

(Okay, Gehn… I’m going to sleep. Got a long day tomorrow.)[/quote]

To be fair Porject Rub and Superstars weren’t that bad from Sonic Team, and Billy H was nice (could have been a AAA game with a bit more work).

Anway I quess people are a bit interested because at last SEGA Japan is starting to show it?s hand on the next gen, the stuff that?s it?s woking on In-House (not publishing).
For me the game games doesn?t look brilliant at the mo (far from it) but I guess its early days, and at least its original IP from SEGA

Don’t worry; I’ll judge Sonic Team’s latest work on merit alone.

It should be interesting to see what, if anything, separates this first person shooter from all the rest…

[quote=“Abadd”]No, I’m being honest on both accounts (about you and about the 6 years).

Sure, the team has put out what many people consider classics in the past… but what about the content between then and now? That’s what I’m asking (not specifically to you, but just in general). I mean, I’m sure Sega loves the support it gets from its fans. Don’t get me wrong. Sega must know that it wouldn’t be where it is now if it wasn’t for the support of its fans.

But, every Sonic Team title that has come out, particularly in the last couple of years, most people on these boards have second guessed, or outright slammed. What gives?

(Okay, Gehn… I’m going to sleep. Got a long day tomorrow.)[/quote]

I’m actually glad on your veiwpoint that sega’s games from 2001 -to now hasn’t been that bad(If your saying that) but I think people love to glorifiy sega on past efforts and expect their game on a plate not realising the long effort it takes to produce a AAA game. I personally think that this isn’t sega’s greatest efforts but i saw them for what they were,transition titles or fill the gap titles which some were ported DC games that didn’t make it on the DC but now the real sega games have a glimpse of coming soon.

Which in a way i find funny. The demo is no indication that those were actualgames or not and if they were they were definatly headed for next generation which won’t fully arrive to next year. In the meantime Sega Japan hasn’t answered what they will release for current generations.
I suspect hat this demo was to curry favor with the fans and the industry crictics who were starting to openly question sega’s abilities and direction as a game maker. but Sega STILL hasn’t really answered any questions at all.

To me there are a dozon titles that are MIA. SHINING FORCE is still not a SRPG and Sega Japan hasn’t shown there content for current systems besides a glorified collection disc and a couple of RPGs.Everything else is from the west. I’m sorry but i can’t get excited over titles that may or may not be coming on systems that won’t make a full appearence until next year. Where are the games they need to turn the tide now?