Sega to license out key franchises?

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

No it wasn’t. The name TA just came about from the nickname they gave the code they were using, for the original Saturn game.[/quote]

Like Lance said Sega teams were beeing given names of constellations.That’s the explanation I heard too.

That’s what I read as well. I think that information may have been on at some point, or the Flash site.

Good point.

According to Sega Saturn Magazine (UK), Team Andromeda was composed of two sub-teams from the Zwei development onwards. One worked on Zwei, whilst the other began work on Saga. When Zwei was completed (around 2 years before Saga came out), the two amalgamated back together and worked solely on Saga.

Which issue was that in, Arcie?

Dunno, since they’re all in a box in my garage at the moment. I’m thinking the same issue that the Base Wing was on the front cover, but I’m not sure.

i had heard that too; they were almost simultaneously developed, which is why they were able to sneak some clips from the FMVs of saga into the FMVs of zwei.

Eh? What FMVs are those? I only know of the ones that are re-used in Saga in parts like Sestren where they show FMVs from both PD and PDZ but I don’t think there are any FMVs that are solely created for PDS’s story have been used in PDZ. If you are reffering to the glimpse of Azel in a PDZ ending inside PDO’s pandora’s box, it only exists in that version and not in the original game afaik.

There’s a quick glimpse of the Tower of Uru in one of Zwei’s endings (the Type 01 ending I think, although it could have been one of the others…). It looks a bit different from the Tower of Uru seen in the PDS FMVs, but there’s little doubt that it’s the same Tower because it’s in the same position, etc. It was probably an early version of that Tower’s appearance.

Yeah, as far as I’m aware there weren’t literally any PDS clips in the PDZ FMVs; however, Team Andromeda definitely sneaked some PDS storyline elements in there. In the PDZ endings you can glimpse the Tower of Uru and the dragon that probably became the Arm Wing in PDS, although they’re not the same 3D models used in that game:

EDIT: As Solo - who posts quite a bit faster than me - has evidently said. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Lance Way”]

No it wasn’t. The name TA just came about from the nickname they gave the code they were using, for the original Saturn game.
Hmm . . . the explanation as I’ve heard it is a little different; the only quote I can think of right now is this one, from one of the official Panzer Dragoon sites, but it does imply that the name “Team Andromeda” wasn’t their own choice:

The Panzer Dragoon games were created by a Sega development group called Team Andromeda. This team was the first of several that were formed to make software for Sega’s 32-bit Saturn system. Each of these teams were named after constellations that began with the letter “A,” such as Team Aquila (the Clockwork Knight team) and Team Ara (which did Japanese baseball games). The names were given in alphabetical order; and in fact, Team Andromeda didn’t like their name, as they thought it was too feminine!

Team Andromeda apparently began work on PDS at roughly the same time as PDZ; are you positive they weren’t made by fairly different groups of people within Team Andromeda? I’d have suspected that there was some difference between the staff involved, but without a translated credits list for PDS I’ve never been sure.

That’s also reminded me of something: as far as I’m aware, twice as many people worked on PDS than on PDZ, which would mean that at least half of the PDS staff hadn’t been involved with the Panzer Dragoon series before. That seems fairly significant, at least to this topic . . . development teams seriously grow and change over time, and even where a sequel is handled by the “original” developers there’s often going to be a lot of different people involved.[/quote]

TA Interview with Maxium

MAXIUM When did Team Andromeda come from ?

TA Team Andromeda formed when the 1st batch of Saturn software was in development. Andromeda is the name of the code used to make games and we decided to take our name from that.

At 1st , the name didn’t have much popularity but as more people came, everybody liked it so we kept it.

Also most of the SAGA Team joined for Zwei. Very few of the original TA/Panzer Dragoon Team worked on Zwei, SAGA.

SAGA were made by the same Team, that made Zwei.

BTW, Overworks/Soft R&D#7 made Clockwork Night

I still have all my Saturn Mag’s, and they never said that.

You know it really is no diff to Zwei. Where work began on that before the 1st game even shiped in JP.
The story for Zwei was more or less finshed, before the 1st game even came out.

TA even joked about it, in a interview “Is that preparation?”

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]TA Interview with Maxium

MAXIUM When did Team Andromeda come from ?[/quote]

That’s interesting . . . is there any chance you’d be able to send me a scan of that interview? Team Andromeda / Smilebit members didn’t give a huge amount of PD-related interviews to the gaming press, and I’m trying to keep track of the ones that do exist . . .

[quote=“Lance Way”]

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]TA Interview with Maxium

MAXIUM When did Team Andromeda come from ?[/quote]

That’s interesting . . . is there any chance you’d be able to send me a scan of that interview? Team Andromeda / Smilebit members didn’t give a huge amount of PD-related interviews to the gaming press, and I’m trying to keep track of the ones that do exist . . .[/quote]

Yeah no Prob’s. I set up the scaner on the weekend, and scan them in for you

Excellent stuff; I’ll be sure to clear out some space in my inbox.

Anyhow, there was something I was going to add to the topic, which is kind of escaping here . . . :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Scott”]I guess its just that i fear if these do happen and go wrong, i may be forced to think of them whenever someone mentions my favourite games (PDS and NiGHTS are my 1 and 2).
Plus i enjoy looking at those games and thinking that there is nothing like it, and its nice and comfortable by my Sega Saturn…[/quote]

I know the feeling, but I’ve been trying to look at things this way: when sequels build on past games in a positive way, they certainly can be a good thing, and I’d be more than happy to play good modern updates of some of those Sega franchises that were mentioned. On the other hand, if a sequel turns out badly, the gamers themselves don’t really lose much; they still don’t have a good sequel, but then they didn’t have any sequel before that, which is more or less the same thing.

The real loser in the case of a bad sequel would be Sega, as they’re the ones who need to sell these games; what concerns me is that if Sega aren’t careful with their franchises, they might ultimately damage their reputation and sales by disappointing the fans. But yeah, I still haven’t seen this story reported on any other news sites yet, so it’s very possibly not correct . . .

Problem is Sega did publish a potential goodsales game with Orta and it still wasnt what I expected.

What I mean is a sequel can still be a great hit and lose some of the key aspects some old fans liked in the series.

That’d be great. If you’re able to share the interview with all of us that would be much appriciated too (I can host it if you don’t have webspace…).

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

That’d be great. If you’re able to share the interview with all of us that would be much appriciated too (I can host it if you don’t have webspace…).[/quote]

Ihave web space. Shouldscan them in tomorrow. If I don’t have a major hangover.

Off in a bit to watch England V Wales at Football.


[quote=“Lance Way”]Anyhow, there was something I was going to add to the topic, which is kind of escaping here . . . :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Scott”]I guess its just that i fear if these do happen and go wrong, i may be forced to think of them whenever someone mentions my favourite games (PDS and NiGHTS are my 1 and 2).
Plus i enjoy looking at those games and thinking that there is nothing like it, and its nice and comfortable by my Sega Saturn…[/quote]

I know the feeling, but I’ve been trying to look at things this way: when sequels build on past games in a positive way, they certainly can be a good thing, and I’d be more than happy to play good modern updates of some of those Sega franchises that were mentioned. On the other hand, if a sequel turns out badly, the gamers themselves don’t really lose much; they still don’t have a good sequel, but then they didn’t have any sequel before that, which is more or less the same thing.[/quote]

I guess I wouldn’t mind if a new NiGHTS game or PD game game out on PS2 or something… I would be in shock! (SSM fueled my Sega passion)
I would love to see a brand new Sega console with NiGHTS 2 and the like, but there is a part of me that would like it not to happen, with the sammy takeover, all the departments merging, i just get the feeling that this will make the games lose that feeling that the originals had…

Why?!Sega was commercial enough before I merged with Sammy.

Oh yeah, my intention was to post it online so that everyone could check it out; probably should have mentioned that. :slight_smile: