Sega to license out key franchises?


Fair go, SEGA gave Tantalus a ridiculously short period of time to complete the game. Look at their ManxTT port for Saturn, that was decent (just not enough home features, but the graphics and speed are good).

That game was really, really, really bad. Really. It joins “Winter Heat” in the “Why the hell did SSM give this 90+%?” club.[/quote]

Manx TT was ok, but nothing that special. Really don’t agree with you about Winter Heat.

That game still is great fun, and is awesome with 4 mates.

HOTD port was decent, but after VC 1 and II. I was expecting much better. The sound in the Saturn port was brilliant though, with some cracking tunes and effects all coming off the sound chip

My main gripe about Winter Heat is it just isn’t as good as Athlete Kings. Athlete Kings is still my favourite sports game of all time (In your face EVO) and I wanted WH to be AK on ice, but it wasn’t. The voices were all but gone and the sound effects were crap. And don’t get me started on the Slalom event (it’s IMPOSSIBLE!!!). But I haven’t played it in multiplayer yet so I could yet be persuaded.

NO not NiGHTS please No. I don’t want another NiGHTS game.

O_O Winter Heat was awesome. imo much better than Athlete Kings.
And geoff was right about SA2. I thought it was a pretty good game but I didn’t use to look forward to the tails/eggman levels.

EDIT: I also heard that they are making a NiGHTS eyetoy game… The world is ending

I wonder what Mr. Naka makes of this?

I think it could work well, it would just need to be have 2D gameplay again, which I’m not sure how practical (in terms of sales) that would be in this day and age. A lot of the charm of the original game came from it’s side scrolling gameplay,

Scott, NOTHING is so perfect that it would be ruined by creating a sequel with better tech…

Yeah i know, but i would just prefer the NiGHTS series to be left alone… Same way i feel about Panzer Dragoon (unless it was made by TA :slight_smile: = i.e no chance)

That said if either were relesed I would of course still buy them.

I would like to know what exactly is your idea of the difference between Smilebit and TA.

The way I see it, it’s easier for Sega to update its old franchises than start new ones. Of course, I’d love to see Sega do both.

If this we-shouldn’t-develop-anything-if-it’s-not-guaranteed-to-sell logic ruled the industry some of Sega’s games would never have been made. Many games would never have been made in fact. At least with an established franchise (like the Shining series), Sega can build upon it.

Graphically, the original Nights left a lot to be desired if you ask me. I can only imagine how grand a new Nights would be with the aid of today’s technology.

The game industry needs more games like NiGHTS and Panzer Dragoon Saga badly IMO, so I can only see it as a positive thing if more games such as these are released, or sequels to them. I’d rather the risk of bad or not as good game appearing be taken…

I guess its just that i fear if these do happen and go wrong, i may be forced to think of them whenever someone mentions my favourite games (PDS and NiGHTS are my 1 and 2).
Plus i enjoy looking at those games and thinking that there is nothing like it, and its nice and comfortable by my Sega Saturn…

You still didn’t answer m question tho…

x.x sorry

Well I know smilebit has a lot of the TA people in it and stuff, but if there were still TA at heart, they should have stayed as Team Andromeda!

Why?I mean Team Andromeda was even an imposed name.

Didn’t Team Andromedia split into two teams to make Zwei and Saga anyway?


No it wasn’t. The name TA just came about from the nickname they gave the code they were using, for the original Saturn game.

Not much. Smilebit were made up of SEGA PC Team (who did the PC port of Panzer), and around 16, to 18 members of TA.

The rest of TA joined Sonict Team, and WOW.

Also there’s TA memebrs in Artoon (makers of BLiNX)

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

No it wasn’t. The name TA just came about from the nickname they gave the code they were using, for the original Saturn game.[/quote]

Hmm . . . the explanation as I’ve heard it is a little different; the only quote I can think of right now is this one, from one of the official Panzer Dragoon sites, but it does imply that the name “Team Andromeda” wasn’t their own choice:

The Panzer Dragoon games were created by a Sega development group called Team Andromeda. This team was the first of several that were formed to make software for Sega’s 32-bit Saturn system. Each of these teams were named after constellations that began with the letter “A,” such as Team Aquila (the Clockwork Knight team) and Team Ara (which did Japanese baseball games). The names were given in alphabetical order; and in fact, Team Andromeda didn’t like their name, as they thought it was too feminine!

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]


Team Andromeda apparently began work on PDS at roughly the same time as PDZ; are you positive they weren’t made by fairly different groups of people within Team Andromeda? I’d have suspected that there was some difference between the staff involved, but without a translated credits list for PDS I’ve never been sure.

That’s also reminded me of something: as far as I’m aware, twice as many people worked on PDS than on PDZ, which would mean that at least half of the PDS staff hadn’t been involved with the Panzer Dragoon series before. That seems fairly significant, at least to this topic . . . development teams seriously grow and change over time, and even where a sequel is handled by the “original” developers there’s often going to be a lot of different people involved.

What the games industry needs is for Sega to become an industry leader once again, but not just by cloning popular games.

[quote=“Lance Way”]

Team Andromeda apparently began work on PDS at roughly the same time as PDZ; are you positive they weren’t made by fairly different groups of people within Team Andromeda? I’d have suspected that there was some difference between the staff involved, but without a translated credits list for PDS I’ve never been sure.

That’s also reminded me of something: as far as I’m aware, twice as many people worked on PDS than on PDZ, which would mean that at least half of the PDS staff hadn’t been involved with the Panzer Dragoon series before. That seems fairly significant, at least to this topic . . . development teams seriously grow and change over time, and even where a sequel is handled by the “original” developers there’s often going to be a lot of different people involved.[/quote]

I’m quite certain that development on Zwei and Saga started simultaneously, so there were indeed two different teams. I think I remember reading that a part of the team working on Zwei eventually joined the team working on Saga.