Sega Sues EA!

Uh huh…I don’t know how I feel towards Sega at the moment…so I will comment no further!

You know what they say about agression: if you don’t vent it every now and then it will build up until you burst into flames.

I agree, that’s exactly how I feel about Sega! burst into flames eh…I thought you just got these weird boils like in the simpsons…

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

That’s the company’s sole aim. At least Sega and other companies will do their best to create innovative games in the hopes they will become popular. EA simply takes the pre-existing preferences of gamers today, and makes those preferences real over and over and over again.

EA bought Westwood Studios in order to make money off of the “Command and Conquer” name for crying out loud.[/quote]

I myself have no feelings toward EA whatsoever really. All I can say is that I consider them the definitive sellout developer. Jeez, it’s only a matter of time before we see EA release it’s own console, buy Nintendo, Square-Enix, and Sony Interactive (Microsoft is simply too big to do that imo which is why I can luckily not list them there)

EA doesn’t seem to have any goals beyond reaping gluttonous amounts of profit from every one of its ventures.

Thank you Captain Obvious :slight_smile:

I don’t like to be “connected” to a company.Games like Shenmue and Panzer Dragoon Saga (among many others) have proved however that SEGA really has a concern about the costumer.

They really make art (something that satisfy the senses as much as the mind)sometimes.

Ah, love the way you put it as “art.”

Unfortunately, very few companies seem to be concerned with any uniqueness or creativity anymore…

[quote=“Neil”]Ah, love the way you put it as “art.”

Unfortunately, very few companies seem to be concerned with any uniqueness or creativity anymore…[/quote]

Hopefully that will continue to set Sega apart from the likes of EA.

Well I did enjoy playin agehnst my cousin when I was younger: NHL in th Genesis :slight_smile:

Altho I dind’t consider THAT art.Fun yes.But I don’t believe any of us like PD for it’s fun anyway.At least I don’t like it because of that(which is a fact :PD games are fun)…

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

You know what they say about agression: if you don’t vent it every now and then it will build up until you burst into flames.[/quote]

I do vent my agression. I did today at work. Customers piss me off, I go out the back and the staff piss me off too, sigh.

Anyway, EA, like I said before, I can’t look anywhere at work without seeing their logo! Dammit!

I wonder how many of EA’s ‘fans’ actually know what EA stands for…

Entertainment Asskissers?
Everyday Amusements?
Ending Anarchy?

You know, as much as you all seem to dislike Electronic Arts, you have to admit that they have given a lot to the industry. The Need for Speed series and the FIFA series alone have pumped new ideas and strong competition into the market. Yes, they make mainstream games, but they make them well (most of the time).

Well…yeah, except for the fact that I like neither Fifa or Need for Speed. The last EA game I enjoyed was James Pond II: Robocod!

There are quite a lot of EA games i like… looking at my PC games most are EA. But never doubting the fact that they do rinse every penny out of games and spoiling them solely for ??? (see the C&C topic…)

I have The Sims games, Black and White, C&C RA… there are some other good games as well. I also like Fifa (the newer ones - 2003+).

I own FIFA’s 99, 01 and 03. 99 ruled in its day and 03 is still a damn good game, though I also like 04. The Need for Speed is one of my favourite driving franchises, and I look forward to picking up NFS:U. I have Black and White too, but haven’t completed it.

The definition of a clone :slight_smile:

It was pretty fun though. For those who haven’t played it, the game stars a fish inside a ‘robosuit’ so he can walk on land. Various aspects of the game are taken from different games and movies. The gameplay was very simular to Mario, while the characters were James Bond type characters (Dr Maybe for example). Even the speed power up looked a lot like Sonic with speed shoes on.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
It was pretty fun though.[/quote]

The last time I played Robocod I feel asleep halfway through world 4. There was absolutely nothing that urged you to continue forwards, other than to achieve a ridiculously high score which could never be put in words.

I was gonna say that:P I agree with you there Pete! bleh is what I say to them…

Each to their own, I suppose.

Still, I liked Robocod. Yeah it may have taken elements from other games but what games doesn’t these days (remember that this topic started because of one game cloning the other) but it was just simply enjoyable. Maybe I have a better memory of it due to it being the first MegaDrive game I got. And what was with the Penguin biscuits anyway?!
I guess I’ll find out if it stands up to my previous opinion when it’s re-released on the PSone soon!