SEGA/Shiseido upcoming beauty game

"File this one under things a self-conscious teenage girl should probably never get her hands on. Utilizing the Nintendo DS camera, an upcoming game called Project Beauty aims at prettying up its player.

After scanning your face, the software uses a preset list of parameters to judge if your look is “cool,” “active,” “cute,” or “feminine.”

Luckily, unattractive didn’t make the cut. But no matter which category your face ends up falling into, the game will tell you how to improve your visage with makeup–or as the picture on the right seems to suggest, by addressing hair follicle issues.

It’s no surprise makeup application is the focus of the game, since it’s the result of a partnership between Sega and Japanese makeup giant Shiseido, according to Agence France-Presse.

Sega said the game is targeted at 20- to 30-year-old women gamers, so men need not apply–especially when the end result could end up looking something like this. The software package, including a face scanner, will be available in Japan on November 27 for $55. "