SEGA restructuring

I hope Sega has a better E3 this year. They’ve been getting steadily less impressive as time goes on. Last year they might as well have been in exile for the poor booth location they wound up with and the lackluster games on display. I really don’t want to think of how they could get worse.

Well, I guess they could always wind up in the exhibit hall that was converted from a parking garage. That’s exile. :anjou_embarassed:

There were a bunch of reasons why Sega ended up where it did… but considering last year’s line-up, I think it turned out for the best. There was no sense in being on the main floor and paying millions extra when Sega had nothing to show.

Kadamose - Actually, it’s been nearly a year since Sammy and Sega merged, so you never know…

Abadd; Are n’t you forgetting that they officially merged in October of last year and the talks between them started around may? That’s hardly been a year.

Would things be any beter for Sega if they merged with Namco instead?
Actually i think it would be worst for them in the long run. With Sammy they
have more of a chance and a good addition of games that they could sell to the casual consumer.

Actually, the restructuring finished in October, and May is when they finally announced the whole thing to the world.

The process had started much earlier.

Namco? Hm… Who knows? Sega and Namco have very close relationships (particularly in the arcade market), but I’m not sure. Although, I’m sure a Tekken vs. VF game would sell bucketloads, even though I’m not sure how the actual combat system would work out :stuck_out_tongue:

It wouldn’t, it’s either one way or the other and it wouldn’t even matter because you’d be messing up another system anyway.

But didn’t Fighters Megamix pull off more or less the same thing on the Saturn? Granted Virtua Fighter and Fighting Vipers didn’t share as many differences as Virtua Fighter and Tekken do now, but I wouldn’t say it was impossible for this to work.

Fighters Megamix was a mixed bag. The graphics were really, really poor (FV had better graphics on it’s own), and the VF’ers had so many more moves than the Vypers that all of them except Bahn (quote SSM) “are doomed!”. Even then, Akira was so much mightier than everyone else, and Dural was in her crappy VF3 form (VF2 Dural was way more powerful, if a bit static).

Well, the graphics can be really, really good (with today’s tech), and the Tekken’ers have many more moves than the Vypers though not as many as the VF’ers. Even then, with a decent ammount of time spent in balancing the game there won’t be uber powerful characters and Dural can be added in any of her forms they think is best (They’d propably go for VF4 Dural if a game like that was to be created) :anjou_love:

Tekken 5 is supposed to have a lot of elements rip…err, influenced by the VF series btw… I stopped caring for Tekken after the third game tbh, VF is king.

A project like Soul Calibur Vs Last Bronx (2 - cos they should improve it, heh) would propably be nice tho.

Still, if Sega was to do something with Namco I’d rather Sega created VF5 on their own, then gave Namco the storyline and had them create all the intros/endings for the game since Sega doesn’t seem to bother with such things by themselves… And maybe add some whacky gameplay modes while they are at it like Tekken Force, heh…

Tekken Force wasn’t a wacky mode, well until the announcer yelled “Chicken!”

Tekken Bowl in Tekken Tag Tournament was wacky, and surprisingly good; even though the physics were suspect.

VF 5 should have Virtua Table Tennis or Virtua Rowing in sculls or doubles were you would have to push buttons at the same time to get your oars in the water at the same time. That would be a truly weird mode.


Fighters Megamix was a mixed bag. The graphics were really, really poor (FV had better graphics on it’s own), and the VF’ers had so many more moves than the Vypers that all of them except Bahn (quote SSM) “are doomed!”. Even then, Akira was so much mightier than everyone else, and Dural was in her crappy VF3 form (VF2 Dural was way more powerful, if a bit static).[/quote]

Doomed?I could use the sakte kid,the guitar guy and even that phatso (Sandman was it?) : al they kicked ass.I really prefer VF to FV but on that game Ura Bahn was my favourite.

I’m glad that Sammy wants to have a more international presence in the games industry. Japan has always come first with Sega, and everyone else has come second or not at all (why people defend this type of behavior is beyond me), and look how far that got Sega.

So is there any hope left for Sega? Sega fans everywhere have viewed Shining Force Neo as a consummate disappointment long before it has even arrived, which leads me to believe it will be ignored by the gaming public. Still, you never know, since the mindless masses love Diablo-clones. And we all know that the only truly great games in this world are popular games. Rolls eyes.

Perhaps Bernard Stolar is running Sega from the grave…

At the next E3 we should expect to see the new 3D Sonic game Yuji Naka promised, the unnamed Shining Force game, Phantasy Star Universe, The Matrix Online etc. All the aforementioned games should draw more than a little attention to themselves. I wonder if PSU will be ported across all platforms? I wouldn’t like to see Sega’s imagination continue to be shackled to the graphical limitations of the Playstation 2. For years the poorly designed PS2 hardware has been holding games back, and bringing multi-platform games down to its level.

Hasn’t it (PSU) been confirmed as a CG/XBOX/PS2 game?

No. Sega still remains vague about what console[s] will play host to the game.

Here’s the latest net profits from Sega Sammy

SONIC saves Sega yet again. I bet that they’re glad that their president listened to Tom Kalinske when he suggested the idea of Sega having a mascot. I kinda like the Sega logo on the new Sammy games that are available via SegaDirect like HOKUTO NO KEN PACHISOT PLUS. Sega needs more manga licenses under it’s wing. Can’t wait to see the next BERSERK title bearing the Sega logo on it’s sleeve!

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]I’m glad that Sammy wants to have a more international presence in the games industry. Japan has always come first with Sega, and everyone else has come second or not at all (why people defend this type of behavior is beyond me), and look how far that got Sega.

So is there any hope left for Sega? Sega fans everywhere have viewed Shining Force Neo as a consummate disappointment long before it has even arrived, which leads me to believe it will be ignored by the gaming public. Still, you never know, since the mindless masses love Diablo-clones. And we all know that the only truly great games in this world are popular games. Rolls eyes.

Perhaps Bernard Stolar is running Sega from the grave…

At the next E3 we should expect to see the new 3D Sonic game Yuji Naka promised, the unnamed Shining Force game, Phantasy Star Universe, The Matrix Online etc. All the aforementioned games should draw more than a little attention to themselves. I wonder if PSU will be ported across all platforms? I wouldn’t like to see Sega’s imagination continue to be shackled to the graphical limitations of the Playstation 2. For years the poorly designed PS2 hardware has been holding games back, and bringing multi-platform games down to its level.[/quote]

I think Sammy wants to become the biggest third party in the world and they have the means to do it. They said they want to aquire smaller studios from japan and europe in an interview with Sega’s president last year which they seem to be on the process of doing. It also looks like they want to
develop local talent for the three main territoriess outside of japan like Europe,America and now China.While I don’t see every title coming out to every place in the world I think we will see more titles then were use to
coming out to the west then we did before. I like them to release the games that are n’t just your typical Sega arcade action game which hardly come to these shores.

E3 is the one i can’t wait to see. I read a old copy of EDGE where Toshiro Nagoshi was meant to reveal a game of his which was his personal opus at last years E3 but held it back because he didn’t like the way the marketing people was going to present it. I’m betting this will be quite intresting to se the new batch of sega games as well as well publicied titles running for the first time…

Sega Sammy needs to develop a new franchise that has global appeal if it hopes to achieve that goal. Where will that come from? Perhaps this is the very reason why Sega chose to develop The Matrix Online.

I think Sega is one of the few third parties developers that’s in any position to realise the full potential of any next generation console. I’d be very surprised if Sega wasn’t planning to develop something for the PS3 already.

The Matrix Online is being published by Sega, it is in development by Monolith Productions.

But I agree fully with Geoffrey, Sega could very well find it’s calling in the next geenration and may be able to rise from its ashes.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

Sega Sammy needs to develop a new franchise that has global appeal if it hopes to achieve that goal. Where will that come from? Perhaps this is the very reason why Sega chose to develop The Matrix Online.

I think Sega is one of the few third parties developers that’s in any position to realise the full potential of any next generation console. I’d be very surprised if Sega wasn’t planning to develop something for the PS3 already.[/quote]

Sega president said at one point that SegaSammy plans to buy smaller and merge with bigger studios in urope and japan. They have the money to do it now and I assume like EA they will buy into studios who have a proven franchise or have a grown development pool that they control to make that hit brand. i don’t doubt Sammy as they know how to market their games unlike Sega.

We shall see. I actually wonder if Sega will publish anything else developed by Amuze or even buy them out. Even though Headhunter 2 didn’t sell well, by pushing the PS2 to its limits, Amuze have proven themselves to be a worthy developer.

Heh… You think Amuze pushed the limits of the PS2?

Compare Headhunter: Redemption to, say, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo, Devil May Cry, Soul Calibur 2, Kingdom Hearts, etc. etc. and I think you’ll see that it comes nowhere near doing so.