SEGA restructuring

It seems they are putting better people in charge. Growth in western and European markets is always good too, maybe we’ll see a more diverse selection of games coming. Hope for the best.

Intriguing news… it shall certainly be interesting to witness what new strategies these appointments gestate.

And pardon me for being a hopelessly deluded dreamer, but I want to interpret “as Sega is preparing for the launch of the next generation of hardware.” not as accomodating the blasted Playstation 3, but heralding the advent of the sought-after icon of resurgence, the Gigadrive… :anjou_love:

Hahah…you know what I actually just found out today, that the GigaDrive was an emulator that I believe a Sega subsidiary created for the PC a while back.

Grumble, mutter, moan, whinge The Teradrive, then.

The only problem is how this title scheme would be adapted for the American market, considering that it was named the Genesis there… “Neogenesis” sounds rather unwieldy… the Advent? The Ascent? Or even, if the allusion has to be made explicit, the Genesis IV? :anjou_wow: Any other suggestions?

A toast to the announcement of ther Teradrive! :anjou_happy:

I always like the sound of Sega Nemesis or Sega Oblivion.

I don’t know. “Sega Ascent” has a pretty nice ring to it. Maybe “Ascention”?

[quote=“Robert Frazer”]Intriguing news… it shall certainly be interesting to witness what new strategies these appointments gestate.

And pardon me for being a hopelessly deluded dreamer, but I want to interpret “as Sega is preparing for the launch of the next generation of hardware.” not as accomodating the blasted Playstation 3, but heralding the advent of the sought-after icon of resurgence, the Gigadrive… :anjou_love:[/quote]

I hope so but I think we won’t see another Sega console until one of the current contenders drops out of the console race. It won’t be Microsoft and it ain’t gonna be Nintendo…

On another note I’m fed up with these “sensible” gamers insisting that were
never gonna see another Sega console EVER. Not true. Sammy would n’t have bothered to desperatly pursue a company like Sega if they were n’t
intrested in entering the home system market in the future.
Sega has too much expertise in hardware development for it not to be exploited especially in the home system online technology. They’re already implementing sega’s technology and vast disturbution for the arcade side
of things. Once that’s done they’ll enter the home system race again except the difference is that Sammy will have a real manangement in charge since Old man Kalinske bowed out back in 96.

Sega is dead. Move along people, there’s nothing to see here.

This means nothing to me since I don’t know these people.

All I know is that the Lucas Arts guy who was brougth in was in part responsible for spearheading the rise of Lucas Arts in the early years.


Well, Sega drops Visual Concepts. They got some money for it though, and now don’t have to worry about the sports genre, even if that was probably streaming some good profits for them. Maybe Sega will now focus on bringing some good RPG’s and classic games to us, one can wish can’t he.

(Intended post - do not delete!)

Well, in all fairness this is probably a sensible business decision by Sega - as the hordes of lemmings’ chronic gaming myopia prevents them from seeing anything beyond the next FIFA or licensed game “OMG WIT LIEK ALL TEH PLAYERZ!!!11111oneoneone1” ( :anjou_sigh:

This agreement is beneficial for Sega - the immediate cash injection of $24 million is relatively small, admittedly, but they will be receiving a continual source of revenue from distributing Take Two’s titles and converting them for the arcade. Furthermore, as The Forumer Who Formerly Bore The Name Of Fmalinkevich says, we’ll be witnessing a healthy upsurgence of other genres by necessity.

Exactly what development teams will be working on said genres? I see no changes forthcoming from Sega with Visual Concepts gone. It just translates to no sports games from Sega (Japan aside). Sega of Japan, the primary source of Sega games mind you, will continue down their usual trek on the yellow brick road, skipping merrily in the wrong direction.

Sega of Japan maybe, but since SoA and SoE are restructering like the first post stated they may atleast presuade some games to be translated that are in development for Japan only.

I was looking forward to Altered Beast even if I don’t have a PS2, and I thought it was ridiculous that they never translated it.

It’s just showing that Sega is becoming more lapanese controlled then it was in the nineties. I really don’t like this because the games aside,The history of the japanese management is dubious at best and the only great buisness decision they ever did was approving the appointment of Tom Kalinske.

They sacked Bernie Stolar (eventually), didn’t they?

Bernie Stolar is the man responsible for helping destroy the Saturn in the US, though that was under orders from Sega of Japan… but he is also the man responsible for the Dreamcast’s US launch, the best gaming console launch in history.

Outspoken man for certain, but he was something of a scapegoat, really… the hardcore Sega fans viewed him as the devil, so Sega gave him a nice lump sum of cash and sent him on his merry way after he made the Dreamcast the success it was for a short time in America. Even I believed it for a long time.

If anything, go yell at Sega of Japan for our lack of scenarios 2 and 3 of Shining Force 3. To be honest, we’re lucky that we got Panzer Dragoon Saga and Shining Force 3 Scenario 1 at all.

How come you people know actual names?Were and why do you get this information? :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s really a bit like saying a woman can go out and kill somebody if she has a baby soon afterwords…The Dreamcast’s failure to recapture the market for Sega was partly due to the public’s lack of trust in them following the miserable performance of the Saturn…

And what do you mean “We” got Shining Force 3? I haven’t played it, nor StHA :anjou_sad: