Sega back in the game?

Because they were both announced at E3 in non playable forms,Ever heard of previews which is what ALSO happens at E3? Sega made a big deal of unveiling a big title to the press and it turned out to be matrix when Phnatasy star would have been more important to the gaming press and fans as an announcement.

Your basing your judgement on hindsight and not what happened at the time.

Correction: Matrix was in playable form.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.

(And trust me, SOA was very aware of how important the PSU announcement was, which is why it was given “special viewing times” on the screen in the booth. But, when that is all you have, what else can you do? The media won’t do crap with it because it’s not as big as, say, MGS. Without more substance, what can they write? Nothing. So, they said, “Hey! PSU was announced! Now… what kind of game is it again?” And frankly, SOA wasn’t allowed to answer that question.)

Tell me: how much hype would you generate if your biggest title (assuming PSU was pushed as the biggest title at that E3) was nothing more than a minute of pre-rendered CG that said nothing about story, gameplay, or release date?[/quote]

Well, if you’re Sony, you’d get a load of publicity with people arguing whether it was real time / pre-rendered and whether it was on a working console or not. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Abadd”]Correction: Matrix was in playable form.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.

(And trust me, SOA was very aware of how important the PSU announcement was, which is why it was given “special viewing times” on the screen in the booth. But, when that is all you have, what else can you do? The media won’t do crap with it because it’s not as big as, say, MGS. Without more substance, what can they write? Nothing. So, they said, “Hey! PSU was announced! Now… what kind of game is it again?” And frankly, SOA wasn’t allowed to answer that question.)[/quote]

sign,you know as well as i do that there were criticisms about the way Sega unveiled the big announcement which turned out to be the Matrix Online. also previews of games doesn’t stop the journalists writing about them and speculating about them either hench the furor of the recent trailers and previews of games yet to appear on the next gen systems.

And since SOA was the one publishing the game it was they who made the decision to make it their big announcement.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]
Your basing your judgement on hindsight and not what happened at the time.[/quote]

Actually, he’s doing it on both, since he was at E3.

Yes, there were huge issues. But, that’s besides the question.

[quote]also previews of games doesn’t stop the journalists writing about them and speculating about them either hench the furor of the recent trailers and previews of games yet to appear on the next gen systems.

And since SOA was the one publishing the game it was they who made the decision to make it their big announcement.[/quote]

Yes, in the case of TMO. But, unless you have something like MGS4 to announce (or something equally huge), showing a CG trailer with no story gets you nowhere. It will give you about 1 week of media coverage, and after that, unless you’ve got more information to show, it will disappear. That’s simply the way the media works. You can only stretch the limited information so much before people get tired of it.

So, any idea on when we can expect to see more PSU coverage? The Japanese PSU website has been updated with lots of new screenshots and information about characters and stuff as I mention in the thread linked below. … 2&start=25

On the screens that appear in the video section of the website (I can’t view the actual video - it’s streaming and I always have trouble cos of my dial up) english subtitles are visible so hopefully that means an english language release won’t come much later than the Japanese one (whenever that is)?

Any hints?


The videos (I might be mistaken) are likely taken from this year’s E3 demo, which did have English.

It was shown in fully playable form on the PS2 and PC, and was one of the main displays at Sega’s booth.

Yet, this fact is being ignored by Goonboy…

Have to say it?s worrying me the lag of coverage of SEGA in gamming mags (not helped by their reluctance to show off anything) these days.

Back a few years ago, The likes of IGN, Kikizo ,and most gamming mags in Europe were packed with interviews from the likes of Smilebit (seemed to be interviewed every month) , AV, UGA ect.

These days you?re lucky if you see the odd Interview from Sonic Teams and that’s about it.
I’ve seen more hype and press coverage for Tetsuya Mizuguchi new Q Entertainment group.

Plus there was a time SEGA was known for creativity and doing something a bit diff.
Now that belongs to the likes of ICO Team and Capcom, and this as been reflected in press coverage, which as been dire for SEGA this past few moths.

Then when we get a glimmer of hope, SEGA say they have no plans to port their new Arcade games.
I can understand SEGA not wanting to talk of home ports at the mo (and hurting Arcade sales) but its done nothing good for SEGA image in the home

[quote=“Abadd”]The videos (I might be mistaken) are likely taken from this year’s E3 demo, which did have English.

It was shown in fully playable form on the PS2 and PC, and was one of the main displays at Sega’s booth.

Yet, this fact is being ignored by Goonboy…[/quote]

Who said i’m ignoring that fact? The original point was about the matrix being in a non playable form not PSU and this year’s E3.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]Have to say it?s worrying me the lag of coverage of SEGA in gamming mags (not helped by their reluctance to show off anything) these days.

Back a few years ago, The likes of IGN, Kikizo ,and most gamming mags in Europe were packed with interviews from the likes of Smilebit (seemed to be interviewed every month) , AV, UGA ect.

These days you?re lucky if you see the odd Interview from Sonic Teams and that’s about it.
I’ve seen more hype and press coverage for Tetsuya Mizuguchi new Q Entertainment group.

Plus there was a time SEGA was known for creativity and doing something a bit diff.
Now that belongs to the likes of ICO Team and Capcom, and this as been reflected in press coverage, which as been dire for SEGA this past few moths.

Then when we get a glimmer of hope, SEGA say they have no plans to port their new Arcade games.
I can understand SEGA not wanting to talk of home ports at the mo (and hurting Arcade sales) but its done nothing good for SEGA image in the home[/quote]

Yeah i miss those days too but Sega has kinda gone quiet when it comes to public relations even though the odd interview pops up here and there,they’re still kinda sparse. hopefully they’re too busy to do interviews because they working on a killer game.

as for arcade ports it’s kinda awkard. Sony is the only hardware publisher company that actually still produces it’s own light guns as M$ and Nintendo hasn’t done it currently. If Sega does start to port mre arcade games next gen then it will probably be the PS3 that will benefit the most especially in the gun game department.

But, like I said, Matrix was in playable form at last year’s E3, and PSU was only a 2 minute CG trailer.

This year there was actual information and a playable, hence the larger push for the game.

It’s all about what is available.

I thought Namco manufactures its own Light guns.
And there?s nothing stopping SEGA for manufacturing its own lights guns or working with a 3rd party.
The Scorpion on the X-Box is top light gun, makes me sick to the back teeth. that SEGA never ported VC III, as the gun was almost made of that game.

Still in saying that, I?m not so sure if lightguns can work with Plasmas/HDTV sets. So maybe HOTD IV won’t come to any home system