Sega aqcuires Secret Level

I dunno, i’m always curious to find out how game fare, plus it would definitely ease the many minor fueds people have over where they heard\got those numbers from.

TA - Not even including Ninja Gaiden Black, it sold over 500K in the US alone… I know it didn’t fare as well in Europe, and certainly not in Japan, but that alone is almost enough to beat Shinobi’s sales. You also have to take into consideration how much of NG’s sales and how much of Shinobi’s sales were at full price vs budget price.

Felix - Problem with posting numbers is the source. There is almost no surefire way of getting accurate numbers across the board without going to each individual publisher and getting sales numbers straight from them. Most sales figures are calculated by taking a number of retail chains, then applying it to a formula to estimate total sales. It gives you a fairly good idea, though.

One thing that I always find ironic is that a lot of hardcore gamers talk about how just because a game sells doesn’t mean it’s any good, but everyone always ends up getting into a battle over sales figures… :wink:

[quote=“Abadd”]TA - Not even including Ninja Gaiden Black, it sold over 500K in the US alone… I know it didn’t fare as well in Europe, and certainly not in Japan, but that alone is almost enough to beat Shinobi’s sales. You also have to take into consideration how much of NG’s sales and how much of Shinobi’s sales were at full price vs budget price.


Really mate, I take it all back , but last time I saw the sale figures Ninja Gadiden sold 400,000 . What ever there’s no much to call, and I take the point about budget price.
Point is Shinobi took like a year to make and going by looks not the greatest budget ever, unlike Ninja Gaiden which took over 4 years and millions and millions With the full weight for M$ pushing it .

Yet it sold around the same as Shinobi. That kind of tells me SEGA would be the more happier

Looks can be deceiving :slight_smile:


Point Taken

I really like the game too, but it did look a but rough in parts and I better not talk about Nightshade becasue for me that was dire. Not helped by the likes of Fromsoftware O.TO.GI series .
Which is just one of the best games I’ve ever played both in terms of ART direction and playability . Plus SEGA did such a wonderful job on the translation duel languages and keeping all the original text in.

I can’t wait for Cromhounds

To be completely fair, Nightshade was actually a prettier game. However, it didn’t have the same sort of appeal as the original Shinobi because the lack of the brand, and Shinobi sort of killed the nostalgic patina of the series.

As for Otogi… I vastly prefer Otogi 2’s art direction, though the lack of the Princess was a bit of a shame.

And as for the translations… :anjou_embarassed:

Oh trust me I liked O.TO GI II more in all aera apart for the music. Which while it was ace , wasn’t quite as haunting as the Original . The part when you have to take out the Big Sipders onthe 2nd level , still today looks one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen . I just loved this game from start to finish.

As for the translations, I’ll say no more mate :slight_smile:

Also I tried to like Nighshade, but its just wasn’t Shinobi. I know it wasn’t ment to be, but one just couldn’t help getting that feeling

Nostalgia beats sex appeal!? Is there much of a future in the “new” Shinobi series?

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: sex appeal doesn’t have the power that a lot of gamers claim it does. It’s worked in only a handful of cases; the most famous of which are DOA and Tomb Raider. There are very few big titles in which the main character is female whose hook is straight up sex appeal.

Who knows what will happen with Shinobi, though?

Lara Croft?She’s not that bad of a character.

Never said she was a bad character… but any character designer that creates a character whose breasts are larger than her head has got some very obvious goals in mind.

I clearly don’t give gamer nerds enough credit.

As for Shinobi, I assume the Rev Virtual Console will be used by SEGA as a psuedo-market research tool. I mean if a lot of people download Revenge of Shinobi you’d hope SEGA would put the funds into developing fresh titles. I’m hoping we may see a return of Ecco this way.

Sny are just as much to blame as Sega’s bungling. Face facts the casual gamers didn’t even know what a Saturn or 32x was so stop using that as an excuse for the fall of DC. As far as these people were concerned video games started and ended with Sny and Playstation. Anything else was too kiddy Nintendo and too crappy Sega. now i wonder who made them come to those impressions?

Overall as a company Sega would have fallen on its sword with the accumilation of mistakes but as far as the DC is concerned it won over the real gamers but it just couldn’t penetrate the dispicable false gamer market that everyone cater for. And that is down to S*ny.

True. Because then people will soon understand exactly HOW much a 10,000 seller game actually makes in revenue.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]I guess Sega has been quite impressed with Secret Level’s work so far on whatever new reincarnation of whatever classic Sega franchise they are supposedly ressurecting. Impressed enough to buy them out outright.


Then they might as well buy Treasure and from Software outright too. :anjou_happy: I heard it may have something to do with SL middleware technology that had some sway in the aquisition.


I dunno if Sega owns the Vectorman rights, but that would be a sweet game to transition into a FPS Metroid Prime style imo.[/quote]

You must have missed VECTORMAN 3 for the PS2. Although it was canned the hero resembled Master Cheif than VM and was more gritter in look. The original designer commented recently that the game should never have been canned and Pseudo Interactive moved on to do FULL AUTO.

[quote=“Felix”]Virtua Fighter 5 better be available for 360 instead of being stuck on a Sony Console like the last iteration was, I assume it will come home eventually that is.

To tell the truth, the best development studio to handle a revival of a Sega franchise would be From Software, from their previous work on games such as Otogi, I have no doubt that they would create a superb follow up to any classic games. It was a blessing that Sega brought over both Otogi games even though from what I know they didn’t make the biggest dent in sales charts. What the hell, Sega should just acquire From Software, it would be a real boost to have those guys under their wing.[/quote]

I agree. O.TO.GI reminded me of ALTERED BEAST for some reason especially the second part. Who knows what they could have done with that IP although PROJECT ALTERED BEAST isn’t that bad but should have been better. That’s inferior technology for you.

Unless the 360’s situation improves in japan or M$ brought the game as an exclusive i don’t see VF5 being a multiplatform or being on 360. Japanese companies for some reason tend to stick to the platform/company the previous titles was on before the upgrade.