Sega announces E3 2005 line-up

I’m hopeful about the line-up personally. >.>;;

Having already played the Japanese version of Shining Force Neo, I can honestly say it’s not that bad. Let’s just put it this way…it’s a hell of alot better than the crap known as Shining Tears.

Also, though Sega has screwed up royally in the past 4-5 years (game wise), I still have alot of faith in them; they are still the ONLY videogame company that makes innovative games and is willing to take risks. note That does NOT apply to any of this generation of games…but hey, they’re still a baby third party; us fans have to cut a little slack for them in that regard - they may be taking their time, and making many mistakes along the way, but once they find their niche again, it’s going to be a HUGE event. The fact that Sega is now in the black again, just recently, is going to change things, in game quality terms, as well.

Also, I would like to point out that when it’s Nintendo’s turn to drop out of the Hardware market (and they will…it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when), there is no way they will admit defeat after being totally beaten, and then slowly make a comeback…like Sega is.

EDIT - I forgot to add that now that Sega’s Sports division has been eradicated, we will start seeing good games again (i.e. no sports titles)

Chances of a new Panzer Dragoon on the new next-gen consoles: 90%

(Artoon and Sega are creating a ‘secret’ RPG together…and all of the founders of the original Panzer Dragoon, especially the art director, are located at Artoon. Coincidence? I think not.)

Okay I get your point Abadd… But I still hope Sega upgrades their internal teams rather than end up as a new EA that will simply throw money and deadlines and requests around in places they think will bring more money back and do little else for the games…

Kadamose, why would you think Nintendo will drop out of the hardware market?

I don’t know the specs of the Revolution but I don’t think any of the 3 new systems will lack in technology since most of the same companies are involved in their development (IBM for the CPU for example).

Nintendo has been doing great with the GameCube, maybe they are the “number 3” but they are nowhere near the position Sega was after developing the Dreamcast.

And let’s not forget the GBA and DS sales…

I just can’t see them quitting hardware out of nowhere just like that, there’s no real reason for it.

With the known information about the Revolution it’s also visible that Nintendo knows the changes they need to make to attract people. Bigger focus on online gaming, a sleek console design, DVD playback, High Definition display support, are just some details that seem to count these days as every company attempts to incorporate them in one way or another.

Here’s a link to a CVG article which discusses some of these “promises” by Nintendo. … ?id=118586

Also, why would you think it’s good that Sega’s sports division has been shut down? I don’t play sports games myself but they certainly didn’t affect the development of other titles. And according to ‘the press’ they were actually good titles, if not the best in whatever category they were, sadly and wrongfully overshadowed by EA’s, well, crap.

And they are still doing Sports games with external teams like Championship Manager or whatever that soccer management is called anyway…

Can you link us to the source for the info on the ‘secret RPG’ you mention? (And for that matter also a link to the information about Steve Snake’s supposed Saturn emulator project? You never did answer to my question in the thread you first mentioned it).

Even if it’s in development I doubt it’s a PD game to be honest… But I agree with the chances of a new PD game being high, I just don’t think it will already be in development, but I do think that within the new consoles’ life time Sega may at some point decide to create a new PD game. Wether that will be a shooter or an RPG, or something else I don’t know…

Because Nintendo sucks - they don’t take any risks, and their games are STILL targeted at the younger audience. They are the Disney of videogames…and Disney sucks. Nintendo has specifically stated several times that they have been very frustrated with the Gamecube…and have even ADMITTED that if it weren’t for the domination of the handheld market, they would have suffered the same fate as Sega long time ago.

When EA bought the rights to create all NFL, NHL, and NBA titles with every players names, Sega got smart and decided that it wasn’t going to ‘internally’ create crappy sports games anymore, even though their sports games were vastly superior to EA’s rubbish.

Well here’s the google cache for the announcement on Artoon’s website…the official link doesn’t appear to working anymore, however.


Another source:

There are also some Magic Box posting on the forums mentioning the Artoon/Sega collaboration for this ‘secret’ RPG.

As for the Saturn emulator project by Steve Snake, it was posted on Eiodolon’s Inn forums about a year ago now; I’m not sure if the post is there anymore, especially if the forums get flushed every 3 months.

I’m sorry, I thought we were having a discussion here, not engaging in senseless trashing. So you don’t like Nintendo and think their games are kiddy, I don’t think that’s a reason to state they’ll drop out of the hardware market as anything but wishful thinking on your part.

I did mention the handheld hardware in my post as well.

Also, define risk. Was Ocarina of Time or Mario 64 not a risk? To bring to 3D with completely new gameplay their most established franschises? What about doing the same with Metroid more recently? What about Pikmin and its gameplay? Mario Party? Four Swords was another radical departure from the standard Zelda gameplay. Wario Ware was about the quirkiest title in existence as well. Hell, even their investment in Pokemon can be considered a risk, they just did that successfully as well resulting in the ability to flood the market with Pokemon products that all sell. Still, that success was a result of risk and investment just like in all the previous examples. The focus on the GBA/GC connectivity was also a risk which didn’t quite pay off either (as far as I know atleast). Not focusing on the new “trend”, online gameplay, was another risk that definitely hurt them.

They have taken as much risk as any company. It’s just that they’ve done it successfully for the most part - games wise - so they’ve been doing sequels of what was originally a risk. Though there are recent examples of such ‘risky’ actions as well (ie the Metroid series as mentioned before).

I don’t see how that’s bad, you do keep saying that you want another PDS style/sequel game after all meaning you find nothing wrong with sequels.

Focusing on the younger players is also another risk of sorts.

Though, to be honest I don’t find that to be the case at all and seriously doubt you’ve actually played many of the games - atleast for more than a few minutes - as you’ve admitted to simply ‘hate’ Nintendo in the past. The Gamecube is currently home to a large variety of games - both first and third party - that suit the needs of any age range perfectly. It doesn’t have as much variety as perhaps the PS2 due to lack of third party support in the same extend but most first party titles are AAA quality in every aspect and there are also several great third party titles with the newest notable example being the wonderful Resident Evil 4.

If I had to find one fault with this generation for Nintendo it would be their lack of RPGs but atleast Fire Emblem is enough to redeem them for that fact in my eyes. And there have been several more worthy RPGs on their handheld.

Again, feel free to not like them (if you’ve actually attempted to see what they are all about without dismissing them as “kiddy”), but that’s not a reason to claim Nintendo will be dropping out of the hardware market in the near future.

Besides, widespread nanotech usage to create anything we can imagine - living or not - is upon us therefor all games companies will perish... Right? :anjou_sigh:

Oh the pain of being a SEGA fan. If that is it (baring the odd game held back) They really can forget it.

C’Mon SEGA what the hells happend to you. I really don’t want another poor E3 showing. I want to bore people withonly SEGA can do this and that (just like inthe good old days)

Also I really don’t care about most of those games (not In-House) I really want to know what SEGA JP are up too. They must be up to somthing, they haven’t done much of note for ages.

In a way I agree with you Abadd.In-house developers aren’t that much different from external ones but the thing is Sega’s influence (and im talking about good influence) as far as producing is concerned has changed, or at least it seems so.The fact you are getting so much more games with english voice acting is a syntomn (sp?) of that.

I think it’s easy to perceive that there was a paradigmshift at Sega in terms of philosphy.

I’m not protesting tho (the Silicon Knights move was enough to make me excited about the re-evolution taking place at Sega) I just want to see good games but I can’t help to feel awkward playing a game I don’t automatically relate to Sega.

Your account as set to default Al3x , you needn’t those.:stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Kadamose”]Chances of a new Panzer Dragoon on the new next-gen consoles: 90%

(Artoon and Sega are creating a ‘secret’ RPG together…and all of the founders of the original Panzer Dragoon, especially the art director, are located at Artoon. Coincidence? I think not.)[/quote]

In other news … 24454.html

[quote=“Gamespot”]Sakaguchi revealed that Blue Dragon is being developed by Artoon, which is best known for its Blinx series on the Xbox. Artoon’s Takuya Matsumoto is working as the director on Blue Dragon, while Manabu Kusunoki is creating concept art.

Matsumoto was one of the creative directors for Blinx 2. Prior to joining Artoon, Matsumoto worked as a programmer for Sega and was involved in a number of titles such as the Sega Saturn games NiGHTS Into Dreams and Burning Rangers. [/quote]

Also … 20066.html

It seems Mistwalker will be a new Square.Even Nobuo Uematsu is there.

No doubt Sega has a few more surprises in store for us.

Yeah, I’ve heard that Shining Force Neo is a good example of its genre, but quite frankly, I expected nothing less than a quality product from Sega anyway. It just pains me to think that Sega bankrolled this game instead of one that was true to the series’ roots based solely on the notion that it was the best move financially for all involved. I just don’t agree. And I don’t agree with the above commentary about how the new Shining Force “ratchets up” the gameplay of the older games with a “deeper sense of personal involvement”.

That’s insulting. The game should not be described as an improvement over the original Shining Force games, but as the off-shoot that it is. Shining Hacker ‘N’ Slasher would have been a far more appropriate name.

The only thing that gives me a tiny measure of hope is the fact that “Neo” was added to the title late into the game’s development due to an uproar from fans. I can’t tell if Neverland added to the extra word to insult old fans of the series who’ve associated Shining Force with “simulation RPGs” or if it was done out of respect. If this is supposed to be a new and improved (Neo) Shining Force, then what are we supposed to believe?

Most of the Shining community won’t even go near this game. They still believe that Camelot (the former Sega team) should return to the helm, believing that Sega is incapable of making a great Strategy/RPG. The truth is Sega was always far more capable than the people at Camelot ever were. Sega just aren’t allowed to prove it.

The Shining Tears artbook hinted at Sega developing the new “simulation RPG” fans have been crying out for, so I guess only time will tell.

This is a good example, as Travellers’ Tales built a graphics engine for the Saturn from the ground up that put Sonic Team’s own Nights graphics engine to shame. Not bad for a small team of English developers.

Loud and clear. Just remember… where there’s light, there’s darkness. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Kadamose”]Chances of a new Panzer Dragoon on the new next-gen consoles: 90%

(Artoon and Sega are creating a ‘secret’ RPG together…and all of the founders of the original Panzer Dragoon, especially the art director, are located at Artoon. Coincidence? I think not.)[/quote]

Most of the original Panzer team are still at Amusement Vision, and if anyone would oversee a new Japanese born Panzer game it would be them.

Don’t hold your breath.

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]Also … 20066.html

It seems Mistwalker will be a new Square.Even Nobuo Uematsu is there.[/quote]

That’s hilarious. I wonder how Square-Enix will feel about having more competition to deal with. Maybe if Drakenguard 2, and Final Fantasy XII turn out to be any good, I’ll change my mind about them. It just seems that they have a near-monopoly on big-budget Japanese RPGs nowadays. They are even publishing Game Arts’ Grandia 3 (I almost wish Sega had bought Game Arts).

Are you sure this ‘secret RPG’ isn’t Blue Dragon for Xbox 360? I thought that was the game Artoone was helping develop.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

No doubt Sega has a few more surprises in store for us.

Yeah, I’ve heard that Shining Force Neo is a good example of its genre, but quite frankly, I expected nothing less than a quality product from Sega anyway. It just pains me to think that Sega bankrolled this game instead of one that was true to the series’ roots based solely on the notion that it was the best move financially for all involved. I just don’t agree. And I don’t agree with the above commentary about how the new Shining Force “ratchets up” the gameplay of the older games with a “deeper sense of personal involvement”.

That’s insulting. The game should not be described as an improvement over the original Shining Force games, but as the off-shoot that it is. Shining Hack ‘N’ Slasher would have been a far more appropriate name.

The only thing that gives me a tiny measure of hope is the fact that “Neo” was added to the title late into the game’s development due to an uproar from fans. I can’t tell if Neverland added to the extra word to insult old fans of the series who’ve associated Shining Force with “simulation RPGs” or if it was done out of respect. If this is supposed to be a new and improved (Neo) Shining Force, then what are we supposed to believe?

Most of the Shining community won’t even go near this game. They still believe that Camelot (the former Sega team) should return to the helm, believing that Sega is incapable of making a great Strategy/RPG. The truth is Sega was always far more capable than the people at Camelot ever were. Sega just aren’t allowed to prove it.

The Shining Tears artbook hinted at Sega developing the new “simulation RPG” fans have been crying out for, so I guess only time will tell.

This is a good example, as Travellers’ Tales built a graphics engine for the Saturn from the ground up that put Sonic Team’s own Nights graphics engine to shame. Not bad for a small team of English developers.

Loud and clear. Just remember… where there’s light, there’s darkness. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Kadamose”]Chances of a new Panzer Dragoon on the new next-gen consoles: 90%

(Artoon and Sega are creating a ‘secret’ RPG together…and all of the founders of the original Panzer Dragoon, especially the art director, are located at Artoon. Coincidence? I think not.)[/quote]

Most of the original Panzer team are still at Amusement Vision, and if anyone would oversee a new Japanese born Panzer game it would be them.

Don’t hold your breath.

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]Also … 20066.html

It seems Mistwalker will be a new Square.Even Nobuo Uematsu is there.[/quote]

That’s hilarious. I wonder how Square-Enix will feel about having more competition to deal with. Maybe if Drakenguard 2, and Final Fantasy XII turn out to be any good, I’ll change my mind about them. It just seems that they have a near-monopoly on big-budget Japanese RPGs nowadays. They are even publishing Game Arts’ Grandia 3 (I almost wish Sega had bought Game Arts).[/quote]

There’s no point getting upset over it. It’s just some PR guy at Sega getting at the vocal SF fan community who they feel have been bad mouthing Sega for a very long time(There are several Sega people browsing fan forums you know) and especially those at the SFC. Besides the games producer also seems to feel that his NEO game is superior to the old titles(Which angered a lot of Japanese SF fans as well) so i guess it’s a semi mentality of people who work there.

I also heard that Sega is supposed to show 25 titles at E3 but it does seem like E3 will be a showcase for their western made games from now on and presumable the TGS will be the focus of the Japanese/eastern made Sega games. I am expecting something from Amusement Vision and Digital Rex(Sorry i can’t and won’t refer them to the new names) as they’re long overdue. Especially this RPG that Toshihiro Nagoshi was going on about in a recent interview.

Yeah i think it’s the same game too. I doubt if Sega is doing anything with former studios to produce a PD game as Sega seem to like to control things and also prove that they never needed those talents to create a sucessful game(SFN and SONIC and to some degree PANZER DRAGOON being the prime examples)

Thing is will M$ plan to lure the Japanese consumer work? Several of the games seem to be their attempt in producing Dragon Quest and real FF without actually calling them that.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
Loud and clear. Just remember… where there’s light, there’s darkness.[/quote]

I think you’re a bit confused Geoffrey. The dude in your avatar is Gilder, not Ramirez. :anjou_happy:

I actually thought those parts were great. maybe also why i think the original Resident Evil was the best one…


You also have to ask yourself: I’ve seen almost everyone on these boards complain about all the games coming out of SOJ in the last couple of years, yet you still only consider games from those teams to be true Sega games? What if other developers have a chance of bringing life back into Sega that Sega’s own internal developers haven’t been able to do?

Do you not consider Metropolis Street Racer a Sega game on DC? That was developed externally. So was Sonic R on Saturn. So are all the Sonic Advance games. There are a ton of Sega games developed externally.

As for Diablo, that’s fair enough. Some people don’t enjoy Diablo, some peopel don’t enjoy RPGs. It’s a matter of taste… doesn’t make it a bad game. As for Shining Force… it’s not a bad game. It plays very similarly to Baldur’s Gate: DA. Let’s just leave it at that :slight_smile: (let’s see if you get the subtlety in my wording…)

As for the question about AAA’s… Don’t worry, I saw that question. :)[/quote]

No I don’t consider Metropolis Street Racer a SEGA game at all, any more than I consider the likes of Red Dog a true SEGA or any of the so-called 1.5 SEGA DC games.

Sonic R was a bit diff, all the tracks and characters were degined by the Sonic Team,
And there was some justification as Sonic Team were hard at work on Burning Rangers and prep work for Soniv Adv so they were busy at the time.
But in saying that most people consider the Shinning Force series a true SEGA game, when most of the development was done at Camelot.

But I come back to the point I don?t buy a SEGA, Capcom, NCL game for them to be developed by a 3rd party.
That what was for me so great about the Saturn was that SEGA at last started to get it?s In-House Arcade teams to handle the conversion their selfs

I just like to know what those teams in SEGA Japan are up too, they?ve been quite for a while, and for me they make the best SEGA games

Camelot didn’t split from Sega until after Shining Force 2 was made. Even when Camelot stopped making games for Sega, some of its staff remained at Sega like the lead artist of the first two Shining games, Tamaki-san. Like it or not, the Shining series is Sega’s own intellectual property.

Goonboy: I think Sega may publish Darkwatch after all. We shall see. I’m not a fan of first person shooters but I am a fan of supernatural themes. In any case, let’s hope the Xbox version takes advantage of the extra horespower under the console’s hood.

I’m sure they split into to Team Sonic by then. It may be SEGA own IP but I don’t class it as a In-House SEGA Japan game

Camelot’s Sega in-house name was Sonic Co. which you’ll see on the title screen for Shining Force 2. Sonic Software Planning was the name they used after they split from Sega when making games for the Saturn. Team Sonic was a nick-name spawned from that.

OK nice to know. I was so sure they split from SEGA by part II