
I’ve long since known about the existence of the hidden seeds that affect your dragon. I think I’ve only found one or two. Anybody know where the rest are located and what they do?

The first seed is located in the desert - shoot one of the plants near the Ancient entrance to the underground caverns and it will drop a red seed. The other one is in the forest after you fight Grig Orig - just keep on going past the point where Grig Orig was and look for a weird looking plant sticking out of the trees - shoot it, and you will receive the blue seed.

The seeds will then combine and you will be able to have a 4th speed meter (you have to roll to activate it - it’s VERY handy in those long corridors in the Tower)

[quote=“Kadamose”]The first seed is located in the desert - shoot one of the plants near the Ancient entrance to the underground caverns and it will drop a red seed. The other one is in the forest after you fight Grig Orig - just keep on going past the point where Grig Orig was and look for a weird looking plant sticking out of the trees - shoot it, and you will receive the blue seed.

The seeds will then combine and you will be able to have a 4th speed meter (you have to roll to activate it - it’s VERY handy in those long corridors in the Tower)[/quote]

Kadamose is more or less right, but to be a little more specific/accurate:

1) KUO POLLEN - Found at the Garil Desert: Green Oasis

Keep Accessing the swaying plants to the east of the Oasis and eventually one of them will drop this (red coloured) item. This is the thing that lets you press L to lock your flight speed.

2) VILLATUYA FRUIT - Found at the Forest of Zoah [Above the Forest]

Return to the forest after defeating the Infested Grig Orig, and you can get further north than you could previously. There is a lone swaying plant emerging from the trees not far past where Grig Orig was; if you access it, it produces this (green-yellow coloured) item. These items don’t combine, this one just gives you the fourth speed setting on its own, which is achieved by pressing R to roll.

Unfortunately, these are absolutely the only two items like this in the game: there are definitely no more.