Saturn dreams

Meh there has probably been a related topic like this wayyy further back, but I on’t care, you’re gonna have to listen to me talk anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah so any of you had saturn related dreams? Namely I’m thinking of not in the game, rather…well you’ll see in a sec.

I had one recentally…I’m almost obsessed with buying the good saturn games I don’t have (Dragon Force for example), so it might explain some of it.
I was in some sort of town, nothing that really fitted into real life, but I knew I was in a Gamestation. For some insane reason my Dad was at the counter! So I wandered through the shop till I came to a saturn games section. As in real life, I got really excited and frantically went through the games…ones I had…and a few stuck out.
Dragon Force was one. I scooped it up and asked if my Dad could buy it for me. He did, w00t, for a heafty price though. I went away out the shop, wandered the strange place and came back in eariler to spy more staurn games I didn’t have.
Bug Too! (I loved the first…) and some real freaky games such as:
Panzer Dragoon Azel: the hidden chapter and Panzer Dragoon: Remade
Of course this got me insanly excited, some PD games I 1.hadn’t heard of and 2. Didn’t have!

And it went on, my dad wouldn’t buy it, somehow they slipped into my bag (>.>…) and I played a bit before having to return them.
Now, Azel: the hidden chapter was quite odd…it seemed like I was flying through a brown, lighter version of Shellcoof, with various plant tenticles swiping at me from the walls. I was dodging, with excellent reactions from my dragon, and then locking on and blasting the hell outta them.
It was sort of like a mix between PDS and PD2…and really well done. As many of you can imagine, the ability to move freely and blast away freely, wouldn’t really seem to work…course this is my dream so it did :stuck_out_tongue:
I’ve had various others, such as going all across this huge market place, ending up finally in a church where I had to get something so I could finally buy Dragon Force.

Anyone else had dreams like these?
I know some may have had game related ones, I sure have, but I’m sorta interested in the real life BUYING stuff kinda ones or stuff ya brain turfs out, like my Azel:tHC.
Wow, longest post ever for me, sorry about that :anjou_embarassed:
(Managed to get my hands on PD1 recentally…the dreams about PD1 stopped once I had it…)

Strangely the only gaming-related dream I ever had was over a decade ago, I was waiting for the release of Sonic 2 and dreamed about getting it. Then my sister took it away. :anjou_embarassed: We weren’t exactly best friends.

Certainly not as elaborate as your dream. :stuck_out_tongue: Then again we only remember a small percentage of our dreams at all. I think I might’ve dreamt about PSO (hell after all I played it for an endless amount of hours).

I had some agme related dreams but not necersserilly with the Saturn.One was with PD1 actually.Both the dark dragon and the blue drgaon were in it :slight_smile:

Personally I consider in-game dreams one of the best things to dream about :wink:

The excitment of them and the chance to actually be there is just astounding.
However annoying the dreams about getting my hands on games are, the great feeling of briefly having them is admitdly great!

Unfortunatly I don’t remember many of my dreams…but when I do…my mind ensures it’ll be a good one :smiley:
The more I think about me dreaming about buying a game…the slightly more worried I get about the obsession growing :anjou_wow:

i once had a dream that i was in a store and found a game called “burning furniture” and when i played it, it was basically the same game as burning rangers except that there were all these different pieces of furniture that would run at you like animals and you had a flame thrower and the object of the game was to burn the furniture until it could no longer move (because there is no way to kill a couch!).

it was actually kind of creepy because the funiture would moan with human-ish voices when it burned. i woke up because the boss was impossibly hard. i could do damage to it, but it was so insignificant that it showed an estimate of how many years i would have to play to kill it (by calculating elapsed time and damage done so far).

Dear goodness, don’t tell EA about that, or they’ll steal your idea!

I dreamt of a PD game that was released the was composed of a underground red tower that was guarded by a Dark Lagi and Rider who reminded me of a Edge with Black hair.

That Dark Lagi was fearsome! His mouth was not typical horizontal jaw that all living creatures have, it was Vertical!

Gah! :anjou_wow: verticle?! That’s just plain creepy.

Hmm I’m liking the Burning Furniture…can you remember how many years it came up with?

[quote=“Megatherium”]i once had a dream that i was in a store and found a game called “burning furniture” and when i played it, it was basically the same game as burning rangers except that there were all these different pieces of furniture that would run at you like animals and you had a flame thrower and the object of the game was to burn the furniture until it could no longer move (because there is no way to kill a couch!).

it was actually kind of creepy because the funiture would moan with human-ish voices when it burned. i woke up because the boss was impossibly hard. i could do damage to it, but it was so insignificant that it showed an estimate of how many years i would have to play to kill it (by calculating elapsed time and damage done so far).[/quote]

:anjou_wow: Spooky stuff…

[quote=“Atolm”]I dreamt of a PD game that was released the was composed of a underground red tower that was guarded by a Dark Lagi and Rider who reminded me of a Edge with Black hair.

That Dark Lagi was fearsome! His mouth was not typical horizontal jaw that all living creatures have, it was Vertical![/quote]

That sounds cool. I agree with Berserker, the vertical jaw thing is pretty ‘out there’.

It’s a good topic, Berserker - although I can never really recall my dreams so I can’t offer many experiences here. I’m sure there have been Panzer Dragoon ones along the way, however. :anjou_happy:

it was a large water bed and i seem to remember it says 9.47 years next to the health bar.

Hey, if you had picked up the sword earlier in the level then you could have defeated it with one go!

that sword was a hoax. everyone on gamefaqs was talking about it for a while but the guy that first posted about it turned out to only have 4 karma and had already posted hoaxes on other message boards.

I feel unknowing. :anjou_disappointment: Which imaginary sword / game is this?

AW DAMN…Seriously? I spent a week searching that level for the sword too…guess I had better start making a 9.1 year window in my diary.