Rumour: Next Xbox to be released in late 2012

You know I could say that about 80% to 90% percent of films which were totally forgettable and all had clinched plots and twists.

MGS I would agree, but it was taken too far with MGR 2 and IV where they just bored you to tears . Bioshock is one of the most boring and dullest games I have ever played, with rubbish AI and gameplay that gets boring and old really really fast . Its only thanks to the game simply stunning Art style that I ever cared about the game . With regards to Assault Horizion imo its simply put the best AC game I have ever played and one of the best games I’ve played this year

There’s plenty out there and Bioshock and Panzer are all cliched storylines and plots that’s we’ve all more or less seen before . It wasn’t until Saga that I ever played a Panzer game in English , only ever played it in Japanese before it . It was the storyline that made the 1st Panzer game, its was the fantastic Art style gameplay and the feeling of you and your pet against the whole world (which very few games do or do well).

Now less some games need a back good story and script to help them (more so RPG’s) but then for most its the game world & gameplay that wins the day .

I agree, but both games have fantastic game worlds and environment to explore with Half Life II being truly incredible and totally believably

Spot on.

I don’t really get what people have against QTE events myself and I will disagree with you on Heavy Rain; Heavy Rain had a gripping and in the end totally compelling storyline, that was full of twist and where the final outcome totally caught me off guard and I don’t think it can be really compared to most adventure games , it’s a pretty unique game

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

You know I could say that about 80% to 90% percent of films which were totally forgettable and all had clinched plots and twists.

MGS I would agree, but it was taken too far with MGR 2 and IV where they just bored you to tears . Bioshock is one of the most boring and dullest games I have ever played, with rubbish AI and gameplay that gets boring and old really really fast . Its only thanks to the game simply stunning Art style that I ever cared about the game . With regards to Assault Horizion imo its simply put the best AC game I have ever played and one of the best games I’ve played this year

There’s plenty out there and Bioshock and Panzer are all cliched storylines and plots that’s we’ve all more or less seen before . It wasn’t until Saga that I ever played a Panzer game in English , only ever played it in Japanese before it . It was the storyline that made the 1st Panzer game, its was the fantastic Art style gameplay and the feeling of you and your pet against the whole world (which very few games do or do well).

Now less some games need a back good story and script to help them (more so RPG’s) but then for most its the game world & gameplay that wins the day .

I agree, but both games have fantastic game worlds and environment to explore with Half Life II being truly incredible and totally believably

Spot on.

I don’t really get what people have against QTE events myself and I will disagree with you on Heavy Rain; Heavy Rain had a gripping and in the end totally compelling storyline, that was full of twist and where the final outcome totally caught me off guard and I don’t think it can be really compared to most adventure games , it’s a pretty unique game[/quote]

I strongly disagree on MGS 4, going through that game was better than watching a movie. I cared about the characters and finding out what was really going on, it was a lot of fun to me.

Except that in the end, Snake is probably not going to have another great adventure :frowning:

I wouldn?t consider Panzer Dragoon story clich? by any means, as a matter a fact i can?t remember a single movie/book/game with a story quite like it.

Assault Horizon in the other hand: USA good, Russia extremists evil, i already lost the count on the “Cold War turned hot” storylines out there, not just in games but also in movies and books, it has been done to death.

To me Bioshock is a masterpiece when it comes to storyline, very good indeed, but i understand some might disagree, anyway, for those interested, read Atlas Shrugged which is the book that inspired the game.

I never played System Shock, shame on me :frowning:

Metal Gear Solid 4 was fucking terrible. One of the most pretentious, convoluted storylines I’ve ever experienced with some of the most awkward cutscenes ever. Between Raiden doing anime shit with his katana, to river-dance dueling a vampire while Otocon cries through his Macbook Pro as Naomi dies, animating his robot as remorsefully as possible over wireless internet, it became clear to me why Japanese gaming is becoming less relevant:

You don’t see this kind of corny garbage in western games that are trying to be taken seriously. Kojima is the George Lucas of Japanese gaming.

Oh yeah, and the obligatory nanomachines:

[quote=“Parn”]Metal Gear Solid 4 was fucking terrible. One of the most pretentious, convoluted storylines I’ve ever experienced with some of the most awkward cutscenes ever. Between Raiden doing anime shit with his katana, to river-dance dueling a vampire while Otocon cries through his Macbook Pro as Naomi dies, animating his robot as remorsefully as possible over wireless internet, it became clear to me why Japanese gaming is becoming less relevant:

You don’t see this kind of corny garbage in western games that are trying to be taken seriously. Kojima is the George Lucas of Japanese gaming.

Oh yeah, and the obligatory nanomachines:

I see you don?t appreciatte MGS, too bad.[/quote]

The game was so boring and dull it would put you to sleep . If I wanted to watch a film I would buy or rent one, I play games to control the action, not watch it for hours on end.

? Evil force set to take over the world, Old hero passing the touch to a new young hero . It’s been done hundreds of times before.

Like it been done in Films , difference is Horizon plays brilliantly and I wouldn’t say too much, but are the Russians the good guys in Metal Gear Solid ?

That’s fair enough, it made little or no sense in the game to me and the game was dull as dishwater to play with rubbish AI , levels that played much the same and a dreadful weapon system and pee poor ammo levels (which lead to frustration for me)

That’s a stretch, it’s just one game and Kojima certainly has few imitators, while I don’t think he or his fans take things as seriously as you do. I can’t think of many modern Western games with great storylines either, I’d say the issues are industry wide, not region specific, wacky or not. There are many reasons Japanese games have less appeal in the West these days (not that they have to fix that, whatever works for any developer is good, having choice of different things is great for us too, I hope games will keep being localised even if their primary market will remain their home region) most of which have little to do with objective quality concerns and a lot to do with the subjective tastes of vastly different cultures and of course the fact competition now actually exists where there wasn’t much when most Western developers stuck to PC. Imo of course.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

The game was so boring and dull it would put you to sleep . If I wanted to watch a film I would buy or rent one, I play games to control the action, not watch it for hours on end.

? Evil force set to take over the world, Old hero passing the touch to a new young hero . It’s been done hundreds of times before.

Like it been done in Films , difference is Horizon plays brilliantly and I wouldn’t say too much, but are the Russians the good guys in Metal Gear Solid ?

That’s fair enough, it made little or no sense in the game to me and the game was dull as dishwater to play with rubbish AI , levels that played much the same and a dreadful weapon system and pee poor ammo levels (which lead to frustration for me)[/quote]

The Russians are not even a major part for the plot in MGS, theres a brief part where they come in MGS 3, but thats just to set a background for Big Boss. Other than that, all of the major bad guys are Americans or a mix of nationalities, but still, the point is the story doesn?t revolve around a global conflict between USA or Russian, its goes much deeper than that and touches different subjects.

I guess you don?t like heavy rain than, or heavilly story oriented games in general


I guess you don?t like heavy rain than, or heavilly story oriented games in general[/quote]

Heavy Rain was and is brilliant one of the best games I have ever played. Its gets the right balance of gameplay and story . MGS series just went to buts with MGS II and the utter bullshit with Vampires .

I also loved and enjoyed Enslaved Castlevania LOS that again strike the right balance

I only asked were they the good guys and like in almost every film they aren’t.


That’s a stretch, it’s just one game and Kojima certainly has few imitators, while I don’t think he or his fans take things as seriously as you do. I can’t think of many modern Western games with great storylines either, I’d say the issues are industry wide, not region specific, wacky or not. There are many reasons Japanese games have less appeal in the West these days (not that they have to fix that, whatever works for any developer is good, having choice of different things is great for us too, I hope games will keep being localised even if their primary market will remain their home region) most of which have little to do with objective quality concerns and a lot to do with the subjective tastes of vastly different cultures and of course the fact competition now actually exists where there wasn’t much when most Western developers stuck to PC. Imo of course.[/quote]

You’re misreading my intended message. It’s not about story complexity, it’s about presentation. Gears of War doesn’t have a riveting story, but it also doesn’t have awkward, nerdy moments that are cringeworthy. You know, moments like Final Fantasy X’s laughing scene with Tidus and Yuna. EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING from Star Ocean 4.

One of the biggest reasons why Panzer Dragoon Saga is regarded as one of the greatest RPGs ever made is because the developers knew the right balance of mood, storytelling, subtlety, and brevity. Metal Gear Solid 4 spends absurd amounts of time conveying absolutely nothing useful in one moment while inundating you with an overbearing amount of pretentious bullshit in the next via half an hour long cutscenes. In one moment, a man is incessantly pooping his pants and in the next, they’re trying to talk seriously about war. There’s nothing wrong with comedy, but Kojima is heavy-handed about it. Could you imagine watching the movie Inception and somewhere in the middle of it, having a scene where a character just starts pooping his pants for the sake of laughs? That would break the atmosphere and mood of the experience and I know I wouldn’t be able to take the rest of the movie seriously.

There’s a right way and a wrong way to do goofy. Hideki Kamiya’s Bayonetta as an example, is a recent Japanese game I enjoyed that relished its absurdity and used silliness effectively. Kojima on the other hand, doesn’t have a clue and needs an editor to trim the fat before he ships his games. He’s the worst by far, but there are other Japanese game directors that also need some serious help.

I’m glad you too can find good modern examples to list, insted of make generalisations. Seems the problem is more that certain games you wanted to love ended up with such issues, hence the strong feelings. I guess I can relate, I didn’t like MGS2’s direction after enjoying MGS1 but you could say I got over it, and I enjoyed Peace Walker and to an extent Portable Ops. Though those two also have less of that, and less focus on the story to begin with, no 30 minute cut scenes and such. Try the former and maybe Xenoblade, Another Code R, and other such titles. I think there’s little to find offensive there. I’ve heard good things about Catherine too, but I can’t recommend it myself yet. Not that any of these is “Oscar worthy” but neither are any of those Western games.

They’re too different games tbf but you summed up my feelings on MGS IV perfectly tbh . For a action steath game to have more and longer cut-scenes than a traditional RPG says it all, even the like of Yakuza strike the better balance.

I think you’re blurring the point of good games with that of games with good stories , the 2 don’t necessarily go together.

The big different this gen is that most Japanese developers are behind the west for tech and game engines, on-line and in most cases making good games .

Last Couple of Gen’s Konami was king with Pro Evo, now Fifa had taken Pro crown, Last couple of gen’s Polyphony Digital were the master of cars game (or at least on a technical level) now they’e had their butts handed to them on a plate by Turn 10 , Last Couple of gen’s Capcom were the kings of Survival Horror , now an un-known developer goes on to make Dead Space which is better in most ways that what Capcom or any Japanese developer, even in RPG’s Japanese developers have lost ground to the west with their more open (which I hate btw) and more impressive RPG’s (more on a technical level) and when it come action games the Japanese are now years behind the west.

And to me Drakes II and III, Heavy Rain and Enslaved are Oscar worthy and they’re totally brilliant games to boot

I’m not, I’ve heard good things about its story. Not in a down to earth way but since he liked Bayonetta that’s not a requirement. Perhaps they’re wrong, as I said I can’t speak from experience yet, but both critics and users have had good things to say of it.

I disagree. If anything they know the limits better, don’t tend to push graphics in ways that make for pretty bullshots but actually tend to make polished products that perform well and have consistent qualities throughout, not hit and miss. That doesn’t show a lack of technological know how to me. Other than that, as far as actual quality is concerned, again, imo their appeal has lessened in the West for reasons outside that, which I stated earlier. The quality is there to the same degree it always was, if some people grew past certain things they used to like and enjoy newer (to them, not as a whole, far from it, sadly) experiences is a whole different matter. You seem to be confusing “evolution” with what you happen to enjoy these days. That’s your deal, nothing else.

What you find Oscar worthy to others is a joke, as far as stories go.

Bayonetta story makes no sence what so ever, but the main character has bags of personality . The gameplay makes it a good game, even if it’s way overrated imo and not even close to the likes of Ninja Gaiden II , Enslaved imo,never mind Castlevania

I’m sorry the likes of GT5, RE 5 Ect also use bullshots with an extra bit of shine to them

Fifa is fare more polished that Pro Evo, Forza is far more polished than GT5 and so it goes on. When it comes to Tech and the Internet the Japanese are way behind the west. Only Capcom with it’s MT Framework engine has kept apace to any degree on the 360 and PS3. To what used to happen on the PS2 , The DC , the PS and Saturn its an amazing step backwards for the Japanese developers, even their Games market is shrinking with each year.

I never said they don’t use bullshots. But you can’t tell me Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy or Blue Dragon or Tales of games aren’t usually far more polished in what they attempt than something like Fallout 3, Drakensang, Risen and The Witcher to name a few games in varied budget levels and styles from each region (even if I prefer the latter as game styles myself, this discussion isn’t about tastes). Examples exist both ways, that doesn’t discount what’s, imo, a rule that doesn’t just consist of only the top high budget or first party games that impress you only thanks to investments that are far from the rule in Western (or any region) productions but across the sum of them. I rarely if ever encounter critical bugs in Eastern games and rarely if ever do games have completely inconsistent visuals and performance from one moment to the next. RE5, whether it used bullshots in marketing or not, is still a great looking game on PC, despite being primarily made for the far lower end consoles, and despite the fact it needs a fraction of the requirements top tier games like Crysis 2 and Witcher 2 need if they’re to perform acceptably. I know what of the two I prefer seeing. Capcom isn’t the only to keep up with graphics, MGS4 certainly wasn’t lacking either so Konami also show the knowhow, while games like Namco’s Tales of Vesperia and recently Level 5’s Ninokuni used uniquely pleasing visual styles without being quite as expensive to produce. Pro Evo never was as popular as FIFA in the West due to the licencing alone. Konami has done advancements too, depending on the version discussed, but of course when they never sold a fraction of what FIFA does, they can’t possibly keep pouring the same amount of money in the games that EA can. And I don’t see much evidence of a shrinking market there, just a move to portable systems which has more to do with the population’s needs, not a failure of home console games to stay on par, especially since Western games release there also, wiith at times surprising success, just like the occasional Eastern games have, at times, surprising success in the West. Again what you or I or a whole part of the world prefer doesn’t show any objective lack of quality, just a difference in cultures, tastes, and expectations. Monster Hunter is never going to be as big a hit here, but why would they change their priorities for that when they have a great hit there? The fact it’s not your cup of tea doesn’t make it inferior to what is. Not to mention, just recently you were defending SEGA’s output, or telling me I don’t appreciate games like Blue Dragon enough in favor of other titles, now you condemn their whole damn region as inferior…

In the end, that’s what I personally see after decades of gaming that was rarely if ever restricted in a particular region’s offerings in order to have a false sense of what’s progressive and new and improved and what isn’t. Whether you feel different due to a passionate love for certain new games, nostalgia for certain old games, and passionate hate for other titles, isn’t going to change any of it. Feel free to disagree though.

That is up for debate . FF 13 is one of the dullest and boring games I have ever played . I don’t like Fallout, but in terms of pushing the genre a bit and giving the player a massive open world to explore its miles ahead of what any Japanese RPG developer is capable of and the likes of Mass Effect just have really pushed the boat out

I think Blue Dragon is utterly charming but its plays it far too safe and the difficulty spike is too much . I’ve never played Risen to say the truth .

Come again, You’re lambasting SEGA for such failings in another thread. GT 5 is full of bugs, so is Pro Evo , so is Ninja Gaiden II and quite a lot of Japanese developed gamed when it comes to poor use of next gen shaders and incontinent gfx. Capcom are the only ones to step up to the plate in those reguards…

MGS is totally outclassed by the likes of Gears or Killzone II and I would imagine Ninokuni cost a bomb to make myself and yet again high profile game that’s sold like crap in Japan

Sigh… Its got nothing to do with sales , Pro Evo was a league ahead of FIFA in the 32 and PS2 age even though FIFA killed it for sales , that changed with the next gen. Visuals concepts had nothing like the money EA could boast but not only did they make a better NFL game series, they still today make by far the best Basketball game on the market, way ahead of EA efforts …

GT 5 cost SONY 80 million to make and its outclassed by even the like of Codemasters for tech .

The Japanese market is shirking each year and that is a fact (it declined 10% just last year). Its why even the likes of Square are forced to go Multi Platform and a game can top the Japanese charts with less than 60,000 copies old

That will always happen, after all Crash Bandicoot sold million in Japan alone .

When it comes to tech and On-line Japan is way behind the west this gen and I think most Japanese studios openly admit that fact

mgs4 ? I completely love it :smiley: it was the first game since years that I played through several times in a row.

I really enjoy breaks from the sincere and long clips (hey panzerdragoon saga essentially starts with movieclips in the plural and really is too slow in getting up actual gameplay ? ).

Why cut away his style , if you dont like it, dont buy it. mgs1 , hiding in a box, cmon that is completely ridiculous , funny, and totally IT for many.

I guess its nonsense to debate about taste.

Everyone agrees on annoying buggy games though eh ? way to improve market situation in ANY country :smiley:

hmm I want to play demon souls. great game as far as I have watched at a friends house.

hl2 was the miserable fail both storywise and gameplaywise (and I loved the deathmatch compared to the singleplayer)… ah only narrative implementation was ok , but wasted imho.

human taste

so profoundly individual and serving for endless discussion :wink:



This translates to “that’s not up for debate, but I’ll mention something completely off topic to make a different point” since I was talking about the polish in the games not how much you personally liked any one element over another.

I said I prefer Western RPGs myself. The discussion wasn’t about taste. Risen is one of my favorite RPGs ever because it’s an actual RPG unlike Bioware’s recent offerings, that doesn’t make it any less shoddy in other ways. The same for the STALKER games and also the Witcher 2 which several patches and months later still has issues all over the place and some of the most inconsistent presentation which is downright beautiful one moment and super tacky and dodgy the next. Not to mention Bethesda’s reputation of having fans fix after their mess on PC with mods, though I’m not sure of Skyrim yet.

And I disagree with these too, all of these are lackluster compared to the Western RPGs of yesteryear, outside fancy graphics, and there are JRPGs with big worlds too, this and last gen, from DQVIII to Xenoblade. DQIX too, but I guess you’ll discount it for being on a portable and thus inferior looking. Still, it injects different styles to the genre, with its focus on wealth of content, side quests, and all that jazz. Xenoblade did the same with an actually big world too. Still linear games, but that’s not a failure since they don’t attempt to make branching paths. A failure would be to try and fail in something, not to try something altogether different. And they do try and have been trying different things for ages, almost every FF has a different battle system, Tales of games are completely different and approach a fighting game focus, all the tactics games employ different strategic systems, Xenoblade and TLS take from MMORPG combat, etc. There’s evolution and different elements introduced to the genre, whether you or others appreciate it.

Not just in RPGs either, as shooters like Vanquish show. Or the fact Gears of War’s developers cited Japanese games from Capcom and Namco like Resident Evil 4, KillSwitch and Bionic Commando as having inspired the mechanics…

And Fallout 3 didn’t push the genre, it was just another iteration of the same things we’ve been seeing with the Elder Scrolls, Gothic, and other such series for decades. Oblivion (which itself was a watered down but flashier Morrowind) with guns as it was rightfully called, though it was a little more successful in what it attempted than that game and I too liked it a little more even though as far as settings go I prefer fantasy, but at least it didn’t have broken scaling/leveling. It was certainly not nearly as open and flexible as the original Fallout games though, which goes back to my point that Western games haven’t improved beyond graphics either, people are just ignorant of what came before and perceive differences to Eastern counterparts as improvements over them, when they aren’t. The differences have co existed for decades, most console gamers just didn’t know of them, that doesn’t make their perception any more true in any way.

Not really relevant, I don’t see how Hollywood blockbuster type action games are any less safe bets for the companies. The same for WRPGs that are going toward that flashy action game route lately too, from Dragon Age II to Mass Effect to whatever else.

As for Ninokuni, I only mentioned it as a graphical showcase. Level 5’s games (those they made without guidance from the likes of Square or other companies at least) never impressed me in anything else, it’s not something exclusive to this generation, I’m not surprised it’s bombing. It’s a wonder the WKC games sold as much as they did even.

I’ll take your word for it about these particular games but in my experience many more Western games have such issues and many more Eastern don’t. I haven’t encountered serious issues in Pro Evo for the Wii and the last few years it’s the one soccer game that imo seems to have pushed the genre forward by integrating strategic aspects and near simultaneous control of multiple players to completely change the dynamics of a match and the skills one requires to the better, nevermind the lack of support from consumers who in this case go for the safe options, yet they condemn developers for doing that.

So are most Western games. It’s on par, overall. Detailed, fancy, smooth, with great animations and whatever else. It doesn’t show lack of know how in any particular area from lighting to normal mapping to shaders. Whether it’s the absolute top or not is not the issue and has more to do with style preferences anyway.

Then why are you mentioning the shrinking market? 10% may as well be a flunctuation anyway. Some companies do better, other worse. Capcom had major hits, Square had some failures but also success elsewhere, Nintendo too, and I would never have imagined I’d live to see a Tales of game from Namco pass half a million in Japan.

Sales matter when one game sells millions and thus more millions can be invested in the sequels, and one doesn’t, and thus can’t afford that, and is then ridiculed for lesser graphics or whatever else. The situation matters in this manner.

And it’s a fluke. So what? FFXIV was also a major failure. Shit happens. I’m going by the rule, not the exceptions. If I go by that then I could mention tons of Western studios that shut down this gen alone. Like those LA Noire dudes most recently, which I’m sure in another discussion would be praised for pushing facial graphics or whatever else.

Anyway, it’s clear you’ve said you don’t like Eastern games as much these days, nothing I can say will (or intends to) change what you like so if that was the whole point of the conversation, then we shouldn’t have had one to begin with. If you’re gonna keep involving what you like in this convo and attempting to correlate that to objective failures then it’s a pointless one and I’m most certainly done with it. You like what you like, I like what I like, you think what you think, I think what I think. The point is, nobody’s subjective opinion dictates an objective decline in terms of quality and not sales.

It all started on the wrong foot anyway, as from complaining about this gen Parn went on to list FFX among offenders, which is a last gen game showing flukes existed previously too, that’s why I said that to me it seems to be on par with previous generations, that didn’t imply all their games are perfect now, just that they never were all perfect. Some ppl always hated FF, others hated some of them, etc. Little has changed, XIII could just be this gen’s VIII. Another issue is the lesser focus on home systems, DS and PSP were the JRPG machines this gen but the West didn’t care about them, especially the latter.

[quote=“peregrine sprout”]mgs4 ? I completely love it :smiley: it was the first game since years that I played through several times in a row.

I really enjoy breaks from the sincere and long clips (hey panzerdragoon saga essentially starts with movieclips in the plural and really is too slow in getting up actual gameplay ? ).

hl2 was the miserable fail both storywise and gameplaywise (and I loved the deathmatch compared to the singleplayer)… ah only narrative implementation was ok , but wasted imho.

I don’t understand how you could say Half Life 2 has a terrible story yet love the MGS games. HL is a well told story that doesn’t force cutscenes down your throat. Valve tells you a story through solid gameplay, scenery, and atmosphere. They develop emotion without going overboard through character development. Characters behave like people you might know in real life. There are not these animated cliche characters that you know would never exist in real life. I think the HL games have the same appeal to me as a Stephen king novel. Well developed characters and simple yet well done stories. That is what I love so much about Panzer Dragoon. They are two different type of games that both have great atmosphere and story that doesn’t feel forced.

Of course you dont understand why I l ike something or not, thats why I wrote the lines, that personal taste is irrational for others.

I agree, as I wrote, that hl2 has a decent narrative way.
But storywise I just dont see anything told but aliens come down and solve some problems, I just couldnt establish bonds to the characters, though i liked that they talked to each other and tried so solve things together. So yeah thats personal, thats always what it is.

Hence it doesnt make much sense to debate on it unless its your joined project (and even then you have to accept at some point that some people have this and that position, and some do not, unless there is a way to find a compromise), and I knew, some will be baffled by that statement.

It was a mere example of how paradox people feel and relate and why its troublesome to think someones story needs to be cut down by an editor, avery soft provocation of thought.

its same with movies, some prefer usual 90 minutes movie, others really enjoy 3 or more lengthy movies.

Some say Lars von Trier should be less provocative or needs to be, I simply take it or leave it…

Same goes with hybrids of movies and games. I enjoy both, I would watch a msg movie too, so its fun for me to have both in one huge package.

Maybe thats another point of hl2, I dont like that “unfinished” feeling.

Thats why shenmue fans are in such a tormoil are they not ?

mgs4 gave me an end after the end and a surprise after that, so I feel like I am spoiled for my money , and hence, I am happy.

Most games just dont accomplish that for me at the full retail price.

Of course, that is up to each person too.

I mean, its the same with :
how can you call that art / music / fashion / worthwile to live.

Huh You talked about RPG’s . You name me a next gen Japanese RPG that’s really pushed the boat out and didn’t play it safe . Never mind the technical challenge that the likes of Skyrim face with the need to handle such a vast open with with hundreds of NGP’s and where the whole map is open to explore.

I liked Lost Lost Odyssey the most this gen for RPG’s , but it again plays it’s safe but I like the characters and the game world , but the game is far too hard for it’s own good and like all next gen RPG goes on for ever … So much better if RPG’s could be finished in 20 to 30 hrs imo

I don’t like playing RPG’s on a Hand held, when it comes to RPG’s I still consider Lunar The Silver Star to be the best , but its old hat and was when it came out , but it had the story and a cast of characters I actually cared about , but that was then and this is now… and on that score the Western developers have moved the ball more for RPG’s this then, than the Japanese.

Games were always borrow from others , after all many say AITD inspired RE despite what Capcom say.

Sigh… Fallout 3 offered a bigger more open world that what’s gone before, compared to the Japanese RPG’s it was pushing the boat out and really if you want the old Fallout ?. In terms of vastness I doubt many games will ever beat ELITE , but to make that kind of game in today’s 3D would take an insane amount of time and massive team and tons of money . So lets be fair and realistic

You’ve lost me on that, Has I was talking about a game. But If I was to use your logic, the difference with a Hollywood action film to a game is . 1) It costs ?10 for a DVD and ?50 for a game and 2) I only expect a film to last a couple of hours and be done with it, I expect a game to last a hell of a lot longer and to be played on a weekly basis…

And you can bet those visuals didn’t come cheap.

Looking over how Pro Evo on the Wii is really cut down , the simple fact was that for many Pro Evo was the king of Football games for the 32 bit generation and the X-Box PS2 and Cube generations and that all went to pot with the next gen , where it was clear Sebass and his team didn’t handle the jump to the next gen well at all and the last 5 years have played 2nd place to FIFA on a technical level, online level and amazingly gameplay level (bar its far superior header system)

GT I’ve never been a fan of the series much, but it was always way ahead fo the rest for car models and GFX and this gen its been totally outclassed by Turn 10

I think the likes of GRAW, Bad Company II are feature better more impressive GFX than MGS IV and have you played MGS IV on-line ?

DEAR GOD it’s a complete mess on-line

And its one game from Konami most of their In-House Japanese products just haven’t come close to the west and its pretty amazing that their Out Sourced Castlevaina is not only one of their best looking games, its also by far and away imo their best playing game this gen
Capcom and to a point good old FromSoftware only the only 3rd party teams to try and complete with West for nice Next gen engines and some decent use of On-line functions.

Selective quoting now ? . Don’t come it

Sigh its shrinking year on year and has been for years . In fact I sure the big heads at SEGA Japan, Capcom, Namco-Bandai and even NCL have all talked about this fact over the years…

?. Its outclassed on a technical level what that’s got to the with a Fluke I do not know, unless you’re trying to make out that GT,GT2, GT3, GT4 were all flukes ? . FF13 was not a major failure at all it sold millions it was poor has a game and its tech wasn’t that great either.

Here were go again, your trademark changing the tone of the debate. For one I do not know what Tech has to do with a Studio closer and for another you want me to produce a list of Games companies that didn’t make the transition from 16 to the 32 age, the 2D to the 3D age . I could make a massive list of companies that never made it to the DC age , never mind now …

That is not what I said at all … PLEASE STOP IT. I’m said they’re haven’t stepped up to the plate when Western developers have this gen . I like a lot of Japanese games this gen, even ones from SEGA Japan (unlike you it seems)