Rex HD

To anyone who hasn’t heard, Rex HD will be coming out on Xbox Live Arcade this Wednesday. Ten bucks or “800 MS Points”.

This will tide me over till Lost Odyssey, can’t wait!

You mean Rez :wink:

Damnit, I don’t currently have the money for a 360 but if I could I would buy the system just for this game!Imagine Rez in HD and 5.1 … drools

I wrote that way too fast, I know it’s Rez, but come on the ‘x’ is right next to the ‘z’.

I usually play with headphones on, but I just might crank all the speakers up if no one is around…

Awesome interview with Tetsuya Mizuguchi on Gamespot regarding Rez and other IP’s:

Yeah I had already heard about Space Channel 5. This will be a good opportunity for me to play it for the first time.

Remaking SC 5 would be the most pointless remake ever . It would horrid in high def , the FMV backrounds look bad enough when in VGA

If they were going to port another game, I’d prefer Space Channel 5 Part 2 over the first. It was a better game, had better music, better graphics, and all the stages were rendered by the in-game engine instead of just a few models slapped on top of FMV in the background which rarely was synced properly.

SC 5 II is one of the finest games I’ve ever had a pleasure to play , you could really see how much the Team at UGA from thier 1st project to thier last (shame SEGA had to merge the Team back at HQ)

Anway REZ is up , GOTY already no 2 ways about it . Gutted I have to go to work in a bit . Playing this now I think SEGA and Q? owe it to the fans to make a sequel , this game is pure magic and so so SEGA its hurts BIGTime

Yep, it’s pretty stunning in 720p, I almost forgot how fun this game is!

I played it for half an hour this morning before I went to work. This is an example of what all developers should strive to do with their Xbox Live Arcade ports. It comes with the standard definition version too, and you can definitely see the improvements if you compare the two versions.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

I played it for half an hour this morning before I went to work. This is an example of what all developers should strive to do with their Xbox Live Arcade ports. It comes with the standard definition version too, and you can definitely see the improvements if you compare the two versions.[/quote]

One would hope this would show SEGA more than anybody , But I doubt SOJ will even care . Yes I know putting games up on LIVE is a pain in the ass and you have to fill in a 500 page doc just to submit a Proposal(never mind the work on the port) and the download limit ridiculous .
But still games like Cosmic Smash , Virtual On II, Alien Front Online (I love this game) should being put up on LIVE Arcade , I also love to see more DC ports like HOTD II and SEGA Rally II being put up on LIVE.

Don?t even get me started on the number of system 16, 32 titles that should be putting up on LIVE (for which there’s no excuse).
What with SEGA having the rights to Aliens and also making a new Golden Axe game, it beggars believe that Golden Axe Revenge of Death Adder and Aliens the Gun game aren?t up on LIVE .

I love SEGA with all my heart , but its sometimes very hard to support the corp and they don?t half kick their true fans in the teeth sometimes .
Like my gran said , never forget who you are, and your routes, no matter how successful you’ll get , becasue if you fail you’ll need your true friends to fall back on

SEGA shouldn?t forget that a large part of it fans are there thanks to their Arcade games , and like to play ports at home, that why a lot of people bought a Mega Drive or MS at the start


Alien Front Online was a simple game sure, but no more so than Mechassault and that game was plenty hyped and basically crap by comparison. AFO was way better balanced and actually rewarded skill…

The other game that would kill on Live is Ooga Booga! Though I wonder if VC could have some claim to it yet.

Em… the Space Channel 5.0 game is a Wii game… not 360, so you don’t have to worry about the FMVs looking bad in HD.

However I doubt they will use the same FMVs as the DC version anyway.

They are more likely to take the masters and re-encode them to a better format.