Full trailery goodness!

I know that the RE games have made a decided divergence from the “haunted house” style of “survival horror” games …

… but in this modern decade “horror” (in it’s entertainment form) is no longer synonymous with ghoulies and ghosties, with haunted houses and graveyards, with Draculas, Frankensteins, and dare I say - shuffling zombies.

Look at movies like 28 Days Later (and the excellent sequel 28 Weeks Later), Hostel, Devil’s Rejects, The Hills Have Eyes remake, or if you MUST have zombies - the amazing re-imagining of Dawn of the Dead.

The Horror genre has found new life in a sense of “realism”, perhaps not scientifically speaking, but in a “this could happen to me” / “how terrified would I feel in this situation” way that has never really been there in the archetypal “group of teens get picked off one-by-one in a haunted house” horror film.

I digress … we were talking about RE5 weren’t we?

As much as I adore RE4 for a multitude of reasons … and as “terrifying” as the locales and antagonists of RE4 are … I know that there were a handful of users who simply didn’t buy it as a “horror” title … and while those people will STILL probably have a hard time buying into this installment (as it doesn’t look any more like RE 1-3 than 4 did) as a “survival horror” game, the trailer has totally got ME sold.

in the trailer I’ve got to say, the impoverished locations and militant African-looking characters that I assume you’ll be fighting, look downright terrifying, and look to easily trump the creepy rural Spaniard farmers of RE4.

The sequence where the character is being held down while the (virus? plagas?) takes effect … it’s just bone chilling. AmIright?

I can NOT wait for this one

Well after playing RE4 I can honestly say I’m looking forward to this game even tough I don’t consider myself a Resident Evil fan.

RE4 didn’t scare me at all but then again I don’t know if I want to play a game to get scared.

The teaser didn’t really get me excited but it did leave me curious as to how they pretend to convey horror in a daylight setting.

Also I’m wondering what what exactly they have in store in terms of locations/level design because if it is indeed set in Africa I don’t think there is much variety in there.

RE4 SPOILER PERHAPS*****************

RE4 had a village,a castle,a military installation etc…if this is set in central Africa I don’t know what architectural venues they have in mind.I hope nothing too generic like militar installations…or at least not just militar installations …

RE4 SPOILER PERHAPS*****************

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]Well after playing RE4 I can honestly say I’m looking forward to this game even tough I don’t consider myself a Resident Evil fan.

RE4 didn’t scare me at all but then again I don’t know if I want to play a game to get scared.[/quote]

I’m in the same boat, never played RE until RE4 and loved it.

I found RE4 to be quite scary. It built tension so successfully and some of the scares did come out of nowhere (ie the infected dog’s parasite).

But it was the tension more than the shock scares that got to me. Hearing the murmur of the Regenerator would have me crapping myself.

I’m really excited about RE5 but we won’t be getting it until late 2009, I can’t wait that long!


[quote=“Gehpnaet”]Well after playing RE4 I can honestly say I’m looking forward to this game even tough I don’t consider myself a Resident Evil fan.

RE4 didn’t scare me at all but then again I don’t know if I want to play a game to get scared.[/quote]

I’m in the same boat, never played RE until RE4 and loved it.

I found RE4 to be quite scary. It built tension so successfully and some of the scares did come out of nowhere (ie the infected dog’s parasite).

But it was the tension more than the shock scares that got to me. Hearing the murmur of the Regenerator would have me crapping myself.

I’m really excited about RE5 but we won’t be getting it until late 2009, I can’t wait that long![/quote]

So … is that a Panzerfaust in your pants, or are you just happy to see us?

This should heighten your excitement

Thanks for the link! Updated the thread.

The most interesting feature is that your vision will have to adjust from the bright outside to the dark inside.

The shift from day to night was very dramatic in RE4 so it will be very interesting how they use the shifting light in RE5. I hope it is used for more than some cheap shots.