Have you noticed that the only drones who actually look human were the ones stolen and reprogrammed by ancient rebels? The drone riding the Dark Dragon, and Abadd are clearly inhuman, and they both served the ancients in one form or another.
Could it be that the Sky Rider and Azel were rebuilt to seem human?
Yes, I know the information contained in Panzer Dragoon Orta tells the tale of entire tribes of seemingly human drones living in the borderlands, but consider the source. Firstly, the Empire could have their facts wrong; secondly, this could have been planted in the game by the creators to throw us off the scent as to who or what the ancients really were.
The ancients might not be human after all, and could be aliens or evolved humans who didn’t build their drones in their image. The drones stolen by human rebels, however, seem like the people who freed them from enslavement. What a coincidence.
Am I giving this too much thought?
Ah perhaps, but the reprogrammed drones were the important ones, and perhaps the important ones looked like humans.
Wasn’t the Dark Dragon rider important, or Abadd?
Not as important as Azel, and not as inteligent. Abadd had an important purpose, but maybe his design was to hide his true worth as a means of protection.
I’m not certain I can agree with you on this. Wouldn’t the ancients build loyal drones with the intellect equal to or above that of Azel, or are you assuming she was a one-of-a-kind type drone?
I don’t believe Azel was a one of a type drone, but that Abadd and the other drones were lesser.
They were lesser and therefore less human in appearance?
We need to meet an all-powerful drone who resembles a giant praying mantis or something before confirming this “zany” theory of mine, then. >:)
Abadd was too robotic to be classed as human. I can’t see an advantage to that.
I can imagine the ancients looking like Abadd, or maybe they were simply spheres of white energy. 
The ancients were human. They have to be. It’d be too moronic otherwise.
Yes, well, we shall see.
The Zoah Bible differentiates between the “gods” and humanity. Why make this distinction if these “gods” were human?
Some of them certainly were, how else would the people of the present day Panzer world exist? People don’t just appear out of no where.
Back to the topic, the theory is an interesting one. Perhaps the rebel drones were shaped like humans because they were more human? By that, I mean they had more of a sense of self and therefore had a greater ability to rebel.
Perhaps, but why would the ancients create drones that had the side effect of rebellion?
Well, as we know, Azel was not complete when they stole her (the rebels). Maybe the part they hadn’t completed was the “lock” on her will? There could be simular reasons with other drones.
But why would the create a will only to lock it? Wouldn’t they just create the emotions that would be neccasary for her task? Why create emotions just to disallow her to use them…
[quote]Have you noticed that the only drones who actually look human were the ones stolen and reprogrammed by ancient rebels? The drone riding the Dark Dragon, and Abadd are clearly inhuman, and they both served the ancients in one form or another.
Could it be that the Sky Rider and Azel were rebuilt to seem human?
I always thought that the Sky Rider and the Dark Dragon Rider looked quite similar, just with slightly different armour. Although, I haven’t really had a close look at the Dark Dragon Rider, you don’t really get much a a chance to see him properly. Hmm, I think there was a pretty good picture of him in the theories section, maybe i’ll go and have a look.
Anyway, I agree with shadow about the ancients, I am pretty sure they were just humans, but you never know…
BTW, Does anyone have a theory on what happened to the rider of the dragon in Zwei? I have been wondering about that for quite a while.
Oh yes their are theories about Lundi indeed 
Did the Ancients actually create drone’s emotions? I would say that emotions are a natural side effect. They are, after all, made up from the dark mystery of DNA. Also the more intelligence that a drone possessed, could affect its emotional level.
[quote=“Drenholm”]I always thought that the Sky Rider and the Dark Dragon Rider looked quite similar, just with slightly different armour. Although, I haven’t really had a close look at the Dark Dragon Rider, you don’t really get much a a chance to see him properly. Hmm, I think there was a pretty good picture of him in the theories section, maybe i’ll go and have a look.
Anyway, I agree with shadow about the ancients, I am pretty sure they were just humans, but you never know…
BTW, Does anyone have a theory on what happened to the rider of the dragon in Zwei? I have been wondering about that for quite a while.[/quote]
The Dark Dragon rider wears armour identical to the armour the Sky Rider wears, only black, and he himself has glowing eyes. So no, I wouldn’t consider him human in terms of appearance. 
Lundi joined the Seekers and eventually became their leader and Gash’s mentor. Of course, we have no idea what became of him afterwards.
Erm, I didn’t mean Lundi.
I was wondering why the guardian dragon didn’t have a rider, I just forgot what it was called when I was posting that 
No one knows. I assume its close proximity to Shelcoof meant it didn’t need a drone to control it.