Radiant Silvergun HD Coming to XBLA! Finally in reach!

this is exiting…

if only i had a 360 D’:

PS3 has god of war, and mgs 4 and ace combat ahhhhhhh…

Can i play Orta on 360? And theres all these games, 360 or ps3, i?m so confused :anjou_disappointment:

Yes and no. The game works fine on an NTSC Xbox 360. The PAL version crashes after the third episode, however.


Yes and no. The game works fine on an NTSC Xbox 360. The PAL version crashes after the third episode, however.[/quote]

Damn, i?m in PAL region :S

You can accumulate 20 hours of gameplay, at which point the whole Pandora’s Box is unlocked. Open it and start from the 4th episode. I think you won’t get the cutscenes during the game, but you can still watch them on Pandora’s Box anyway.

EDIT: Typo.

Nice find Striker. I hadn’t thought of doing that, but it makes sense.

I have to seriously think about it!

Problem is i?m in university now and money is always short, gotta manage stuff…