Question about official names

On, the guides for the first two PD games (here and here) give many “official” names for things that I’ve never heard before. For example:

PD1 Episode 3 - Excavation Site #9
PD1 Episode 6 - Teito, the Empire’s Capital City
PD2 Episode 2 - The Great Canyon / The Great Ravine
PD2 Episode 3 - The Forest of Taboo
PD2 Episode 4 Boss - Randodoula / Rand-Doula

One of the authors credits them to a site called Panzer Dragoon Academy (which is unfortunately in Japanese), and Lagi’s Art of Panzer Dragoon site (which does use some of the boss names). I’m guessing they might have come from official guidebooks, as all of the other names used in the FAQs seem to be accurate.

I was wondering if anyone can confirm these as official or not? If they’re official then I could add them to these maps of the Panzer world I’m working on for the site, which would be nice.

I can confirm the last one (4th episode boss) and I’m quite sure the first one is official but I dunno where I heard it.

Btw Zwei’s 4th episode boss is anmed like that cause you can see it when fighting Sestren.It’s one of Sestren’s attacks that brings ancient memroys to attack you :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure when Sestren “throws” that boss at you it’s just called the “Fused Guardian”. It does give the official name of the Zwei Episode 5 boss, though (the Nooth). Is that what you’re thinking of?

No no…
Yeah your right.When then did I get the Randoula name?

:stuck_out_tongue: I know : i think it was the name of the creature’s pic in Lagi’s website :stuck_out_tongue:

Dammit, and all this time I’d thought it was “Nuse.” Crap.

The Zwei Episode 5 boss is called “Nuse” in Die Welt von Panzer Dragoon Zwei (the official Zwei guidebook).

Oh, so I guess that’s where I got it from. Which one is correct, I wonder?

They’re both phonetic transcriptions of the original Japanese name, so in a way they both are; they’re just the work of different translators. There’s other different spellings like Khouriat/Coolia, Mechania/Meccania, Shellkouff/Shelcoof, etc. too. Some things are even renamed entirely (Hanumunn/Golia, Borderlands/Frontier). People generally take the most recent or the most-used version to be “correct”.

The thing is, those area names above have never been translated in the games themselves, so any “official” versions of these (and other area names) would be helpful. If anyone has the official guidebooks they came from, a definitive list of those area names would be very much appreciated.

Correct me I’m wrong, but doesn’t PDS start in Excavation Site #9?

teito just means imperial capital in japanese

tei = imperial

to = capital, the same is in the old japanese capital kyoto (before tokyo became capital

teikoku means “empire” in japanese, though the PD team writes koku (realm) in the older chinese way, not the modern form, maybe to make it look cooler?

I think I have an old PD2 guidebook lying around at home somewhere. I’m not sure if it’s official though. I ordered it from Sega awhile back, but it’s not bound or anything, just pages stapled together. I’ll see if I can find it when I go home next week.

No.Excavation Site #4.

[quote=“lordcraymen”]teito just means imperial capital in japanese

tei = imperial

to = capital, the same is in the old japanese capital kyoto (before tokyo became capital

teikoku means “empire” in japanese, though the PD team writes koku (realm) in the older chinese way, not the modern form, maybe to make it look cooler?[/quote]

Thanks, that’s one “official” name that can be discarded then.

BTW, if anyone can simply tell me whether or not these names appear in the official guidebooks, that would certainly help to narrow the search.

On the off chance that you still care, I checked that “guide,” and it’s completely worthless. Not a single official name in the whole thing. Sorry.

Shouldn’t we just consider all we know from Saga official since Smilebit based Orta on the english translation?

Hey, thanks anyway.

I did a bit of research, and it seems as if most of those names for Zwei Episodes and bosses are taken from the track names on the OSTs. There seem to be various different translations of them floating around, though, so I’m reluctant to take any of them as “official” names.

If anyone could provide some more (or more accurate) info, though, it would of course be appreciated.

“Karl Frederyc Craymen” was also unofficial before =) it became official during orta’s development g

Get outta here!!!

I hereby give you permission to gloat :slight_smile:

But not without putting the Rotisserie Gold Chicken back on the menu. Man, it’s been years, but that stuff was good.


Anyways, just to add another conundrum. Is there any name for the known continent itself?