Quake Live


It’s free to play.

Has anyone already tried it?

If there’s enough interest we could arrange some online matches together.

The last online game I played was Ink Link. I remember Shadow, Scott, Gehn and a few others reluctantly joining in :stuck_out_tongue: I think I was the only one who enjoyed it :anjou_embarassed:

PS. It’s gone rather quiet around here lately :anjou_sad:

While we’re at this “web” gaming thing, everyone should head to instantaction.com.

Fall Empire: Legions is similarly old school deathmatch (more CTF) fun, with Tribes-like jet jumps/flight. There are a few other worthy games on there too.

hahaaaaaa yeah i organised that game, so i enjoyed it too =P

i’m always up for online games!

I’ve seen it being played, although I haven’t actually tried the game itself.

Keen for a few games once I’ve installed Windows on my laptop.

Actual, proper Quake, is free to play online…

Why not just play that? :-/

[quote=“Chizzles”]Actual, proper Quake, is free to play online…

Why not just play that? :-/[/quote]

Chizzles are you referring to the original release of Quake? If so, you still need to buy the game, even though playing online is free.

Quake Live on the other hand is both free to download and free to play online, which opens up the game for everyone. Plus it’s more fun :smiley:


[quote=“Chizzles”]Actual, proper Quake, is free to play online…

Why not just play that? :-/[/quote]

Chizzles are you referring to the original release of Quake? If so, you still need to buy the game, even though playing online is free.

Quake Live on the other hand is both free to download and free to play online, which opens up the game for everyone. Plus it’s more fun :D[/quote]

Au contraire mon fr?re!

Quake III and backwards are all open source now, you can download them for free ;p

Quake IV is free to play online, too, right? I’ve never actually played Quake IV though, not bought many new games in a while.

Actually, releasing the source code under GPL doesn’t make it free, that doesn’t include the actual content and assets. It did however allow all those Quake 3 total conversions to go stand alone so it’s a pretty cool thing to do.

Anyway, Quake Live is probably the best bet for an active community and does have neat stat tracking and other such features. On the other hand, you can’t have user mods. Of course, that’s a godsent for people who want the pure experience, deathmatch games get tiring after sometime with every single server using some different admin mod with its own sound packs, textures, and whatever else they can think of.