Protect key 3

Hello everyone I havent posted here in a very long time.
Well, I hope this is the right forum to ask… But I have a problem

I’m recently playing through Panzer Dragoon Saga again. For the first time in many years and I’m stumped! On Disk 2 when you have to find the Protect Keys and activate the ‘black ruin’. I’ve searched for hours for the location for where I’m supposed to take the Protect key #3
I found 1 and 2 with no problem… It doesnt help that its pitch black and I swear ive been everywhere.

Any help would be great, Thanks!

These walkthroughs should provide an answer:

Ah never mind I found it… Spoiler! … It was at the black ruin its self…
God damn… lol not sure why I didnt think of that.

Thanks for the help mate!

May The Will of the Ancients and the Panzer Dragoon series live long and prosper!

Sorry to dubble post but its better then making a new topic, I have a question about the devine visitor.

Is it ‘god’?
Is there any official infomation about where it came from and what it is?

There is an explanation as to who the Divine Visitor is… wait until you get to the end of the game. Wouldn’t want to ruin it for you. :slight_smile:

Oh, I have finished the game before and infact I finished it about 5 minuites before I posted that, I understand for the most part what it is, and the person controlling is the visitor (from what i understand) but is their more to it then that, like in game story wise. I guess I havent fully understood.

I know its there to end the will of the ancients, but where from orignally?
Who sent it and so on. Is it from a higher plane of existance or some kind of god.

That’s a good question… as far as I know, there isn’t any further official information other than what’s in the game.

Gash thought that the Divine Visitor was the dragon, but this turned out to be incorrect. However there were “ancient records” which mentioned the the Divine Visitor, so it seems the Divine Visitor was also there at the fall of the Ancient Age.

Geoffrey Duke’s theory raises a few possibilities: … theory.php

That read was almost as epic as the game ;p
I like the theory to, cleared a few things up.
I know Geoffrey Duke’s kind of, I got to a cupple of forums hes on infact.
I also know TeamAndromida (the person not the developers lol)

Anyway, I’ve thought of another question has there been any idea on what Abadds missions was that failed?

My thought was that he was made as a last resort incase something happened to Sestren he would be the kind of ‘care taker’. But it seems that Orta goes into Sestren and its still not distroyed.

Am I missing something?

Abadd failed at resurrecting or regenerating the actual “Ancients”. Abadd was revived too early by the Empire (meaning he himself wasn’t fully regenerated) and therefore lacked the necessary skills to fully awaken the sleeping Ancients.

I doubt Abadd didn’t have the skill to awaken the Ancients, from his comments it seems whatever life support system that was keeping the Ancients in hibernation had been deactivated. There’s a lot of questions I still have about this though:

  • Why did the Ancients put the task of ensuring the survival of their race in the hands of a malfunctioning drone?
  • Why did Abadd look a lot less human and more “unfinished” compared to Azel? Most likely they were equally advanced drones, so was Abadd an experiment gone wrong and if so why did they still give him such an important mission? Was Abadd ever meant to be activated anyway?
  • Why didn’t Azel show any sign of malfunctioning?

Eh, obviously when they gave Abadd the task he was good as new and not malfunctioning. Whatever happened between that time and when we meet him could have caused the malfunctions. Perhaps his premature (or delayed? I think he said it’s “too late” for his masters?) activation caused it among other things.

As for Azel, well, why did she have to malfunction just cos Abadd did? We see tons of Ancient devices in the games, some of the work as intended while others don’t. Azel happens to be of the former type.

As for Abadd’s looks, perhaps his task didn’t require the appearance of a human therefor he was not given that, it does not mean he was incomplete, though I suppose it is possible he was an incomplete/failed project and wasn’t even meant to be activated while a different drone replaced him (perhaps even Azel was meant for that) so that’s why everything appears messed up when the Empire awakens him.

As for why Abadd looks less like a human, He sort of looks like hes made out of the same stuff as the ancient engines, Pure monsters and other devices. In the game Azel questions why she DOESNT look like them and the little devices deep inside the ruin explanes shes special. So I assume that SHE is the odd looking drone and not Abadd.

His mission if what you guys say is true and he wanted to bring back his masters then I think its possible that either he isnt the only drone with this task unless it was a rushed task at the very end of the ancients existance where they new it was the end and they rushed them selves into a … Dreamless sleep of eons… and only had time to set one drone to carry out the task of awakening them.

I sense a new theory will be appearing soon on TWotA…

Don’t worry, I’m not writing it. Although, I like Solo’s “The Mystery of Abadd’s Masters” found in the Mysteries section.

I reread the Uru records from PD Saga to see if they can answer some questions:

[quote]3) Our latest subject is doing fine. That problem has already been solved
by manipulating its lifespan. We shall name this drone Azel.

  1. A week has passed since the attack. The drone has not been found. She
    was probably stolen. She has not been completed yet. I only hope she does not become an instrument of destruction.

  2. We’ll soon have permission to implant that mechanism. With it, we
    should easily clear the targeted value. However, there is a serious defect.

  3. Drone F07 - Thought Index 98 Failure.
    Drone F16 - Thought Index 94 Failure.[/quote]

So apparently it was in fact Azel who hadn’t been completed. Abadd might have been one of the drones implanted with the mechanism they speak of, which would explain why he malfunctioned.

Judging from the logs and how they had to “clear the targeted value”, that does seem like a possible explanation. The question is what exactly “that mechanism” was supposed to do?

[quote=“D-Unit”]I reread the Uru records from PD Saga to see if they can answer some questions:

[quote]3) Our latest subject is doing fine. That problem has already been solved
by manipulating its lifespan. We shall name this drone Azel.

  1. A week has passed since the attack. The drone has not been found. She
    was probably stolen. She has not been completed yet.[/quote]

I only hope she does not become an instrument of destruction.

  1. We’ll soon have permission to implant that mechanism. With it, we
    should easily clear the targeted value. However, there is a serious defect.

  2. Drone F07 - Thought Index 98 Failure.
    Drone F16 - Thought Index 94 Failure.
    So apparently it was in fact Azel who hadn’t been completed. Abadd might have been one of the drones implanted with the mechanism they speak of, which would explain why he malfunctioned.

Judging from the logs and how they had to “clear the targeted value”, that does seem like a possible explanation. The question is what exactly “that mechanism” was supposed to do?[/quote]

Maybe that mechanism, is something that had to be in sync with the Towers at all times, or certain types of Towers in specific areas, to allow that specific drone to awaken the ancient ones. Since the Towers were deactivated, or the Tower Abadd was in was partially deactivated, he couldn’t utilize the mechanisms ability to draw energy from the Tower, so Abadd began malfunctioning.

3) Our latest subject is doing fine. That problem has already been solved
by manipulating its lifespan. We shall name this drone Azel.

  1. A week has passed since the attack. The drone has not been found. She
    was probably stolen. She has not been completed yet. I only hope she does not become an instrument of destruction.

  2. We’ll soon have permission to implant that mechanism. With it, we
    should easily clear the targeted value. However, there is a serious defect.

I wonder if Azel was originally going to be given Abadd’s task. It might be possible that these scientists were working on a way to prolong their own lives or the actual “Ancient’s” lives, using Azel. They had a problem, she didn’t have a long enough life span for the time they needed to sleep, so they manipulated it.

Azel was then stolen, so they created a complete drone which they named Abadd, thus finally implementing the mechanism, needed to reawaken them when the time came. When Abadd had awakened, the Towers were deactivated, and the Tower he was in was partially deactivated, so the mechanism wasn’t able to utilize the Tower’s complete energy to resurrect them, which explains why he was malfunctioning. I wonder if these scientists were just ancient humans, not the actual Ancients, Abadd was trying to reawaken? Maybe, once the scientists were awakened they intended to continue the Ancient’s work? Who knows?

What a crazy theory I just thought of, see what you guys did… :anjou_sigh: J/K

What makes you believe the “real Ancients” weren’t humans, and yet believe Abadd’s masters were so? What implies they aren’t one and the same? What other Ancients would have the power to build a drone and put themselves “to sleep” in the area Abadd realises he cannot ressurect them? It sure doesn’t look like a place the rebels could have access to, and Abadd seems to think they ruled the world and he wants to do the same, in their name, via a race of drones he’d create. As for Azel’s original task, we’ll never find out.

Anyway, that’s far fetched thinking there, I don’t think we have any hint about this device to assume that it would sync a drone with a tower. It could be literally anything as we have no information about it. More like speculation than a theory.

Unless… Now, it’s been many years since I last played the game so don’t sigh or anything if what I’ll go on to say is waaaaaaay out there but, I think at some point in the game we are told something about a device that stops emotions from surfacing? If so, well, you can tell where I’m going with this… If not, then oh well, I remember wrong and got some things mixed up :slight_smile:

Yeah, I do remember something in the game saying that. Maybe that’s the device they wanted to implement within Azel but didn’t get the chance to, so she formed emotions throughout the game.

[quote]5) We’ll soon have permission to implant that mechanism. With it, we
should easily clear the targeted value. However, there is a serious defect. [/quote]

I assumed that what they were talking about was a device they were puting into azel to make her more human then the other drones which would explain why she looks so human and the serious defect would be that she was to human and it gave her emotions and feelings that would cloud her judgement on a situation.

Yeah that’s kinda what I was saying… Didn’t think I’d have to spell it out for people, heh. So yea, that device and the device with the “serious defect” could be one and the same. Azel was stolen and so didn’t get the device, while Abadd was completed and got it with the malfunctions beind the defect.