Pro's fanart

hey =)

I thought it might be nice to share some Art pieces, both from me and other professional decent artists that are obviously inspired by panzer dragoon =)

I will update this post each time I find or do something new related to Panzer Dragoon.

from me : … -159198676 … -146512116

fromgamefan84 (look I dont do it only for advertisment lol) : … -155103601 … -156424283 … -148855553 … -143935192

*you have my humble permission to show my art in your fangallery, if you feel like it ^^ I can ask gamefan / Tyler if you want to show his work as well *


and thank you for this great homage of yours
-Tim Keil / Surthur :anjou_love:

very cool stuff!!!

There’s some great stuff in there, Surthur. I like your style. :anjou_happy:

Solo might be able to help you with this. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind adding your work to the gallery.

These are awesome. I’ll happily add the first one to the fan art gallery. The second picture, is this meant to be based on Panzer Dragoon? It’s great nonetheless.

I saw your post on the guestbook too. How about drawing a picture of the second battle with Atolm in Uru at nighttime? The colours and style you’ve used in the picture of the Cockatrice would look great for that scene.

gamefan84’s art is amazing too. I’d love to add his art to the fan art section if he doesn’t mind.

That’s some seriously nice work goin’ on there. One side of the ruin-like structure in the first picture looks a bit like a face! Was that an intentional bonus, or did it occur unexpectedly?

[quote=“Solo”]is this meant to be based on Panzer Dragoon? It’s great nonetheless.

gamefan84’s art is amazing too. I’d love to add his art to the fan art section if he doesn’t mind.[/quote]

great news ^^ tyler said :
“yes please go ahead, i love that website, been following it for years. thanks”

yup the cockatrice design was directly inspired by the valley creatures, more of a mutant then a pure blood. hmm the wings make it a bit unusual for PD eh xD wont deny that its inspired , more then trying to fit in :slight_smile:

Atolm , he is my favourite anyway haha will do that =)

cheers !

:anjou_wow: Thanks ! umm a face ? C: I see none (dammit now I want to see it too haha).
of course our mind is trained to see faces , its one of the most important symbol in human consciousness, but this time I really cant find one :anjou_embarassed:

there is a face xD but thats offtopic :3

peregrine sprout looks awesome

im not good at drawing people. I really wanna get into doing proper digital art - how long does a piece like that take you?