Project Trico HD

Watching that video gave me goosebumps, absolutely amazing.
The architecture is once again phenomenal, the animations are too lifelike, incredible.
Concerning the creature-design:
The creature has nothing puppylike in my eyes though, just a mix of a kitten, a bird and a rat. the wings make me wonder if you might even fly at one point.

by the looks of it, i am not sure if those wings are just not fully developped (yet) or if they have been culled, we’ll see about that.

As fascinating as the concept of the game seems to be (gameplaywise like a hybrid of ICO and SotC?), i am worried about the controls. I heard rumours about the creature itself being controlled with the sixaxis and i absolutely HATE the sixaxis.
it might fit the flavour of lacking precise controls over the creature, just like SotC managed the controls to feel organic, but I’ll remain sceptical in that regard. But since it’s all speculation, I won’t be so silly to judge it by any means without having had a hands-on first, which I hope, will not take more than another year.

Just imagine what the game looks like now!!! :anjou_happy:

This game is already shaping up to be something special.

I love the way the ICO team create something unique with each game in this series, while retaining the same look and feel. It’s a shame more developers don’t go with this approach.

Im so excited for this game, Team ICO make games that touch the soul. They really are works of art. Shame these games are so few and fair between.