The Last Story for Wii. Potentially Sakaguchi’s directing swan song (it’s been 18 years since the last time, who knows if he’ll fully direct another), and hopefully one of his best titles yet, with unique presentation and mechanics that transcend JRPG tropes.
The Witcher 2 for PC and possibly, later, some consoles (the engine is scalable and multiplatform, it just remains to be seen if they’ll be able to afford, or get funded for, a port). Everything that made the original good, done better and bigger.
Subversion for PC. Introversion’s fourth game with which you’ll be taking mission control over a team of skilled operatives in a hostile High Security building. At best, your enemies will never know you were there. When things go wrong, a good escape plan and timed precision violence will get you out - or maybe not.
Do we mention the (more) obvious like say, Zelda: Skyward Sword, Diablo III, Arkham City, etc? Fez is taking too damn long, but looks like it’ll be worth the wait.
Journey looks like something well worth keeping an eye on, especially if it’s the sort of ‘artsy’ game that That Game Company have a flair for. The desert setting reminded me a bit of Dune (the book, that is) and Moebius’s artwork, which can only be a good thing.
As for “gems” the only two I will get are both PSN titles…
Fez and Journey.
The usual big time releases are on my list, all I will be getting as soon as they drop below ?20 in price.
LittleBigPlanet 2 (only retail game I will buy at full price this year),The Last Guardian, Team ICO Collection, Yakuza 4, Mass Effect 2, Dead Space 2, Uncharted 3, TES: Skyrim, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and various others.
I’m surprised no one has mentioned the new Contra game coming to Xbox Live Arcade next month (also coming to PSN), retitled Hard Corps. Those from PAL regions may remember this series going by the name Probotector.
It sounds like they’re reducing the difficulty, while still keeping the gameplay challenging, which I consider a blessing considering how retro-hard previously titles in the series were.