I saw PotC 3 last Saturday with a friend.
Honestly? I thought it was the best movie of the trilogy. From the beginning to the end it was full of wonderful cinematography and lines. The way they managed to make you even feel pathos for Davy Jones and Lord Becket was absolutely brilliant.
The music is some really noteworthy stuff by Hans Zimmer, which isn’t really a surprise since the man can do no wrong and I found myself actively seeking out “Hoist the Colors” on youtube when I got home. That was really one of the most powerful openings I have seen in a while.
It really didn’t let up. Elizabeth and Jack were snarky and wonderful and Calypso - whilst her identity wasn’t a surprise, the way she was portrayed had me and my buddy fangirling her like crazy. Her accent - oh, t’was wonderful.
And the script? The script was top quality. Myself and my friend may have been the only people really laughing in the cinema but we thought it was hilarious.
The scene at the brethren council was my favourite. It served to highlight one of the underlying messages of the film - the fact that no one person in the film is truly evil. Instead they are all voting for themselves; like the pirates at the brethren council. Jack voting for Elizabeth also portrayed a message. Working together for survival, which is what both sides did.
I think the fact that I’m an English Lit student and my friend is a Media student really enhanced our enjoyment of the film. She could lean across to me and talk me through what they meant by using a specific close up or camera angle, and I could identify themes and analyse the script for her so that we could guess at what would happen next.
What did the rest of you think?