People, People.. For all your game soundtrack needs go here!

This site is ace, you can get thousands of OST’s for games there are some Panzer ones, and Nights into Dreams to and other SEGA classics!

What a great find. But it makes me wonder about the legality of this site? Aren’t most of those soundtracks still being sold?

Well then you could argue if they’re being sold in your country of origin. >.>;; Most of us would go broke on importing costs if we’d get all the OSTs we wanted.

This is very true.

Because, we all know that legality is completely dependent on whether or not you can afford something…

/sarcasm :wink:

People tend to fudge it a bit when it’s stuff they want :wink:

I have always wondered though, seeing as the majority of game OSTs are identical to the audio played in the game, is it really that “bad” to download something you have already paid for in mp3 form? Not that it’s any more legal, but it’s a thought that’s always stuck with me.

If you don’t feel guilty about it chances are it’s not illegal.
Well at least it ain’t imoral!


[quote=“Kimimi”]People tend to fudge it a bit when it’s stuff they want :wink:

I have always wondered though, seeing as the majority of game OSTs are identical to the audio played in the game, is it really that “bad” to download something you have already paid for in mp3 form? Not that it’s any more legal, but it’s a thought that’s always stuck with me.[/quote]

Personally I’ve always felt it was a scam and a rip off that you are expected to buy a game sound track to play the music you already bought a copy of outside the game. Music used to be plain cd audio format on many games and at that point you could just throw it in a cd player. That got changed of course to try to force us to buy something twice.

Much how music companies don’t want us to be able to rip cds to mp3s so that way we have to buy normal music twice as well if we want it on our mp3 players. IMHO I’d call that extortion and a scam so even if the music companies have paid the goverments to make it illegal I’d say it’s not unethical to transfer something you have bought a copy of to another format.

The problem is, the music industry’s buisness model currently depends on selling the same product over and over. From vinyls to tapes, CDs to the recent movement towards selling music over online services such as iTunes, the record industry capitalises by users re-buying the same product that they have already paid for, time and time again. Although copying your legal music between these mediums is sometimes legal under “fair use” licences, this type of free copying is exactly what these companies are going out of their way to try and prevent.

And, personally, this disapoints me as a consumer, especially with DRM-encoded copy protection schemes such as iTunes. I flat out won’t buy any songs that restrict the device inwhich they can be played on, so all of my [legal] music is ripped straight from CDs, and I don’t see that changing. Surely, with the rise of music being stored directly as data, shouldn’t that music be free to transfer on to any device and be of the highest quality? And yet what Apple, and similar companies offer, are 128kbit MP3s which (a) are a step backwards in terms of quality from audio found on a CD, and (b) tie the playback of those songs to the iTunes program and the iPod platform.

Watch the market, as in twenty years time when a new (non-Apple) killer device comes out that replaces the iPod, all your DRMed lossy-MP3s become obsolete, and the RIAA starts to sell their customers the same product all over again.


[quote=“Kimimi”]People tend to fudge it a bit when it’s stuff they want :wink:

I have always wondered though, seeing as the majority of game OSTs are identical to the audio played in the game, is it really that “bad” to download something you have already paid for in mp3 form? Not that it’s any more legal, but it’s a thought that’s always stuck with me.[/quote]

Personally I’ve always felt it was a scam and a rip off that you are expected to buy a game sound track to play the music you already bought a copy of outside the game. Music used to be plain cd audio format on many games and at that point you could just throw it in a cd player. That got changed of course to try to force us to buy something twice.


No it didn’t it got changed becase of CD Ditgtal audio taking up far too much room onthe Disc, nothing to do with asking people to play twice.

And long before CD machines they were OST tracks .

No diff from films you bought the film, yet have to pay to listen to ROCKY OST :). Nobody is forcing people to buy OST, and most games have a sound test anway .

I don’t have a problem with people copying or downoading tracks Just hate when they bring this ripp -off notion as some sort of justification for thier actions

sighs I’m seeing this site more and more now on different forums. That’s not a bad thing, as it can be very useful to have so many tracks available, but the fact is that someone will just leech mp3s for the hell of it, and if too many people do that, the site is gone for everyone because Bandwidth is too damned expensive.

All I’m saying is only download what you need.

amazing site!! Thanks =D