PDS Oasis Updates Topic

So, if gamers ignored a console with such great games and made it non-mainstream and eventually killed it before its time, what makes you think that the games would have fared sooo much better on a different console?

Well, what’s done is done. All we can hope for is the slight chance for another PD RPG. Here’s hoping.

And just by looking at my Moebius/Panzer Dragoon Parallels section, you’ll see right away just how much of an influence Moebius’ artwork had on Team Andromeda. :anjou_happy: Maybe a little too much influence, if you know what I mean.


Besides the Heavy Metal Arzach comic series, Moebius later revisited the character with a story called The Legend of Arzach. This later story contains dialogue.

I will also be uploading this Arzach story called “The Legend of Arzach” to PDS Oasis. So get ready for another update soon.

http://www.pdsoasis.panzerdragoon.net Update #9: 8/19/06

I’ve added the last Arzach comic called, The Legend of Arzach to the Moebius Artwork section of the site. This later story contains dialogue and is more light hearted, compared to the other Arzach comics.

pdsoasis.panzerdragoon.net Update #10: 3/12/07

Well, I gave the site a new look. I think this background looks better than the other one. Everything flows a little bit more smoothly now. I also got rid of those blue links.

Reminds me of Lagi’s page setup. Nice.

I’m glad someones taken notice, spent hours on it. It may not be the best, but it sure is an improvement.

Hey, good to see you working on ways to improve your site :slight_smile: I wish I could say I’ve had time to do the same.

Something I noticed - the white text a bit hard to read on that background now, since the background can be a different colour at different times as you scroll due to it being an image. Maybe have the text in a “box” with a darker background colour to make it display better. Let me know if you need a hand implementing any HTML-type stuff like that.

Thanks, for your comments solo, I’ll try and come up with something that shows the text a little better. I should be able to pull something out of the bag, or spend hours trying! :anjou_disappointment:

Okay, I think it looks slightly better than before, I added some more black color behind the top links (not taking too much away from the design) and put the update text in a black table. The table background could be better, but I’ll have to experiment with that, when I have some more time.

The black background for the text is certainly an improvement as far as readability is concerned; good job with that.

However, now that you have the gap at the top of the page so that people can see the image in the background, people might not realize that you actually have content further down the page, especially if they’re using a lower resolution. There a few things you could do to resolve this. Maybe use a semi-transparent black PNG for the background of news text, so the image will still be visible underneath the text, while making the news text still readable. Or, perhaps you could make that background image smaller and have it as part of a banner along the top of the page.

Feel free to tell me to be quiet if you believe that I’m nit picking :wink:

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]The black background for the text is certainly an improvement as far as readability is concerned; good job with that.

However, now that you have the gap at the top of the page so that people can see the image in the background, people might not realize that you actually have content further down the page, especially if they’re using a lower resolution. There a few things you could do to resolve this. Maybe use a semi-transparent black PNG for the background of news text, so the image will still be visible underneath the text, while making the news text still readable. Or, perhaps you could make that background image smaller and have it as part of a banner along the top of the page.

Feel free to tell me to be quiet if you believe that I’m nit picking ;)[/quote]

No, don’t worry Solo, you’ve made all valid points on how to improve the site, and I greatly appreciate your help. Everything you mentioned is indeed true. I’m just worried about bogging down the presentation of the front page.

Solo, just sent you a private message. May need help on something.