After playing Orta for months on end, becoming totally involved in the story, history and culture of the Panzer Dragoon world and being a loyal Sega fan almost my entire life, i’m not quite sure why I didn’t buy this game sooner. I was just wondering if there was any possible way of buying this game anywhere else but Ebay (for less than $170 bleh :P) , I have become so paranoid about trying to bid on anything there ever again after so many bad experiences (losing over $400 and not getting anything at all for it isn’t to fun) , I just can’t trust em. So maybe someone could point me somewhere… anywhere where I can buy the game for $100 or less without having to trust the person to hand it over. Heck i’d pay quite a bit just to see the fmv sequences with subtitles. So if anyone has any information on where I could buy this game or the fmv sequences I would be much appreciative. Thank you for your time.
edit: oops I don’t know if this topic should be in the Liberal District or here sorry if I put it in the wrong place =/
Your main problem is you want PDS for $100 or less. If you find it for that price anywhere you’re a bit of a jammy git, as a copy recently went on Ebay for $275. No, there isn’t a missing decimal point in that.
You might wish to look for one of the Japanese versions. Many more japanese copies were made than of the PAL version, and if you’ve got a chipped Saturn you might be able to find a japanese one for $50.
Personally, I don’t believe Panzer Dragoon Saga deserves the value sellers place upon it. People are merely exploiting the rarity of the game for money.
It’s worth as much as people are willing to pay for it
Anyway I dont consider playing the japanese version a good option since you get to see the game but have no idea what’s going on. You can never feel involved in it, sure you can admire it’s now aged beauty and I suppose the battles will be just as interesting after you understand what everythingdoes but you can’t actually enjoy the game how it was intended at all…
It’s an rpg and an rpg that you can’t understand it’s story loses more than half of what it has going for it… Only get the Japanese version if you can understand it…my two euro-cents
phew, I’m glad I got my copy, wouldn’t want to pay that much for it…and to think I got Shining Force 3, STHA, Shining Wisdom, PD2 (even though I already had a copy), PDS, a saturn, 2 controllers, Sonic Jam and some other stuff all for ?50 round about I think…and that was for my sis, but I just stole all the good games, mwahahahahaha…
Shining The Holy Ark is a good game but there are some annoying errors in the translation, and you won’t bring the overall story to a conclusion because Shining Force 3 Scenarios 2 and 3 weren’t translated (the stories are inextricably tied together).
The more I think about this, the more I resent Sega of America.