PD Reference Images

I’d like to try making some 3D PD models. Where can I find good reference images (side, up, front, this kind of thing)?

Girigiri PDS library screenshots or the one everyone would mention if i didn’t : moonapples.com/lagi

giri giri is really nice because you can screen capture at really high res.

here is the link to nice models from Orta:

moonapples.com/lagi/pd_orta/ … ameSet.htm

Thanks for the replying. I’ll try these ones and get some girigiri screenshots.

In my opinion, the best place for Panzer art is “The Panzer Place”, but I’ll be darned if I can remember the URL.


There’s some good PDS screenshots there.

Great! Both sites will be very useful. Lagi’s have conceptual art and PP screenshots. Unfortunately girigiri doesn’t run on my PC. :anjou_angry:

[quote=“lagi_webmaster”]here is the link to nice models from Orta:

moonapples.com/lagi/pd_orta/ … ameSet.htm[/quote]

In my opinion those models look better than that limited edition PDO model / statue; were they ever released commercially, or were they just an E3 promo item?

If you’re after images of anything specific, I could probably grab some GiriGiri screenshots for you when I have a spare minute; feel free to PM me with any requests, and I’ll see what I can do.

were they ever released commercially, or were they just an E3 promo item? <<

they were one-offs- they brought them to E3 and I was able to take pictures of them.

I sent a PM to you, Lance. Thanks for the offering. As I’m not in a hurry (work, study, still learning the soft) you can do it whenever you please. :anjou_happy: