
I want to know what were the moments/things/characters/songs that most influenced you as a person and as a PD fan!I’m a different person…
More than just a fan…

Knows this sounds poetic

The way humans seem to walk a path towards self-destruction yet become unified in their approach is inspiring. We’re just like that in reality but our focus is fixed on the mudane.

The pursuit of knowledge and power are always less fleeting than the pursuit of pleasure and money. Too bad few people will ever realise that. Of course those things tend to inter-mingle.

What am I saying?

Overcoming hopeless odds is another highpoint, as people, no matter how deep the grip of despair sinks into us, shirk it stubbornly.

I love the game music throughout the entire series. Orta’s music is above the quality of that heard in Zwei, which is surprising since I loved Zwei’s mixture of electric sounds and streaming woodwind scores.

I love the whole “fight against destiny” motif. There’s something I can live by.

Man’s fallen grace and willingness to repeat his mistakes.

Playing Zwei for the first tim eand listening to its lovely music. I still think Zwei has the best music in any video game. Gorgeous.

The opening of the original is wonderful, as is the conclusion of Saga.

Plenty more. Good stuff them Panzer games, yup.

When i heard the opening theme in the FMV sequence for Panzer Dragoon i was hooked.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]I want to know what were the moments/things/characters/songs that most influenced you as a person and as a PD fan!I’m a different person…
More than just a fan…

Knows this sounds poetic[/quote]

Zwei was the first game I played in the series and I found that the atmosphere and the music especially was what drew me into the series. The elevator scene rocks.

Edge is a very strong character, I love the way he is passionate and determinded about everything he does. My favourite Panzer Dragoon character.

Also, much like Lord of the Rings, even in a world where doom is ever nearer there are still those that show hope and courage.

Too me it was mainly the music and the bound rider/dragon.

If it wasn’t for the music I would probably wouldn’t be here wrting this…

And that’s why Orta is the game of the series I like less.

I take it you didn’t like Orta’s intense musical scores? What was so bad about them?

Intense?Sorry man but the musics weren’t intense…

Too slow in fact…
I want some epic things…

Only the Dragonmare song and the LEGACY episode music (at the begining) …

How did you feel about the Gigantic Fleet track?

Intense? Not even close. A lot of it is just plain flat. The other Panzer musics were great at establishing/evoking mood. Orta isn’t.

The only track in Orta that I think is really good is Anu Orta Veniya.

Perhaps it’s a matter of taste then.

Reed pipes and tribal drum rolls depicted the civilisation struggling with basic technologies, whereas more modern instruments and synthesised sounds described the sheer might of the Empire?s modern arsenal. A mingling of contrasts typical to the Panzer Dragoon world.

well the fourth level track wasn’t bad…

But it’s too repetitive…

Yes that’s it…
Maybe ause level are lobger than other PD games the songs are too repetitive…

Although I don’t like the music from Orta as much as Zwei and Saga, there are some brilliant tracks. Legacy, Anu Orta Veniya, Pain (when Lagi is hurt in the snow), and The Fallen Ground show real emotion.

City in the Storm is a pretty intense track too.