PD Legacy: new Cameos section

I’ve posted the details about the new Cameos section and the prologue for the PD Orta story synopsis in the “TWotA Updates Topic”. You can also read about them at the site itself. Feedback is always appreciated, so please post your opinions about the new sections here.

i like your layout a lot and the cameos section was pretty cool :smiley:

That is a great section D-Unit - very interesting!

Yup, great work guys :slight_smile: nothin that needs fixin from what I see so far :slight_smile:

Edit: Scratch the last bit of the above statement.

  1. The way you wrote it, it implies that only in PDOrta we have ships built “around” the float engines but we have that kind of ships in the previous PD games as well (For example with the Stinger).

  2. Are we certain the drone “point” you talk about was a “point” disguised as hair for Azel and not actual hair?

  3. Shelcoof is spelled Shellcoof I THINK.

  4. Add a picture of Orta wearing Azel’s costume plz :slight_smile:

Still great work, well done :slight_smile: dunno if there’s more you could add as I don’t have Orta and can’t double check.

I might sound like an ass kisser but that’s gotta be the most interesting section in a PD website to date!And I mean it.

Those Zwei shots are killers!Is that Giri Giri’s doing?!

I think you may have misread it a little Alex, as it only says that the old ships were often that way and that the new ships tend to be this way; I was trying to put my finger on what it was that made the new ships different, and I realised that the fact almost no new ships “hang” beneath their float engines was one of the big points.

When I came to think about this I realised that not a single pure-type creation seen to date has actually had hair. :slight_smile: It did look very unnaturally smooth and stiff for real hair too, and it hung in quite a gravity-defying way:


As Abadd seems intended to look more or less like Azel would minus her human aesthetics, it struck me that her “hair” was almost certainly a dressed-up aesthetic too. (However, that might actually be synthetic hair around her “head-point” thing; it’s honestly very hard to tell.)

It’s certainly spelled “Shellcoof” in PDS, but confusingly enough it’s also spelled “Shelcoof” in that game too. It’s only spelled “Shelcoof” in PDO though, so it seemed safer to adopt that spelling.

I found a slight grammar mistake on another part of the site (sorry to be pedantic) on legacy.panzerdragoon.net/evren.php

It says “but the squadron catched up with them shortly after the battle”, it should read “but the squadron caught up with them shortly after the battle”.

Thanks for all the nice comments guys!

Sure, I’ll add one tomorrow :slight_smile:

[quote=“Jameth”]I found a slight grammar mistake on another part of the site (sorry to be pedantic) on legacy.panzerdragoon.net/evren.php

It says “but the squadron catched up with them shortly after the battle”, it should read “but the squadron caught up with them shortly after the battle”.[/quote]

Thanks for noting that, I’ll correct it immediately.

Yep. (It does have a use after all!)

1 thought I had was, does Sestren itself qualify for a cameo section? I suppose it is too integrated with Orta’s main plot to be identified as a cameo but it would be nice for it to be there for clarity. Appologies if you have a section on Sestren somewhere else on the site that I didnt see, im too tired to look hard :wink:

Yeah, I think the Sestren system itself wouldn’t really qualify for a cameo. There’s a description of the Sestren system in the areas section, so there’s no real need to include it in the cameos.

I added more pictures of Azel and Orta wearing the Azel costume. Interesting to note is that the costume of Orta isn’t exactly the same as the one Azel has.

Great work guys. I hope the old-school Imperial warships make more than mere cameo appearances in the next game. They could still prove to be quite deadly if the Empire attached some beam laser cannons to them.

This is awesome, D-Unit! It’s a very interesting section.

I’ve got no grammar/Panzer problems for you to fix up. =)